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342301 |
Maximum Wire Gauge. 26. Housing Color
Product Advisory - KAYE
KAYE VALIDATOR® 2000 PRODUCT ADVISORY NOTICE Frank Kies Global Business Unit Director Validation & Monitoring Americas 967 Windfall Road St. Marys, PA 15857 .
In addition, the APM can be programmed for one of three performance modes. During the programming pro-cedure, each mode is represented by a particular output voltage. The three modes are as follows: Resolution-Preferred Mode - In this mode the APM generates a high resolution output while sacrific-ing update time.
00111962702 - Amphenol Air LB
Splice 1119 With inserted resistance 0,5 W / 1,2 MΩ / ±5%
Canada - BC - PQ Systems Ltd
For urgent technical matters on weekends and holidays: We will not let you down!
SMA PCB Through Hole Right Angle Jack Bulkhead 50 Ohm IP67 ARC
Body Finish: Gold: Body Material: Brass: Cable Type (Terminates to) Not Applicable: Contact Finish: Gold: Contact Material: Beryllium Copper: Contact Termination
Assembly Instructions-C26 Amphenol BNC
300 Amphenol Corporation Tel: 800-627-7100 3-PIECE CRIMP PLUGS Amphenol Connector Cable Hex Crimp Data Stripping Dimensions, inches (mm)
SS60 50/200kHz, 600W, 0° Tilt, Garmin 6-Pin, DT
Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W; Mix and Match CHIRP Cables; Transducer Identification. B744V/VL Newer Version
SIME0816PD -
Module for EN4165 / SIM connectors. EN4165 / SIM connector is modular, multifunctional and rectangular. It consists of shells and modules, which together create an integrated solu
0.25 top side travel 0.10 bottom side travel 1.50 dowel diameter tooling pin package alignment 2.72 dowel spacing 37.13 + 0.05 0.00 0.5mm min dowel height 37.00
SIM2S100B - Amphenol Air LB
SIM splice Polarization B
Circular Medical Cable Connector | Pulse-Lok Connector 341042
The Pulse-Lok® series of products offer field-proven interconnect & cable assembly design solutions for your needs. Shop our Medical Connector 341042
FFP4X424SN0501 - Sheet1
0.00 0.00 1.250 0.111 2x 0.620 2x 1.250 2x 1.250 0.880 2x 1.250 4x pitch 0.500 6x 2.540 6x 2.540 6x 2.540 6x 2.540 0 0 2x 2.79 2x 5.26 11.14 2x 12.70
HNNJ - All Sensors
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D-SUB Combination - CONEC
D-SUB Combination connectors offer the possibility to equip a proven design with new functionality. This is done by using different contact types without having to change the shape, size and installation dimensions of the connector itself.
Microsite für URM® Verkabelungssystem | Amphenol Precision Optics
Das Mehrfaser-Steckersystem ermöglicht auf Grundlage der hochpräzisen Keramikferrulen die Übertragung von Informationen über 8 Fasern gleichzeitig. Damit erfüllt URM® entscheidende Leistungs- und Qualitätsfaktoren um Rechenzentren zuverlässig, kostenoptimiert und zukunftssicher betreiben zu können.
Strömfördelning | Amphenol Socapex
ENHETER FÖR STRÖMFÖRDELNING Amphenol Socapex-kontakter för strömfördelning i comair-applikationer. Några vanliga typer av kontaktdon som används i kraftdistributionen är: - Cirkulära kontaktdon: Dessa kontaktdon används för att ansluta strömförsörjningssystemet till olika system och utrustning i hela flygplanet och är utformade för att ge en säker och tillförlitlig ...