Search Results for heat resistant silicone
Model 320C53 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 320C53:UHT-12™, ICP® accel, miniature (2 gm), ring-style, low temperature coefficient LTC , 1 mV/g, 1 to 10k Hz, 5-44 side connector
33500202501 - Amphenol Air LB
Panel sealing for flanged receptacle 2 Modules Non conductive
NTC Type B Series -
• Low heat capacity and high power sensitivity • Special thin glass coatings provide hermetic seal • Suitable for self-heated applications such as: gas chromatography, thermal conductivity analysis or gas flow measurement • Normal operating/storage temperatures range from • -112°F (-80°C) to: 221°F (105°C) for Material system
12G Isolated BNC and HD-BNC Extend Options for System Engineers
12G Isolated BNC and HD-BNC Extend Options for System Engineers . Amphenol RF is pleased to introduce isolated connectors and adapters to its already expansive 12G BNC and HD-BNC portfolio.These 75 Ohm products give system designers additional options for grounding and signal layout, specifically in smaller or densely packaged applications, by providing additional signal isolation. 12G ...
Fatigue Rated Low Profile Cells | PCB Piezotronics
Dust and Water Resistant. Hazardous Approved Microphone Preamplifier EX378B02. High Amplitude Pressure. High Temperature. Low Frequency. Low Noise. Probe. Rugged Microphones. Side Vented Pressure. Surface. Sound Level Meters. Accessories. Power-Supply-Signal-Conditioners. Microphone Selection. Frequently Asked Questions.
High Power and High Voltage Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
High Power Contacts Amphenol Aerospace's development of High Power Contacts is the foundation of our new High Power Products. The High Power Contacts allow for greater current carrying capacity, or amperage, and are able to withstand higher temperatures in the same sizes as current Mil-Spec style pin and socket contacts.Our Temper Grip Contacts which utilize a stainless steel napkin ring to ...
Model 646B02 4-20 mA Output Accelerometer Installation and ... - PCB
PAGE 3 Introduction The Model 640/641/645/646 B Series Industrial 4-20mA Sensors combine the capabilities of a piezoelectric vibration sensor and a 4-20mA vibration transmitter.
Model Number 109D12 ICP® PRESSURE SENSOR Revision: A ECN #: 55114 Performance ENGLISH SI Measurement Range(for ± 7V output) 100,000 psi 690,000 kPa Sensitivity(± 15 %) 0.07 mV/psi 0.010 mV/kPa
LabMaster Professional 3200 for fastener torque angle tension testing ...
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
Model DN | PCB Piezotronics
Model DN:2-socket MS3101A connector with stainless steel collar ring (MIL-C-5015 compatible) - *Molded connector, not for individual sale
Model 357A100 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 357A100:UHT-12™, Charge output accel, high temp to to +900 F, 5 pC/g, 500 g, to 5 kHz, 2-pin connector, 3-hole mount
Naval Archives - Page 6 of 7 - Amphenol PCDAmphenol PCD
Bandlock adapters are a cost-effective means for terminating the cable assembly using replaceable tempered bands with low DC resistance. Cable Adapters, Pigtails, Accessories Accessory products enabling turn-key integration of virtually any connector onto a cable assembly.
Armored Cables | PCB Piezotronics
Resistance Temperature Detection. 4-20 mA Transmitters. Vibration Transmitters. 2-Pin MIL Connector. Integral Cable. Integral Armored Cable. Terminal Block. Dual Temp and Vibration Output. Reciprocating Machinery Protector. DIN-Rail Mount Module. Displays & Alarms. Bearing Condition Monitors.
Model HT378A06 | PCB Piezotronics
Model HT378A06:1/2" prepolarized free field condenser microphone, with 1/2" ICP® HT426E01 preamplifier
W - Water Resistant Cable OPTIONAL VERSIONS Optional versions have identical specifications and accessories as listed for the standard model except where noted below. More than one option may be used. NOTES: [1]For +10 volt output, minimum 24 VDC supply voltage required. Negative 10 volt output may be limited by output bias. [2]Typical.
Model 674A91 Unboxing -
Model 674A91 Unboxing. Discover how PCB model 674A91 vibration sensor with IO-Link enables easy vibration monitoring on the factory floor. In this quick video, Matt Negaard, business development manager for industrial products, demonstrates a straightforward setup using IO-Link sensors, masters, and stack lights to create a visual monitoring solution for rotating assets.
PCB® Piezotronics, Inc. Supplies Accelerometers for the GOES-R Series ...
For Immediate Release. For media inquiries please contact: Alyson Grande, Program Manager 716-684-0001 x2628
Sensors for Condition Monitoring | PCB Piezotronics
Choose PCB for your Industrial sensor needs. Find, compare, and shop sensors and accessories online. Call 800.828.8840 or click here to request a quote.
W - Water Resistant Cable OPTIONAL VERSIONS Optional versions have identical specifications and accessories as listed for the standard model except where noted below. More than one option may be used. NOTES: [1]Based on 10 mV/μє sensitivity. [2]Calculated from discharge time constant. [3]Typical. [4]Zero-based, least-squares, straight line ...
Model PA | PCB Piezotronics
Model PA:2-socket straight high temperature (+356 F) PPS connector with stainless steel collar and FKM heat shrink strain relief **Not field installable, ... Resistance Temperature Detection; 4-20 mA Transmitters. Vibration Transmitters; Reciprocating Machinery Protector; DIN-Rail Mount Module; Displays & Alarms;