Search Results for fs24x-911-21
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Industries. Space High performance from Earth to orbit; Cryogenic Increasing density and decreasing thermal noise; 5G Communication High frequency for ever-increasing network traffic; Mil/Aerospace Using Advanced Disruptive Principles to Ensure Future Success; Products. Attenuators. Reducing input power while maintaining signal integrity
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8-Port Antenna
Cross Polar Ratio - Main Direction (0°) dB > 18.7 > 21.8 > 20.0 > 16.1 Maximum Effective Power Per Port Watts 250 W Inter/Intra Band Isolation dB > 25 Standard values based on NGMN-P-BASTA version 9.6 recommendation.
Protimeter GrainMaster i2 Intergrated moisture and temperature measurement
The Protimeter Grainmaster i2 is supplied in a pouch with grinder compressor unit, grain cup, sample spoon, brush and ‘Quickcheck’. With following crop
308010 1/0 266 150 4 259 220 2.21 3646 211 308020 2/0 342 150 3 259 235 2.34 4161 243 308030 3/0 418 150 2 259 250 2.49 4912 279 308040 4/0 532 150 1 259 250 2.63 5561 321 308250 250 627 150 1/0 266 250 2.75 6445 355 308350 350 888 150 2/0 342 280 3.05 8106 435 308500 500 1221 150 4/0 532 295 3.39 10590 536 5,000 volts part no.
JGS JGSE Packages Rev A -
15.75 0.620 10.80 0.425 0.425 10.80 0.500 12.70 0.020 0.51 0.100 2.54 0.100 2.54 2.73 0.108 0.083 2.11 2.24 0.088 1.68 0.066 0.045 1.14 0.085 2.16 0.100 2.54 0.200 5.08 Port B
Table of Contents - Amphenol CS
3.11 Power Options..... 21 4.0 PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT INFORMATION..... 22 4.1 Board Thickness ..... 22 4.2 Connector to Connector Spacing ...
EU Declaration of Conformity -
EU Declaration of Conformity Manufacturer: Amphenol Procom Address: Smedetoften 12, DK-3600 Frederikssund, Denmark Product description: Miniature Receiver Multicoupler for the VHF and low UHF bands with extended frequency range Product name/Type no: HPRS-W-4-N(f) We declare under our sole responsibility that the above mentioned products, to which this declaration
Amphenol AAO/ACAD
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a release to mfg. 06-dec-21 16043 kr b 11033 95-902-568-xxx a 95-902-568-xxx size 95-902-568-xxx rev amphenol rf karthik 08-nov-21 see notes material sheet no. 2 of scale: 3.3:1.0 sma str bhd jack ip 67 to amc ra plug using rg 178 cable various length title <0.5mm = #0.05mm [<0.020 = #0.002]
696-960 MHz - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
696-960 MHz CX045X13x00 Single Band | Panel Antenna | X-Pol | 45° | 15.1 dBi | Variable Tilt Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical, peak or range values only and may vary as a result of normal testing, manufacturing and operational conditions.
- dcn 40314 01/14 stw svk jack to plug dc-32.0 ghz attenuator checked: approved: drawn: stw 12/10/13 stw 12/10/13 jmc 12/09/13 rohs compliant disengagement: 2 in-lbs
Data Tables Thermo-Trex® 500-K Cable Multi-Conductor Cable - TPC Wire
Conductor Number Color Tracer 1 Black - 2 White - 3 Red - 4 Green - 5 Orange - 6 Blue - 7 White Black 8 Red Black 9 Green Black 10 Orange Black 11 Blue Black 12 Black White
L&D Program-Amphenol Assembletech
M14、M15、M19 Cable. NMEA2000 (M12) Cable. Test Fixture
ZTP-135H Thermopile IR Sensor -
65 19.70 20.47 21.25 70 16.48 17.14 17.81 75 13.83 14.40 14.98 80 11.66 12.15 12.65 85 9.867 10.29 10.72 90 8.380 8.745 9.118 95 7.143 7.460 7.785 100 6.111 6.388 6.670 Thermistor Resistance (R-T Table) Sensitivity Field of View Filter Transmission Data Parameter Limits Units Condition Min Typ Max Field of View
ABS Coaxial Cable Product Type: T10750MS / 109 MESS
ABS Coaxial Cable Product Type: T10750MS / 109 MESS Document: t10750ms-109 mess_1.8ghz17 Revision: 11.2.2017 Page: 2 of 2 uncontrolled copy
RADIAFLEX Installation Instruction -
Radio Frequency Systems • Page 2 of 4 United States +1-800-321-4700 • Germany +49-511-676-55-0 Australia +61-3-9751-8400 • Brazil +55-11-4785-2433 • China + 86-21-3773-8888
E-Series Model EP2 Analog (Current) Output Sensor
4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, and 60 in. Contact factory for custom stroke lengths. update Frequency: > 1.5 kHz ELECTRONiCS Operating voltage: +24 Vdc nominal: -15% or +20% Polarity protection: up to -30 Vdc Overvoltage protection: up to 36 Vdc Current drain: 50 - 140 mA (Stroke length dependent) Dielectric withstand voltage ...
Owego - Amphenol Aerospace
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