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Amphenol Corporation - Investor Relations
Delivering Strong Performance. The electronics revolution continues to create exciting, long-term growth opportunities for Amphenol. We remain global leaders in developing new applications to drive demand for our broad range of high-technology products across all of our diversified end markets.
Distributors | Support | Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Aerospace's Distributors. Phone : +420-493-766-111 Fax : +420-493-721-107 Podlevínská 518 507 91 Stará Paka
Backshells Archives - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Strain relief, environmental protection and EMI/RFI shielding at the termination area of any connector. Support most applications with a full line of Military (MIL) specification, commercial, and custom solutions options.
RF Connectors - SV Microwave
With over 50 years of manufacturing experience in RF connectors, SV delivers unparalleled experience. Explore our extensive range of RF connectors.
Assembly Instructions - Document Library - Amphenol RF
Back; N-Type Adapters; N-Type to 1.0-2.3 Adapters; N-Type to 2.2-5 Adapters; N-Type to 4.1-9.5 Adapters; N-Type to 4.3-10 Adapters; N-Type to 7-16 Adapters
About Us - SV Microwave
SV Microwave is a world leader in the RF/Microwave industry with over 50 years of proven performance. We design and manufacture RF/Microwave coaxial connectors, cable assemblies and passive components designed for military, IoT, 5G, satellite, high speed, aerospace, commercial and telecommunications applications. - Amphenol Aerospace
0 This booklet is intended to be used as a ready reference to typ-ical standard, miniature and subminiature cylindrical connector part numbers and terminology.
ARINC 801 Fiber Optic Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Uses precision ARINC 801 fiber optic termini (typical multi-mode insertion loss is less than 0.15 dB). Removable alignment sleeve insert for easy cleaning of fiber optic termini.
About Us. 암페놀-대신전자정밀(주)는 Amphenol Corporation의 한국 법인으로, 산업용, 군수용, 이동 통신 및 철도 차량용 커넥터를 주력 제품으로 생산하고 국내 시장 뿐만 아니라 수출 및 해외 암페놀 법인의 제품을 한국 시장에도 공급하는 공식 자회사입니다.
Innovative Interconnects - Amphenol Ltd
About us We are Amphenol LTD. Founded in 1963, Amphenol LTD quickly made a name for itself in the historic town of Whitstable, Kent. As a local base with global reach, we became known for our strong sense of teamwork and our innovative products and systems.
387TV Series - size 7 connector - 38999 Series - Amphenol Socapex
The 387TV Series is a micro-miniature connector size 7 that offers high-speed data transmission in a small package. The 387TV Series connector is an excellent choice for applications that require high-speed data transmission in a compact and lightweight design.
2M Hermetic Micro-Miniature Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol 2M Hermetic micro-miniature connectors offer a superior hermetic seal while offering the same durability of MIL-DTL-38999 connectors but with less than half the size and weight.
High Power 5015 Connectors with Advanced Contacts
High Temperature Capability: For use in high temperature (200 C+) applications, the Temper-grip socket has been tested to maintain current capability in high-temperature situations where standard mil-spec socket contacts can begin to relax.
Businesses - Amphenol
Each of our Amphenol businesses partners with its customers across different market segments and regions to connect our world through leading-edge innovation.
Rugged USB Type C | Input Output Connectors | Amphenol
Amphenol's MUSBR series USB Type C Connectors serve many markets and applications across the globe including Automotive, Communications, Consumer, Data, Industrial and Medical.
Amphenol MIL-DTL-26500, Pyle - Amphenol Aerospace
Contact Amphenol Aerospace for more information at 800-678-0141 • 395 Amphenol MIL-DTL-26500, Pyle ® MIL-DTL-26500, Pyle ® Typical Markets: • Military & Commercial Aviation
2M801 - 2M Micro Miniature - Amphenol Socapex
The Amphenol Socapex connector 2M Micro Miniature 2M801 is a highly versatile circular connector that offers a range of features and benefits. With its heavy dual-start ACME miniature threads coupling, it can be easily and quickly mated with just a 1 1/2 turn of the coupling nut. It also has 10 shell sizes available, ranging from 05 to 21, and over 40 contacts arrangements, with contacts sizes ...
Amphenol® /Matrix® MIL-C-26482, Series 2 Connectors
Amphenol® /Matrix® MIL-C-26482, Series 2 Connectors 12-071-2 Amphenol For Military and Industrial Interconnection Applications Bayonet Coupling, with Crimp Rear Release Contacts
M28840|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
mil-dtl-28840適合の護衛艦や潜水艦などの船舶向けコネクタです。#20コンタクト(7.5a 以下)を使った最大155芯の高密度なインサート配列、ならびに優れた耐衝撃性能を特長としており、極めて要求度の高い耐環境試験をクリアしています。
Home - Amphenol Canada
Home - Amphenol Canada