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RF Coaxial Connectors, Adapters and Cable Assemblies | Amphenol RF
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RNJ - Flangia ridotta - Serie 38999 | Amphenol Socapex
Il connettore Amphenol Socapex RNJ con flangia ridotta è un connettore per rack e pannelli progettato per l'uso in ambienti difficili. È caratterizzato da un design leggero e compatto, che lo rende ideale per le applicazioni di risparmio di spazio.
TechSupport - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
TechSupport - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Defense | Markets - Amphenol
AFSI’s line of 109 series hermaphroditic connectors offers the ultimate in flexibility and is a direct replacement for the TAC4. The 109 connector line meets or exceeds the pertinent requirements of SMPTE standard 358M on harsh environment multi-channel fiber optic connectors suitable for deployment in demanding outdoor broadcast applications, including HDTV signal transmission.
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an - PCB
Year of construction II 3G ExnLllCT4 LCIE 08 ATEX 6002 X Ui :5 30V, Ii :5 100 mA, Pi 1 W, Ci = 0, Li = 28 pH (1) Ui 5 30V, Ii 5 100 mA, Pi!5 1 W, Ci = 61 nF, Li = 333 pH (2) (1)Model EX649A0x (2)Models EX649A1x, EX649A6x L'appareil dolt egalement comporter le marquage The equipment shall also bear the usual marking required by
APXVAR18_43-C-NA20 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Model has been discontinued, but stock is available. 4-Ports, X-Pol, Panel Antenna, 1.726m, 1x 617-746/ 1x 1695-2200 MHz, 65deg, Integrated RET
TFOCA-II 4 Channel Connector - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
TFOCA-II 4 Channel Connector - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
Model 350B44 ICP® Triaxial shock accelerometer, 1.0 mV/g, 5k g ... - PCB
not harm the material of construction. Observe caution when using liquids near devices that are not hermetically sealed. Such devices should only be wiped with a dampened cloth—never saturated or submerged. In the event that equipment becomes damaged or ceases to operate, our Application Engineers are here to support
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6888370-3 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
(3x) Penta Band, 30-Port, Tri-Sector Antenna, 65°, 698-788 | 880-960 | 1695-2180 | 1695-2690 | 2490-2690 MHz, 2325 mm
Defense | Markets | Amphenol
Amphenol-BSI 100G VPX Backplane is based on the OpenVPX65 BKP3-CEN08-15.2.16-n profile. We have used our experience from 30 years developing 100G backplane systems to the IT/Datacom market.
Validation Accessories
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Cable Assemblies | Products | Amphenol
These cable assemblies have been designed to fit into any D38999 housing and have a true 75 Ohm impedance construction that assures a high fidelity signal in 3G SDI, 4K and 8K video feeds. SV Microwave AARC Widely used across the mobile networks industry. Amphenol's harsh environment AARC plug and receptacle assemblies are available in 2-fiber ...