Search Results for ibm mexico
SMA Male R/A to SMPM Female 12" Cable Assembly for .085 Cable
The SMA Male R/A to SMPM Female 12" Cable Assembly for .085 Cable 7029-3247 is in stock with our distributors Farnell, Newark, Mouser and Digi-Key Electronics.
SMPM Male Snap-In Non-Magnetic Connector for .047 Cable, FD
EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Yes, w/ Exemption 6C . These products comply with the substance restrictions of the Restriction on Hazardous Substances Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS2).
FAQ | Amphenol Socapex
voltar Série PS: Soluções para Dispositivos de Potência. Conversores de energia; Unidades de distribuição de energia; Chaves e extensores USB
FAQ | Amphenol Socapex
voltar Série PS: Soluções para Dispositivos de Potência. Conversores de energia; Unidades de distribuição de energia; Chaves e extensores USB
SMA Female to SMPM Female 24" Cable Assembly for .085 Cable
The high-performance SMA Female to SMPM Female 24" Cable Assembly for .085 Cable 7029-2563 with superior mechanical and environmental specifications.
FAQ - Amphenol Socapex
lưng Bộ chuyển mạch Ethernet & Bộ chuyển đổi phương tiện
| Amphenol Socapex
voltar Série PS: Soluções para Dispositivos de Potência. Conversores de energia; Unidades de distribuição de energia; Chaves e extensores USB
1.85mm Male to SMPM Female 24" Cable Assembly for .047 Cable
Get a 1.85mm Male to SMPM Female 24" Cable Assembly for .047 Cable P/N: 7033-0043 from SV Microwave Distributors. Check out the stock details.
SMA Male Solderless PCB Compression Mount Connector, 2 Hole, with 4 ...
The SMA Male Solderless PCB Compression Mount Connector, 2 Hole, with 4.76mm Screws (CPW / Microstrip) SF2911-60973-1S is now in stock. Place your order!
FAQ - Amphenol Socapex
A locking mechanism is a feature on some PCB connectors that secures the connector in place and prevents it from coming loose due to vibrations or other movement.
Amphenol Socapex offers a wide range of board-to-board (PCB) & board-to-cables connectors.
Ruggedized SATA Connector | High Speed Connectors | MIL-DTL-38999 ...
The R-SATA (r ugged ized) S ATA connector is perfectly suited as the primary internal storage interconnect for desktop and mobile PCs, connecting the system to peripherals such as hard drives, solid state drives, optical drives, and removable magnetic media drives. The R-SATA supports SATA 3.0 protocol, delivering 6.25 Gb/s data rates and beyond. Amphenol’s R-SATA connector s utilize a m ...
LUX-BEAM™ #16 - Fiber Optic Termini - Amphenol Socapex
The Amphenol SOCAPEX LUX-BEAM™ #16 is a single Expanded Beam Termini that enables upgrades from optical physical contact technology to optical contactless technology. This technology is suitable for a wide range of applications such as battlefield communication, grounded vehicles, military avionics, and industrial use.
FAQ | Amphenol Socapex
voltar Série PS: Soluções para Dispositivos de Potência. Conversores de energia; Unidades de distribuição de energia; Chaves e extensores USB
FAQ | Amphenol Socapex
voltar Série PS: Soluções para Dispositivos de Potência. Conversores de energia; Unidades de distribuição de energia; Chaves e extensores USB
USA 800-521-7935 • FAX 866-528-2930 • CANADA 800-545-0122 • MEXICO 001-877-283-1696 TPC1596 (02/19) COLOR CODE PAIR NO. COLOR PAIR NO. COLOR 1 Black - Red 7 Black - Orange 2 Black - White 8 Red - White 3 Black - Green 9 Red - Green 4 Black - Blue 10 Red - Blue 5 Black - Yellow 11 Red - Yellow 6 Black - Brown 12 Red - Brown
ZMA Male (130°|100°|130°) Connector for .085 Cable
The ZMA Male (130°|100°|130°) Connector for .085 Cable SF8711-6004 with great environmental specifications. Check out the stock details and contact us now!
SMPM Female R/A to SMA Male R/A 24" Cable Assembly for .047 Cable
Get the SMPM Female R/A to SMA Male R/A 24" Cable Assembly for .047 Cable" 7032-7239 from SV Microwave. Contact us today to learn more!
SMA Female Keyed (150°) Bulkhead to SMA Male 6" Cable Assembly for .085 ...
Get the SMA Female Keyed (150°) Bulkhead to SMA Male 6" Cable Assembly for .085 Cable 7029-3409 from SV Microwave. Place the order today!
SMP Male Flange Mount Connector, 2 Hole, for .047 Cable, SB
The SMP Male Flange Mount Connector, 2 Hole, for .047 Cable, SB SF1211-6022 was designed and developed by SV Microwave. Explore the product here!
Ruggedized SATA Connector | High Speed Connectors | 38999 Plus ...
The R-SATA supports SATA 3.0 protocol, delivering 6.25 Gb/s data rates and beyond.