Search Results for fb- wi- 1397- 0007
| Amphenol Socapex
zpět Série PS: Řešení pro napájecí zařízení. Výkonové měniče; Rozvodné jednotky napájení; Klíče USB a prodlužovače
Deep Space 38999 - Markets | Amphenol Aerospace
The Deep Space 38999 Connector series is designed for extreme cold environments. They are built to retain a grommet-to-wire and contact-to-contact seal in temperatures below -85 °F (-65 °C), with inserts that have been cycle tested between -319° F (-195 °C) to 392 °F (200 °C).
High Speed Contacts | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Products; High Speed & Fiber Optics; High Speed Contacts High Speed Contacts High Speed Contacts include Octonet Contacts, a 10G Ethernet-compliant size 8 contact in both crimp and PC tail versions; Quadrax Contacts; Oval Contact System (OCS) which is capable of delivering data transfer speeds of 10Gbps per pair; Split-Pair Quadrax, which can support speeds up to 6.5 Gbps per pair ...
FAQ - Amphenol Socapex
The « IP » defines the resistance of the product against solids (first number) and liquids (second number).
When mated, the Powersafe is defined as IP68.
FAQ - Amphenol Socapex
The « IP » defines the resistance of the product against solids (first number) and liquids (second number).
When mated, the Powersafe is defined as IP68.
Find out about us | Amphenol Socapex
back PS Series: Power Devices Solutions. Power Converters; Power Distribution Units; USB Keys & Extenders
R-VPX Evolution 2.0 VITA 46.30 Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Improving off original Vita 46 standards, Amphenol’s R-VPX Evolution 2.0 is the next generation of high-speed ruggedized backplane connectors. R-VPX Evolution 2.0 series connectors are designed and optimized to achieve data rates in excess of 25 Gb/s, meeting VITA 46.30 requirements.
FAQ | Amphenol Socapex
back PS Series: Power Devices Solutions. Power Converters; Power Distribution Units; USB Keys & Extenders
Password Recovery - SV Microwave
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Space Attenuators - SV Microwave
Features / Benefits: 1, 3, 6, and 10 dB attenuator values are available off the shelf; ½ dB increments from 0- 10 dB can be made to order; Higher vibration and shock level tolerances
| Amphenol Socapex
Elolvastam az adatvédelmi szabályzatot, és engedélyezem az Amphenol Socapex számára, hogy információkat küldjön nekem.
42031000 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
t6743-40k-e | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol ... 07d 973 703 e 42037400 3 vi 42126000 3b0 973 703 g 42033400 3 viii 42126100 1j0 973 704 42031000 4 i 42121400 6q0 973 704 a 42038800 4 ii 42126200 6x0 973 704 g 42033500 4 viii 42126300 1j0 973 705 42032900 5 i 42123000 2-reihig, 1,5 mm 4b0 973 712 42032400 4 i 42122000 4b0 973 712 a 42039400 ...
ZMA RF Series Technical Specifications | SV Microwave
Impedance (Ω) 50; Frequency GHz: 18 GHz, 12.4 GHz and 3 GHz; RF Leakage -(90-f GHz) dB min; Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 2500 VRMS; Mating Cycles
SMPM Male to Male Non-Magnetic Thread-In Adapter, FD - SV Microwave
The SMPM Male to Male Non-Magnetic Thread-In Adapter, FD 1132-4108 from the greatest leader in the RF/Microwave industry. Learn more here!
2M805 2M804 2M803 2M801 - Amphenol Aerospace
56 Contact Us: 800-678-0141 • www.amphenol-aerospace.comContact Us: 800-678-0141 • 2M805 Series of Hermetic Receptacles provide superior sealing of 1x10-8 cc/second helium leak rate and are 100% tested prior to shipping. This superior sealing is
NanoRF VITA 67.3 20 Port RF and 2 Port MT Fiber ... - SV Microwave
Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; Share on Pinterest; NanoRF VITA 67.3 20 Port RF and 2 Port MT Fiber Backplane Hybrid Module P/N: 9341-80006. There currently isn't any inventory available in distribution. Please contact us to obtain this product. Add to compare list. Email a friend. × ...
SMA Female Flange Mount Connector, 2 Hole, for .085 Cable
SV Microwave offers the SMA Female Flange Mount Connector, 2 Hole, for .085 Cable 2933-6001. It has superior mechanical and environmental specs!
Critical Care Medical Devices And sensors -
There's no denying the important relationship between medical devices and sensors. While accurate, robust, and responsive sensor technology matters in all levels of medicine, there’s arguably nowhere it’s more important than in patient critical care.
SMP Male PCB Thru-Hole Connector, R/A, FD - SV Microwave
SV engineers designed and developed the SMP Male PCB Thru-Hole Connector, R/A, FD. It has higher-ranking electrical and mechanical specifications.