Search Results for housekeeping hazard on rooftop
Understanding Ingress Protection Ratings
Protection against ingress of body parts and solids are covered jointly by one range of “sealedness” levels and associated tests. Once a product has successfully passed a body parts/solids test as well as a liquids test, the product can then promote a specific ingress protection rating.
Environmental, Health and Safety Policy - Amphenol CS
Focus on pollution prevention, waste minimization, and reduction of the use of raw materials and natural resources. Eliminate hazards and reduce risks associated with worker health and safety and the environmental impacts of its products, services, and activities
How to Use a Protimeter Moisture Meter | User's Guide
Checking damp and moisture within a building structure is a very comprehensive subject. In this guide, we'll go over the basics of understanding of moisture, some of the techniques to look for damp, and how to use a Protimeter moisture meter to diagnose moisture levels. • What Is Damp? Download Your Copy of This Guide!
Charles Z14 and Z24 Generation 2 Louvered Low Profile Housing General ...
It is important to keep fiber and coax cables within the confines of the base and top of the mounting bracket to allow dome closure and prevent damage to cables and equipment.
PVC Riser Pipes | PVC Wire Guards | Wire Guards | Riser Pipes
Discover Charles Industries' PVC Riser Pipes and PVC Wire Guards suited for cable management, protection, & fire safety applications. Enquire now!
CMG Recommendations for Cadmium plated connectors use - Amphenol Socapex
White salts are a mixture which contain very hazardous (CMR) substances (like Cd acetate, ....). Risk by inhalation + ingestion. Wear protections like gloves and respiratory protections. Place corroded connectors in sealed bags.
CFIT Flex Standard Universal Enclosures General Description and ...
able and fiber cleaning solvents may contain hazardous or harmful materials. Maintain good housekeeping practices ards and cleaved glass fibers are very sharp and can easily pierce the skin. Use industry standa
SKM C65821092117020 - Amphenol
When health and safety risks or incidents arise, Amphenol strives for investigation of the root cause, swift remedy, accurate recordkeeping and reporting, and open communication when relevant.
ZTP-148SR Thermopile IR Sensor - Amphenol Sensors
At Amphenol Sensors, we make Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection a top priority.
Microsoft Word - gs-20-023-h.doc - Amphenol CS
To enable proper application and removal of the headers, there are recommended keep-out zones (see Figures 37a and 37b). If the header is adjacent to two similar-height connectors, then no keep-out zone is necessary because the removal tooling can rest on the top surfaces of those connectors.
Telaire Common CO2 Wiring Issues Application Note - Amphenol
Application Note Multiple Sensors with a Single Air Handler This approach would be used in applications where a single air handler or rooftop system serves a num-ber of zones that have potentially different occu-pancy patterns. One CO sensor should be placed 2 in each major occupancy zone.
Hidden costs of run-to-failure maintenance
Vibration monitoring can provide the earliest warning sign that a piece of equipment (particularly rotating machinery such as pumps, motors, fans, gearboxes and compressors) is developing faults. Using 4-20 mA vibration sensors simplifies CBM by connecting directly to existing plant control systems.
Model RH352A24/NC RoHS-compliant miniature, lightweight (0.8 gm ...
The following symbols may be used in this manual: DANGER Indicates an immediate hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injury. CAUTION Refers to hazards that could damage the instrument. NOTE
Model 337m22 | PCB Piezotronics
Ceramic shear ICP accel, 100 mV/g, 2 Hz. to 7500 Hz. (+/-5%). Operating temp to 176F. Stainless steel housing with integral 042 cable 30 meters long terminating in BNC Sensitivity: (±10%)100 mV/g (10.2 mV/ (m/s²)) Measurement Range: ±50 g pk (±491 m/s² pk) Broadband Resolution: 0.00016 g rms (0.0015 m/s² rms) Frequency Range: (±5%)2.0 to 7500 Hz Sensing Element: Ceramic Weight: 0.57 oz ...
Charles Fiber Optic Dome Closure FODCAS Series General Description and ...
— WARNING — Cable and fiber cleaning solvents may contain hazardous or harmful materials. Maintain good housekeeping practices and refer to the SDS when working with cleaning solvents or similar products. Shards and cleaved glass fibers are very sharp and can easily pierce the skin.
125GMT10/125GMT15 - Amphenol Broadband Solutions
ications markets. We design, manufacture, and distribute products for customers who need an end to end solution for network connectivity, fiber, power distribution and rack management. We collaborate with our customers to deliver product solutions that exceed expectations with innovative designs and world class quality. Amphenol Network Solutions is the industry thought leader on network
How The Clean Air Act Is Driving Businesses To Replace Flare Stacks
These rules focus on reducing emissions from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) and ensuring that flare stacks operate without visible smoke, otherwise known as "smokeless operation."
Technical & Emergency Support - Charles Industries, LLC
Our highly experienced technical support engineers are always available to assist you. Please use the form to the right to expedite your Technical Support service. You may also contact Technical Support at: Weekdays from 8:00AM until 5:00 PM CST callers to our hotline will be directly connected to the first available technical support engineer.
Model HTM641B01 Model 641B01 with high temperature range option (+255F ...
The following symbols may be used in this manual: DANGER Indicates an immediate hazardous situation, which, if not avoided, may result in death or serious injury. CAUTION Refers to hazards that could damage the instrument. NOTE
67997-120HLF | BergStik® | Amphenol
Dubox®, Board to Board connector, 2.54mm (0.100in), Receptacle, Vertical, Surface Mount, Double Row, 20 positions. The information below is for reference only. For more technical details, refer to product specification and application specification. Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Board to Board Connectors.