Search Results for hvsl 1000082a
The following presentation slides are for reference purposes only ...
hvsl(w)282 hvsl(w)633 hvsl 280 hvsl 630 hvsl 365, 366 hvsl 600 hvsl 800 hvsl 1200hvsl 1000 bsm 5a bsm 100a rated current bsm 300a lvrc ex 402, ex 403, hvg 404 hvbi r6 hvg 406 hvg 492 hvsls 600 hvsls 800 hvsl 362 hvbi r8 hvbi r10 5, 6 pins 2 pins 3 pins 2 pins 3 pins 2 pins 1 pin 2, 3 pins 1, 2, 3 pins 2 pins 2, 3 pins 2 pins 6 pins 2 pins 2, 3, 4
HVSL Series is designed for various HEV applications, including power and signal interconnect solutions. Different versions are available, from 1 position to 6 positions and a rated current from 23A to 430A. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Cable type shielded wire I: Individually / M: Multicore Product HVSL 1400 HVSL 1200 HVSL 1000 HVSLP 1000
HV Connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
HVSL Series is a product line of high voltage connectors for various electric vehicle applications. Find different versions, specifications, and catalogs of HVSL Series from Amphenol's global websites. High Density, Power Supply Connectors from Amphenol is offered in a current rating from 5A to above 70A.
The following presentation slides are for reference purposes only ...
hvsl(w)282 hvsl(w)633 hvsl280 hvsl 630 hvsl 1200 hvsl 365, 366 hvsl 600 hvsl 800 hvsl 1000 bsm 5a bsm 100a rated current bsm 250a lvrc ex 402, ex 403, hvg 404 hvbi r6 hvg 406 hvg 492 hvsls 600 hvsls 800 hvsl 362 hvbi r8 hvbi r10 5, 6 pins 2 pins 3 pins 3 2 pinspins 2 pins 1 pin 2, 3 pins 1, 2, 3 pins 2 pins 2, 3 pins 2 pins 6 pins 2 pins 2, 3, 4
Manual Service Disconnect - Amphenol PCD
7 PDC 02 1 0 1 S 0 0 01 Key: 1: Matched HVSL 364 Key C 2: Matched HVSL 364 Key D HVIL: 0: Without HVIL 1: With HVIL Voltage: 1: 1000V DC 2: 750V DC 3: 500V DC Fuse brand: S: Sinofuse B: Bussmann Fuse at position #3: 0: Busbar 1: 30A 2: 35A 3: 40A 4: 50A 5: 60A 6: 15A 7: 20A 8: 25A Fuse at position #4:
HVSL Series is designed for various HEV applications, including power and signal interconnect solutions. Different versions are available, from 1 position to 6 positions and a rated current from 23A to 350A. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Product HVSL 1200 HVSL 1000 HVSLP 1000 HVSL 800 HVSLP 800 HVSLS 800 HVSLS 8003 HVSLS 600 HVSL 60A HVSL 63A HVSL 633
C3100235021 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for n 20 252 4113 c mLO-S16X2-XXX-S-02 - Sheet1 - Amphenol Ardent Concepts a released, ecn20-4026 02/20/20 sd description hampton, nh 03842 4 merrill industrial drive, suite 102 ardent concepts, inc. is prohibited. property of ardent concepts, inc. any reproduction in part or as a whole without the written permission of x.x = .1 ...
