Search Results for gen3g-ipc-200
UltraPass OverPass Assemblies | High Speed Input Output - Amphenol CS
Alternatively, contact one of our authorized distributors from the listing here. 224G CONNECTION DIRECTLY FROM CHIP SITE TO EXTERNAL PORTS. UltraPass™ enables arrayed connector layouts for near-chip and on-package IO solutions, providing the highest differential pair count interconnect offering in the market. Beginning of dialog window.
Cross Reference Products | Part Number Search | Amphenol CS
To Search Multiple Parts at once, copy/paste or type one part number per line. Example: Part number 1 Part number 2 Part number 3. Amphenol CS does not guarantee the suitability of the referenced product for the intended application. It is recommended to review drawings/specifications and/or samples before placing orders.
Smarteq Antennas - PCTEL
Smarteq brand antennas provide solutions for smart metering, luxury vehicles, electric vehicle charging stations, industrial factory process automation, heavy construction and off-road vehicles. Our products are well-known to have a robust design and high reliability.
Dual-Feed 200A 4/5 TPA/GMT Fuse Alarm Panel -
Telect’s dual 200A fuse alarm panel provides power protection for avariety of telecommunications equipment. Panel includes 8 TPA output fuse holders (4 per side) and 10 GMT fuse holders (5 per side). Sides A and B are electrically independent except for the replaceable alarm card, which contains power and alarm LEDs for both feeds.
Cable Components LGP -
Multiple lightning strike capability. Maintenance free operation. Available with 7/16 DIN-female or N-female connectors. Integrated High-Pass - characteristic. Very low insertion loss - typical < 0.2. No DC-short from station to ground. Sturdy 6 mm bolt/thread for grounding when not grounded via mast. Mounted on 5 mm stainless steel plate. Max.
698-960 / 698-960 / 1695-2690 / 1695-2690 / 1695-2690 MHz
Wind Speed Operational: 160 km/hr Survival: 200 km/h Wind Load at 150 km/h Frontal: 790 N Lateral: 555 N Rear: 920 N Mounting Kit Options Part Number Weight All mounting bracket kits are ordered separately unless otherwise indicated. Brackets for pole Ø48 to Ø115 mm (delivered as standard) 0900181/00 3.4 kg
8-Port Antenna
Multi-Device Control Unit (MDCU). The MCDU is an electronic module that allows the remote control of the electrical downtilt (RET) in Amphenol antennas with factory embedded motors. The MDCU is factory installed. Refer to the ORDERING OPTIONS for availability with this model. Multi-Device Dual Unit (MDDU).
Argofet 200-3 Three Battery, 200A Isolator - Gemeco
Low loss FET based battery isolator for three inputs and one output, 200 Amp max rating. Like diode battery isolators, FET isolators allow simultaneous charging of two or more batteries from one alternator without connecting the batteries together.
ORDERING OPTIONS - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Maximum Effective Power Per Port Watts 200 Inter/Intra Band Isolation dB > 25 Standard values based on NGMN-P-BASTA version 9.6 recommendation. 2683 mm 12-Port Antenna 698-960 | 698-960 | 1695-2690 | 1695-2690 | 1695-2690 | 1695-2690 MHz 6-Band, 12-Port, 65°, XPOL, Panel Antenna, Variable Tilt, 2683 mm 5980300 5980300G 5980300Dx
Fiberglass Base Station Omnidirectional Antennas - PCTEL
These base-matched, half wave antennas are encapsulated in heavy-duty fiberglass radomes with a thick-walled aluminum mounting base for reliable long term use. Questions? We can help you find the right antenna for your application.
and multiple sizes (200 signals to 296 signals) utilizing a 100-Ohm differential matched impedance design allows for optimal design flexibility while yielding less than 1%
Technical Support - Amphenol TPI (ATPI) - Amphenol Technical Products ...
Contact us for technical support or find 2D/3D CAD, instructions, crimp tool recommendations, temperature rise, derating, and more in our downloads.
6878308G -
Maximum Wind Speed 200 km/h Wind Loads (at 150 km/h) Frontal 695 N (156.2 lbf) Rear 780 N (175.3 lbf) Lateral 360 N (80.9 lbf) MOUNTING KIT OPTIONS POLE DIAMETER MECHANICAL TILT All mounting bracket kits are ordered separately unless otherwise indicated. Mounting Bracket Kit (Included) Ø50-Ø125 mm 0-12° PACKAGING Carton Box 2.197 x 0.472 x 0 ...
200 W 3 dB Coupler (90° Hybrid) -
Hybrid Coupler with 3 dB coupling covering the 140 - 180 MHz band. Excellent high-power performance. If working as combiner max. input power 100 W per port into max. two ports of the four ports. If working as splitter 200 W into max. one port. Very low insertion loss over the entire frequency range.
Octonet Contact with Embedded 1G/10G Base -T Transformers
can disrupt XMCs, PMCs, and other electronic components. Perfect for 1G, 2.5G, 5G, and 10G Base-T applications, each contact fully meets the isolation, insertion l. tact: Designed for Quadrax-keyed MIL-DTL-38999 cavit.
Antennas | WiFi, Bluetooth, Cellular, GPS, & More | PCTEL
PCTEL offers a variety of antennas to solve complex challenges. Learn about WiFi, Bluetooth, LMR, LTE450, TETRA, GNSS, GPS, cellular, ISM, LoRa and more.
Maximum Power (Per Port) 200 W 160 W 160 W Intermodulation 3rd Order for 2x20W Carriers < -110 dBm < -110 dBm < -110 dBm Electrical Downtilt Control Electrical downtilt for each band can be controlled separately. Tilt indicator(s) are covered by removable transparent cap(s). Manual Electrical Tilt (MET) Control
Output Impedance ≤ 200 Ohm ≤ 200 Ohm Output Bias Voltage 9 to 16 VDC 9 to 16 VDC Discharge Time Constant 0.24 to 1.0 sec 0.24 to 1.0 sec Settling Time(within 10% of bias) < 3 sec < 3 sec Spectral Noise(1 Hz) 1,200 µg/√Hz 11,772 (µm/sec2)/√Hz [1]
elf-leveling and self-centering. Utilizing a 100Ω differential matched impedance design allows for optimal design flexibility while yielding less than 1% cros.
Amphenol's Solutions for OCP Rack and Power
To support these efforts, Amphenol provides a diverse range of plug-and-play OCP-compliant power interconnects that can be configured and customized, with current ratings ranging from 50A to 1000A. Some of our rack and power solutions include OCP 48V BarKlip ®, OCP ORv3 AC Input Connector and Cable Assemblies. Busbar I/O Connector Portfolio: