Search Results for heater rtd
Telaire T5100 Wall Mount CO2 Transmitter -
Telaire T5100 Wall Mount CO2 Transmitter -
Products - KAYE
Pressure Platinum RTD. Measurement Range and Accuracy. 0°C to 140°C ±0.1°C. Environmental Temperature. Environmental Humidity. Environmental Pressure-45°C to 140°C. 0 to 100% humidity, condensing. 0 to 10 bar absolute (0 to 147 psia) Logger Material. 316 stainless steel. Battery. Field-replaceable 3.6V Lithium. Sampling Rate. 1 second to ...
Multilayer Flex Circuit-Amphenol Sincere
Flexible Printed Circuit (FPC) Single-Sided Flex Circuit Double-Sided Flex Circuit Multilayer Flex Circuit Sculptured Flex Circuit Rigid–Flex Circuit Heater Flex Circuit Power Flex Circuit SMT & Other Value Added services Cell Connection Systems
VQ549ZD/W Optimised Performance Gas Sensing Head for Mining Type ...
acts both as an electrical heater and as a resistance thermometer. The bead is mounted on a header with connecting leads and is surrounded by a metal can with the end open to the atmosphere. If a flammable gas is present when the bead is heated to about 400 – 500 8C, the gas will oxidise and the resultant release of energy will heat the bead
Telaire T5100 Wall Mount CO2 Transmitter -
Telaire T5100 Wall Mount CO2 Transmitter -
Amphenol Sensing Innovations Brochure
Amphenol Sensing Innovations Brochure
Drink service -
380 172 230 order no.: 10.5307.10.00 with remote control 10.5307.00.00 without remote control voltage: 12 V DC power: 400 W warm-keeping function: 45 W current consumption: 35,0 A weight: 2,3 kg volume: 2,5 l volume cups 125 ml: 20 cups time of brewing process 85°C: 50 min. Electromagnetical Compatibility Norm ECE-R10
Drink service -
380 172 230 order no.: 10.5307.10.00 with remote control 10.5307.00.00 without remote control voltage: 12 V DC power: 400 W warm-keeping function: 45 W current consumption: 35,0 A weight: 2,3 kg volume: 2,5 l volume cups 125 ml: 20 cups time of brewing process 85°C: 50 min. Electromagnetical Compatibility Norm ECE-R10
Drink service -
380 172 230 order no.: 10.5307.10.00 with remote control 10.5307.00.00 without remote control voltage: 12 V DC power: 400 W warm-keeping function: 45 W current consumption: 35,0 A weight: 2,3 kg volume: 2,5 l volume cups 125 ml: 20 cups time of brewing process 85°C: 50 min. Electromagnetical Compatibility Norm ECE-R10
Kaye LabWatch Pro - Environmental Monitoring
Il sistema di monitoraggio ambientale LabWatch ™ è una soluzione completa per applicazioni critiche di stabilità, ambiente e monitoraggio degli impianti. LabWatch rileva le condizioni di allarme e avvisa il personale ovunque si trovi, documenta qualsiasi numero di camere senza generare pile di carta, protegge i dati con archiviazione sicura e consente di accedere facilmente ai dati per l ...
Kaye LabWatch IoT
RTD Pt-100, Cu-10. Dry Contact Open/Closed. Input Capacity: From 8 to 64 inputs in 8-input increments: NEMA 4 enclosure Outputs Contact out, 2A at 26 VDC, 1A at 120 VAC Analogue out 0 to 10VDC, 0 to 5VDC, 4 to 20mA, 1 to 5mA: Environmental Temperature: 0 to 60°C; Humidity: 0 to 95% non-condensing: Communications: TCP/IP over corporate LAN ...
Facility Monitoring System | IOT Monitoring System | KAYE
RTD Pt-100, Cu-10. Dry Contact Open/Closed. Input Capacity: From 8 to 64 inputs in 8-input increments: NEMA 4 enclosure Outputs Contact out, 2A at 26 VDC, 1A at 120 VAC Analogue out 0 to 10VDC, 0 to 5VDC, 4 to 20mA, 1 to 5mA: Environmental Temperature: 0 to 60°C; Humidity: 0 to 95% non-condensing: Communications: TCP/IP over corporate LAN ...
KAYE - Thermal Validation System & Environmental Monitoring
Kaye products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for process measurement, thermal validation systems, and environmental monitoring.
Neueste Produkte -
Kaye ValProbe RT {Übersicht} Kaye ValProbe RT {Basis Station} Kaye ValProbe RT {Temperatur Logger Flexibel} Kaye ValProbe RT {Temperatur Logger Biegsam}
KAYE - Thermal Validation System & Environmental Monitoring
Kaye products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for process measurement, thermal validation systems, and environmental monitoring.
KAYE - Thermal Validation System & Environmental Monitoring
Kaye products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for process measurement, thermal validation systems, and environmental monitoring.
KAYE - Thermal Validation System & Environmental Monitoring
Kaye products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for process measurement, thermal validation systems, and environmental monitoring.
KAYE - Thermal Validation System & Environmental Monitoring
Kaye products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for process measurement, thermal validation systems, and environmental monitoring.
History -
Kaye products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for process measurement, thermal validation systems, and environmental monitoring.