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Data Sheet - Temposonics
offers modular construction, flexible mounting co. figurations and easy installation. Position measurement is contactless via two versions of p. ressure-resistant stainless steel flange and sensing rod is suitable for use in hydraulic cylinders and externally .
Ground Plane Antennas GP 450 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
GP 450/... is a ground-plane antenna of the triple-leg type. The antenna is delivered in two models tunable over the ranges 380…430 MHz (l) and 420…470 MHz (h), respectively, by adjusting the length of the radiator.
Ground Plane Antennas GP 40 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
GP 40 is a glass fibre ground-plane antenna of the triple-leg type. The antenna is tunable (by cutting) within: 40…70 MHz. The cutting diagrams below indicate the length of the radiator and the radials corresponding to a specific frequency.
GP 40 -
GP 40 is a glass fibre ground-plane antenna of the triple-leg type. The antenna is tunable (by cutting) within: 40...70 MHz. The cutting diagrams below indicate the length of the radiator and the radials corresponding to a specific frequency. It is recommended to use the curves as a guide and fine-tune using an VSWR-meter.
Ground Plane Antennas GP 160 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
GP 160 is a glass fibre ground-plane antenna of the triple-leg type. The antenna is tunable (by cutting) within its main frequency band: 145 - 175 MHz, but is further applicable up to 400 MHz. The cutting diagrams below indicate the length of the radiator and the radials corresponding to a specific frequency.
About Us - Amphenol MAO
With 22 divisions in North America, Europe, and Asia, we can provide a local, regional presence to design and build any interconnect solution.
GP-IE515546DS-000.3 | Premium GPIB Cable | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Cable Assemblies. Contact us today for more details of Premium GPIB Cable, Part Number GP-IE515546DS-000.3.
Internal Log-In - Temposonics
G-Series GP (ATEX) L-Series Position Sensors L-Series LD ; L-Series LH; Position Sensors for Hazardous Areas T-Series TH; G-Series GTE; E-Series ET; HPH Housing; G-Series GH (ATEX) G-Series GP (ATEX) Accessories for Industrial Position Sensors Accessories Catalog; RS Housing for Temposonics® R-Series ...
¼ λ Glass fibre Ground-Plane Antenna for the 160 MHz Band GP10
¼ λ Glass fibre Ground-Plane Antenna for the 160 MHz Band GP10. DESCRIPTION. GP 160 is a glass fibre ground-plane antenna of the triple-leg type. The antenna is tunable (by cutting) within its main frequency band: 145 - 175 MHz, but is further applicable up to 400 MHz.
Datenblatt G-Serie Analog oder Start/Stopp G-Serie Analog oder Start ...
sonics® GP ist der ideale Sensor für den Maschinenbau. Das stabile Profil kann bedarfsgerecht eingebaut und mit verschiedenen Positionsma. n Luftspalt lassen sich Fluchtungsfeh. Einsatz in der Fabrikautomatisation konzipiert, wird in der Fluidt. chnik zur Hubmessung im Zylinder.
Ground Plane Antennas GP 80 -
The antenna comprises a brass GP-head, one glassfiber radiator and three glass fibre radials. GP 80 is made of first-class materials and will endure “wear and tear” for years – no maintenance required. LW-SS-1" mounting bracket and GP Adapor is available as accessories.
Ground Plane Antennas GP 80/160 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
The antenna comprises a brass GP-head, two glass fibre radiators and six glassfiber radials. GP 80/160 is made of first-class materials and will endure “wear and tear” for years – no maintenance required. LW-SS-1" mounting bracket and GP Adapor is available as accessories.
¼ λ Glass fibre Ground-Plane Antenna for the 80 MHz and 160 MHz Bands GP ...
GP 80/160 is a dual-band glass fibre ground-plane antenna of the triple-leg type. The antenna is tunable (by cutting) within its main frequency bands: 66…88 MHz/145…175 MHz.
¼ λ Glass fibre Ground-Plane Antenna for the 80 MHz Band
GP 80 is a glass fibre ground-plane antenna of the triple-leg type. The antenna is tunable (by cutting) within its main frequency band: 66...88 MHz but is further applicable up to 150 MHz. The cutting diagrams on the diagrams tab indicate the length of the radiator and the radials corresponding to a specific frequency.
Marine Antennas GP 160 5/8 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
GP 160 5/8 is a 1 dBd, vertically polarised omnidirectional base station and marine antenna. The antenna is delivered adjusted to 145 MHz unless otherwise specified. It may, however, be delivered preadjusted for the maritime VHF band provided this is stated on the purchase order.
SB 2/...-GP 300 -
Rugged, flexible steel-band antenna whip. Curved sectional area to help keeping the antenna erect. Full-size 1⁄4 λ whip. Provided with toggle joint and wing screw for easy fold-down. Delivered factory tuned and tested to ensure minimum VSWR and optimum performance. Max. Input Power.
Ground Plane Antennas GP 27 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
GP 27 is a glass fibre ground-plane antenna of the triple-leg type. The antenna is delivered factory-tuned to 27 MHz – further adjustment is not necessary for this band. Tunable (by cutting) to frequencies within the range: 27…45 MHz.
Handportable Antennas HX 2/...-GP 300 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Flexible, conical steel helix moulded in flexible thermoplastic rubber. Reduced-size ¼ λ helical antenna whip. Optimum performance compared to physical dimensions. Delivered factory tuned and tested to ensure minimum VSWR. Max. Input Power.
FLX 70/...-GP 300
Flexible Antenna for Portable Equipment in the 70 cm Band. Flexible antenna made of steel wire covered with silicone tube. Full-size ¼ λ whip. Highest quality materials. Delivered factory tuned and tested to ensure minimum VSWR. Max. Input Power.
Antenas de plano de tierra GP 450 -
GP 450/... comprises a GP-head, one radiator and threeradials – all made of chromed brass. GP 450/... is made of first-class materials and will endure “wear and tear” for years – no maintenance required. LW-SS-1" mounting bracket and GP Adapor is available as accessories.