Search Results for flat soft connector
Automotive – Page 6 – Amphenol Sensors
Skip to content . Solutions by Market. Automotive; Commercial Aerospace; Electrification (EV/HV)
High Performance Thermal Circuit Breaker 583-
4 - 62 Issue A High Performance Thermal Circuit Breaker 583-... 4 Ordering information for approved devices Type No. 583 three pole, with temperature compensation Mounting G threadneck panel mounting Threadneck design 1 M12x1x6.4x8.8 dia. with mounting plate (aux. contact version) 2 15/32-32UNx6.4x7.8 dia. (only without aux. contact) 3 MJ12x1x6.4x8.8 dia. (only without aux. contact)
Sensors for Research & Development - Amphenol Sensors
Custom design, cable or connector interface; Durable and robust package; Stable performance in harsh environmental condition; Dismiss ad Dismiss ad. This will close in 0 seconds. modal-check. Automotive - After-Treatment. After-Treatment Applications
Magnetic and Hydraulic-Magnetic Circuit Breaker 8345-
3 - 28 Issue A Magnetic and Hydraulic-Magnetic Circuit Breaker 8345-... 3 Type number X8345 Module S auxiliary contact module Auxiliary contacts 01 in all poles 02 in pole 1 only 03 in poles 1+ 3 only 04 in pole 2 only Auxiliary contact version H auxiliary contacts standard, gold-flushed (asymmetrical terminals not for UL 489)
Magnetic and Hydraulic-Magnetic Circuit Breaker 8345-
3 - 28 Issue A Magnetic and Hydraulic-Magnetic Circuit Breaker 8345-... 3 Type number X8345 Module S auxiliary contact module Auxiliary contacts 01 in all poles 02 in pole 1 only 03 in poles 1+ 3 only 04 in pole 2 only Auxiliary contact version H auxiliary contacts standard, gold-flushed (asymmetrical terminals not for UL 489)
SSI Technologies LLC – Page 2 – Amphenol Sensors
Custom design, cable or connector interface; Durable and robust package; Stable performance in harsh environmental condition; Dismiss ad Dismiss ad. This will close in 0 seconds. modal-check. Automotive - After-Treatment. After-Treatment Applications
Magnetic and Hydraulic-Magnetic Circuit Breaker 8345-
3 - 28 Issue A Magnetic and Hydraulic-Magnetic Circuit Breaker 8345-... 3 Type number X8345 Module S auxiliary contact module Auxiliary contacts 01 in all poles 02 in pole 1 only 03 in poles 1+ 3 only 04 in pole 2 only Auxiliary contact version H auxiliary contacts standard, gold-flushed (asymmetrical terminals not for UL 489)
AMPHENOL CORPORATION 2020 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 4 About Amphenol Amphenol’s products Enable the Electronics Revolution across a diverse array of end markets.
二芯2代弯头组装式连接器安装说明 The Assembly Manual For PowerLok 10mm G2 2POS 90D ...
G2 Connector PL282(X)-30(X)-XX-2-5 二芯2代弯头组装式连接器安装说明 The Assembly Manual For PowerLok 10mm G2 ... ⑬ M6平垫圈 M6 flat washer ×1 ⑭ M6弹簧垫圈 M6 spring washer ×1 ⑮ M6×18螺丝 M6×18 Screw ×1 Coil spring ×2 ④内铜环Inside Copper ring ×2
PL283X-301-XX-2-2A2 G2 3POS 90D Plug Connector Assembly manual - Amphenol
G2 Connector PL283(X)-30(X)-XX-2-2A2 Document No: 8P1278 Rev.00 PL283X-301-XX-2-2A2 二代三芯弯头连接器安装说明 PL283X-301-XX-2-2A2 G2 3POS 90D Plug Connector Assembly manual 本文件中图例仅供参考,具体颜色与大小以实物为准。 The figure in this document is for reference only.
二芯2代弯头组装式连接器安装说明 The Assembly Manual For 2POS PowerLok G2 90D Plug ...