HVSL シリーズ|製品情報|アンフェノールジャパン株式会社 -航空宇宙・産業機器用コネクタ-
製品名 hvsl1400 hvsl1200 hvsl1000(2芯) hvsl1000(3芯) hvsl800(2芯) hvsl800(3芯) hvsl600 hvsl630 hvsl633 hvsl282 hvsl362 hvsl364 hvsl365 hvsl366; 芯数
HIGH-VOLTAGE CONNECTOR HVSL635B Applicable to High Power Auxiliaries
AMPHEOL PC HIGH-VOLTAGE CONNECTOR HVSL635B Specifications Rated current: 40A @ ambient temperature 70o Rated voltage: 690V Interlock: HVIL Waterproof (mated): IP67, IP6K9K
Power Connectors | Products | Amphenol
HVBI specially designed for high power EV & Energy Storage, with ruggedized design, convenient push-pull operation in limited space, robust metal shells with excellent electromagnetism shielding, potting design for backshell provide excellent anti-vibration and waterproof performance, has a wide range of current from 60A to 250A.
hvsl 282 hvsl 280 hvsl 633 hvsl 630 hvsl 600 hvsl 800 hvsl 1000 hvsl 1200 lvrc 35 hvsl 362 2, 3 pins 1, 2, 3 pins 1 pin lvrc 26 26 pins hvsl 365, 366 80a max hev 060 hvsl 1400 0 16 32 40 70 90 100 120 150 180 250 350 500 radlok e-power lite pl 120 hvpt upc surlok plus™ emi surlok plus™ hvpt m hvsl 364 - 365 hev chd1400 pl500 g1 epower400 ...
HVSL Series is designed for various HEV applications, including power and signal interconnect solutions. Different versions are available, from 1 position to 6 positions and a rated current from 23A to 350A. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Product HVSL 1200 HVSL 1000 HVSLP 1000 HVSL 800 HVSLP 800 HVSLS 800 HVSLS 8003 HVSLS 600 HVSL 60A HVSL 63A HVSL 633
HVSL Series is designed for various HEV applications, including power and signal interconnect solutions. Different versions are available, from 1 position to 6 positions and a rated current from 23A to 350A. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Product HVSL 1200 HVSL 1000 HVSLP 1000 HVSL 800 HVSLP 800 HVSLS 800 HVSLS 8003 HVSLS 600 HVSL 60A HVSL 63A HVSL 633
HVSL Series is designed for various HEV applications, including power and signal interconnect solutions. Different versions are available, from 1 position to 6 positions and a rated current from 23A to 350A. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Product HVSL 1200 HVSL 1000 HVSLP 1000 HVSL 800 HVSLP 800 HVSLS 800 HVSLS 8003 HVSLS 600 HVSL 60A HVSL 63A HVSL 633
Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
Amphenol's FloatCombo™ are 0.50mm pitch floating board-to-board connectors that support stack heights from 8.0mm to 30.0mm. These connectors come with 4 independent power contacts and 20 to 140 signal contacts, where the power contacts support 5A per pin and the signal contacts provide high-speed data rates up to 10Gb/s or 16Gb/s.
HVSL Series is designed for various HEV applications, including power and signal interconnect solutions. Different versions are available, from 1 position to 6 positions and a rated current from 23A to 350A. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Product HVSL 1200 HVSL 1000 HVSLP 1000 HVSL 800 HVSLP 800 HVSLS 800 HVSLS 8003 HVSLS 600 HVSL 60A HVSL 63A HVSL 633
hvc | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
MIL-DTL-38999, MIL-C-26482 and MIL-5015, with a wide range of contact arrangements and options Amphenol Corporation Amphenol Aerospace 40-60 Delaware Avenue, Sidney, New York 13838-1395 Phone: 800-678-0141 or 607-563-5011 Fax: 607-563-5157 This catalog has been specifically designed to assist in the critical process ...
hvc | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Find different versions, specifications, and catalogs of HVSL Series from Amphenol's global websites. HVSL Series is designed to meet AK standards for various xEV applications, including power and signal interconnect solutions.
High Voltage Small Plastic - Amphenol Australia
1 PRODUCT INTRODUCTION HVSP series is High Voltage Small size Plastic connector, it has rotation and polarization integration, can be used in EV & Energy Storge.
Assembly Instructions-C8 Amphenol Type N
280 Amphenol Corporation Tel: 800-627-7100 CLAMP TYPES nut washer gasket clamp male contact plug body Amphenol Connector Cable Strip Dims., inches (mm)