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Micro-Miniature Connectors | Products - Amphenol Aerospace
Micro-Miniature Circular Connectors with Immense Capabilities. Our 2M portfolio features a full range of micro-miniature solutions for power and signal needs including our 2M Micro 38999 product line, the Bantam Micro-Bayonet series, the Multi-Media Ruggedized (MRC) connectors, the 2M Space Saver right-angle EMI/RFI low-profile plug and backshell combination, the Warrior Grip Series designed ...
rnj-27 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
fm2-nzsj-c30w0 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol rnj-27 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol fm2-nzsj-c30w0 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol Description RF Connector AUTOMATE Type A Mini-FAKRA Quad Port Straight Crimp Jack TFC-302LL Dacar 302 RTK 031 50 Ohm Z Code.
21-33830-31 (PIN) 21-33831-31 (SOCKET) Contact, Pin and Socket ...
21-33830-31 (PIN) 21-33831-31 (SOCKET) Contact, Pin and Socket, Differential Twinax, Type C130 High Speed Connector, Special Installation Instructions
EU RoHS II CoC - Amphenol Aerospace
(8 5r+6 ,, &huwlilfdwh ri &rqirupdqfh 6hswhpehu 'hdu &xvwrphu ,q uhvsrqvh wr \rxu frpsoldqfh vwdwxv lqtxlu\ uhjduglqj wkh iroorzlqj surgxfw $pskhqro $hurvsdfh
6800400ENQv - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Over all Tilts dBi 15.8 ± 0.4 16.8 ± 0.6 degrees Elevation Beamwidth 70.0° ± 4.5° 65.0° ± 5.0° degrees Electrical Downtilt 9.0° ± 0.7° 7.2° ± 0.6° degrees 0°-10° Impedance Ohms 50 VSWR --- < 1.5 Passive Intermodulation 3rd Order for 2 x 20W Carriers dBc < -153 Front-to-Back Ratio, Total Power, ±30° Upper Sidelobe
Joe Ryder fflce 1 6 6-1 oile • Email ryderamphenol-aaocom amphenol-aerospacecom Durmalon combines the unique lubrication and anti-wetting properties of PTFE with corrosion resistance, high conductivity,
LTE 4G/5G Antennas 424x.06-875-Tx - AMPHENOL PROCOM
6 dBd (8.2 dBi) ROE: 1.5:1: Intermodulación Pasiva-153 dBc (3rd Order, 2 x Tx @ 43 dBm) Protección Contra Rayos: Lightning current handling capability : 200 kA According to EN 62305-1 (Test pulse 10/350 μs) Protección Antiestática: Todas las piezas metálicas con conexión a tierra DC (el conector muestra un cortocircuito DC)
Centaur High Bandwidth 38999 Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
In order to meet the demand for 38999-style connectors capable of high bandwidth data transmission, Amphenol's Centaur interconnect utilizes the advantages of our extensive legacy of Mil-Spec connectors and the latest in high-speed contact and connector technology.
3G SDI Standalone Media Converters - Amphenol-Aerospace
Amphenol’s 3G SDI Standalone Converter is a Rugged multi-channel fiber to copper fiber optic media converter. This standalone media converter has 3 channels and converts SDI fiber signals to 75ohm 3G/HD/SD-SDI rugged BNC connectors.
AP-93 1000 Hour Salt Spray REACH/RoHS Compliant Plating
AP-93 is a conductive REACH/RoHS compliant finish that outperforms Cadmium. AP-93 exceeds Olive-Drab Cadmium plating (Class W) by meeting 1000 hours of dynamic salt spray, 500 mating cycles, and meets the millivolt drop shell-to-shell conductivity of nickel (Class F).
High Power Matrix 38999 Connector | HCP (High Current Pin) Contacts ...
A hybrid of the High Power Matrix 5015 series and D38999 military connector, Amphenol's High Power Matrix 38999 connector uses mil-spec qualified inserts from the Matrix 5015 and combines them with the mechanical interface of the D38999 to bring you the best of both worlds.
EU RoHS II Certificate of Conformance - Amphenol Aerospace
EU RoHS II Certificate of Conformance April 10, 2018 Dear Customer, In response to your compliance status inquiry regarding the following product, Amphenol Aerospace Operations (AAO)
SIME0412PN - Amphenol Air LB
1119 splices for Aero. 1119 splices for crimped contacts; 1119 splices with inserted components; 1119 splices for Rail; 1200 - ABS1569 modules; 1777 modules. 1777 modules for crimped contacts; 1777 with PCB contacts; 1777 component carrier modules ; 1777 accessories; Rectangular connectors. SIM - EN4165 monomodule connectors. SIM - EN4165 ...
21-33387-61 (PIN) 21-33388-61 (SOCKET) Contact, Pin and Socket ...
21-33387-61 (PIN) 21-33388-61 (SOCKET) Contact, Pin and Socket, Differential Twinax, Type M38999 Series I & III Special, Size 8 Installation Instructions
Amphenol AMAO Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
Amphenol AMAO Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering 40-60 Delaware Ave, Sidney NY 13838 Amphenol Military-Aerospace Operations (AMAO)
Technical features -
ORDERING INFORMATION Order No. Configuration Mounting Hardware Mounting pipe Diameter Shipping Weight APXVBBL26H_43-C-I20 Internal RET(ACU-I20-H12I) APM50-HS 50-125mm 47.5 Kg
Amphenol AAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
Amphenol AAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering 40-60 Delaware Ave, Sidney NY 13838 Amphenol Aerospace Operations (AAO) and Commercial Air Division (ACAD)
Hermetically Sealed Connectors | Markets | Amphenol Aerospace
Hermetically Sealed Connectors ranging from D38999 to micro-miniature utilizing glass-sealed and epoxy-seal hermetic technology for extreme environments
Amphenol AAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering
Amphenol AAO/ACAD Product Compliance - Environmental Engineering 40-60 Delaware Ave, Sidney NY 13838 Amphenol Aerospace Operations (AAO) and Commercial Air Division (ACAD)
Features - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Gain MAX dBi 13.5 14.0 14.0 Azimuth Beamwidth (3 dB) degrees 65° 70° 75° Elevation Beamwidth (3 dB) degrees 18° 16° 14° Electrical Downtilt degrees (y) 0°, 2°, 4°, 6° Impedance Ohms 50Ω VSWR --- ≤ 1.5:1 Front-to-Back Ratio dB > 25 Passive Intermodulation 3rd Order for 2x20 W Carriers dBc < -153 Maximum Power Per Port Watts (4x) 300 W