G2 Connector PL282(X)-30(X)-XX-2-5 二芯2代弯头组装式连接器安装说明 The Assembly Manual ... ⑬ M6平垫圈 M6 flat washer ×1 ⑭ M6弹簧垫圈 M6 spring washer ×1 ⑮ M6×18螺丝 M6×18 Screw ×1 Coil spring ×2 ④内铜环Inside Copper ring ×2
三芯2代弯头组装式连接器安装说明 The Assembly manual For 3POS PowerLok G2 90D Plug ...
⑬ M6平垫圈 M6 flat washer ×2 ⑭ M6弹簧垫圈 M6 spring washer ×2 ⑮ M6×18螺丝 M6×18 Screw ×2 ②螺旋弹簧Coil spring ×3 Inside Copper ring ×3 ⑥密封圈Sealing ×3 三芯2代弯头组装式连接器安装说明 The Assembly manual for 3POS PowerLok G2 90D Plug Connector Rev.06 20221115 Document No: 8P1093 01-10
IEC normiert LWL-Steckverbinderfamilie URM | Amphenol Precision Optics
Die EUROMICRON Werkzeuge GmbH, ein Unternehmen der euromicron Gruppe, hat die LWL-Steckverbinder des Typs URM (yoU aRe Modular) erfolgreich durch den Normierungsprozess der International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) gebracht. URM ist ein Mehrfaserstecker-System im Small-Form-Factor-Design, das speziell für High-Density-Anwendungen in Rechenzentren konzipiert wurde.
二芯2代弯头组装式连接器安装说明 The Assembly Manual For 2POS PowerLok G2 90D Plug ...
G2 Connector PL282(X)-30(X)-XX-2-5 二芯2代弯头组装式连接器安装说明 The Assembly Manual ... ⑬ M6平垫圈 M6 flat washer ×1 ⑭ M6弹簧垫圈 M6 spring washer ×1 ⑮ M6×18螺丝 M6×18 Screw ×1 Coil spring ×2 ④内铜环Inside Copper ring ×2
t812 idc | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
t812 idc | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol Mini Cool Edge 0.60mm Connectors | GenZ, EDSFF, OCP NIC 3.0, SFF-TA ... Mini Cool Edge is a 0.60mm high density, high-speed card edge connector for new generation small form factor system. Mini Cool Edge 0.60mm meets SFF TA-1002, Gen Z, EDSFF and OCP NIC 3.0 specifications.
Rückblick: EUROMICRON auf der CWIEME 2019 | Amphenol Precision Optics
Vom 21. bis 23. Mai fand in Berlin die weltweit größte Messe für Hersteller von Elektromotoren und Transformatoren statt – die Coilwinding- Expo, kurz CWIEME. Die Messe ist seit 24 Jahren der Branchentreffpunkt für Hersteller von Elektromotoren, Generatoren, Transformatoren und Elektrofahrzeugen.
Von 24. bis 27. Juni fand die LASER World of PHOTONICS2019, Weltleitmesse der Photonik, in München statt. Top-Themen wie die Elektromobilität und Nachhaltigkeit standen ebenso im Messefokus wie neue Methoden in der Medizin, die durch moderne Biophotonik ermöglicht werden.
PL18X-201-50-G46 单芯50mm2直头插头组装规范 PL18X-201-50-G46 1 POS 50mm2 180D Plug ...
Trim it flat as shown in the figure. Then press the outer metal gasket on the inner metal gasket as shown in the figure. ⑤ 注意此处长度保持不变 ... connectors to assist users in identifying the correct product for the system to which the connectors may be applied. Specifications are
リバースバヨネットロック 高耐久コネクタ
3 インサート 配列 サービス レーティング コンタクト 数 コンタクトサイズ 0 4 8 1216 Coax 10SL-3 A 3 3 10SL-4† A 2 2 14S-2 Inst. 4 4
News - Amphenol Automotive
8mm 90° SMARTSOK® – 1S | High Power Connector Ein abgedichtetes, kleines und einfaches Design, mit einem Stecker anstelle einer Schraublösung. Der Stecker ist mit unserem einzigartigen 8mm RADSOK® Kontaktsystem ausgestattet. Er bietet eine hohe Übertragung und Leistung,...