Search Results for i3-2100 vs q8400
Specifying 4-20 mA vibration transmitters - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Are you looking for the right vibration transmitter for your application? Wilcoxon can help! We have created the form below to walk you step-by-step through the selections you will need to make. To learn more about the meaning behind each parameter, watch our webinar on CBM Connect or read our 4-20 mA vibration sensor selection guide.
Selecting the Correct High Sensitivity Piezoelectric ... - PCB
PCB® Piezotronics’ high sensitivity dynamic accelerometers use the same technology as their popular general-purpose ICP® accelerometers. These sensors rely on the piezoelectric effect to generate a useful signal. "Piezo" is a Greek term that means "to squeeze." External forces produce strain on piezoelectric elements.
Scanning Receivers | Test & Measurement - PCTEL
PCTEL precision network scanning receivers are designed for drive & walk testing, troubleshooting, & monitoring of cell, WiFi, IoT, and critical networks. Learn more!
Endevco Undamped High Shock Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
Endevco's piezoresistive MEMS accelerometers are DC responding with minimal zero shift to avoid integration errors which is critical to the quality of your measurements. The compact size, high sensitivity, and exceptional over-range sensors provide the repeatability and reliability required for mission critical applications.
Differential Twinax Contacts | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Differential Twinax Contacts Performance Specifications. Data Rate: Exceeding 2.5 Gbps. The broadest and most reliable contact solutions when you need superior electrical performance, plus shielding to eliminate interference from outside electrical sources. Have any questions? Talk with us directly using LiveChat.
Cool Edge High Speed Card Edge Connectors - Amphenol CS
Variants of Cool Edge ensure superior signal integrity performance at high speeds up to 56Gb/s, to suit different engineering and design requirements. Though hybrid connectors are already in the market for a long period of time, new connector range like Cool Edge prove to be highly beneficial for high-end computing applications.
Busbars | Products | Amphenol Interconnect Product Corp
Amphenol IPC busbars are custom designed to meet or exceed your specifications. We have expertise in a broad range of applications, materials, and processes to ensure you have the right solution. Power Distribution Busbar applications are primarily low—medium DC voltage, and inductance is not typically critical.
Your Top Questions Answered on Industrial Ethernet - Amphenol CS
Amphenol’s ix Industrial vs. SPE . The ix Industrial Ethernet connector interface is controlled by IEC61076-3-124. This IEC standard governs the plug and receptacle connectors' mating interface and form factor with all the specific dimensions, specifically for the IP20 version.
Reimagining the Future of Data Computing with Compute Express Link (CXL ...
We will look at three different products from Amphenol that offer robust CXL capabilities that meet the evolving needs of modern data centers. What is CXL? Compute Express Link (CXL) is a widely endorsed industry standard designed to establish low-latency, cache-coherent connections among processors, accelerators, and memory devices.
The intent of this document is to outline the standard signal trace widths, minimum spacing requirements, and finish hole size requirements for R-VPX Evolution product family interconnect systems when used in differential signal applications and low speed applications.
Questions About 10GbE-CX4 Cables? Read Our CX4 Cable Guide.
Network Engineers have a plethora of cabling options when it comes to installing a 10-Gigabit Ethernet compliant backbone, but which solution is truly optimal under the circumstances? 10-Gigabit Ethernet CX4, aka 10GbE-CX4 or 10GBASE-CX4, combines low cost, low latency, and low power consumption for the ultimate short-distance link.
IMI Sensors: Industrial Monitoring Instrumentation - PCB
These industrial sensors are used to spot imbalance, bearing faults and misalignment by measuring machine vibration, providing early fault diagnosis thus reducing downtime. Our vast product line interfaces directly with data acquisition equipment including online systems and handheld data collectors.
Endevco Automotive Safety Testing Sensors - PCB
Endevco EuroNCAP compliant solution for pedestrian safety testing, Model 7264H, utilizes a unique and advanced micro-machined piezoresistive sensor which includes multi-mode damping for exceptional bandwidth with no significant resonance response in the usable range.
Improved Stiffness Specifications for Piezoelectric Force Links - PCB
eload value relative to the force sensor’s full scale output. Applying the recommended preload provides several benefits: it tightly clamps the internal components, piezoelectric material, and housing together to obtain the best possible non-linearity (<1%), allows for both tension and compression measurements in the Z-axis, and provides suffici...
Amphenol releases ExaMAX2® Gen2 to unlock AI hardware computing power ...
As an enhanced version of the ExaMAX2 ® family, ExaMAX2 ® Gen2 offers significant performance improvements over the previous generation. This upgrade will make ExaMAX2 ® connector one of the best-performing 112G connectors in terms of signal integrity (including reflection and isolation).
Amphenol TPI Introduces New Aluminum-Copper Inline Splice
Amphenol TPI’s Al-Cu Inline Splice is ideal for use in new solar PV installations, field retrofits and repairs in solar installations. By enabling the seamless integration of aluminum cable, the splice is an ideal solution for cost-effective, reliable and long-lasting connections in a wide variety of environmental conditions.
Combustion Dynamics Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
PCB offers a wide range of pressure and vibration sensors to monitor the combustion dynamics of a gas turbine in order to identify and correct acoustic oscillations before they cause damage.
RAM Advancements - From SDR to DDR4 and More - Amphenol CS
With a data rate of 2GB to 16GB, it enables large capacity subsystems. The DDR4 standard allows for DIMMs of capacity, up to 64GB when compared to a maximum of 16GB per DIMM of DDR3. Many varieties of DDR4 sockets and modules are available in the market.
Pressure Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
Solid state construction of a piezoelectric pressure transducer provides a wide linear measuring range such that PCB confidently provides calibrations at 100% and 10% of full scale output for most models. Find, compare, and shop sensors and accessories online. To discuss specific applications, please contact us or request a quote.
Side-by-side microphone brand comparison - PCB
Download the Side-by-Side Microphone Test Results report which compares ½ inch free-field prepolarized condenser microphones from PCB, B&K, G.R.A.S. and BSWA. This report is from an internationally accredited test house, who performed extensive performance and environmental testing including: Stability, Sensitivity, and Frequency Range.