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Model 130E20 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 130E20:ICP® microphone with integral preamplifier, BNC jack connector
Super-Trex® 4/0 Type TC Power Cable - TPC Wire
Super-Trex ® 4/0 Type TC Power Cables are designed with a double pass TSE fiber-reinforced jacket which provides excellent resistance to impact, abrasion, oils and most industrial chemicals while providing added strength against twisting and pulling.The s pecially compounded black TSE jacket provides excellent protection against pulling and twisting and allows for extreme all-weather flexibility.
SIME0816PN - Amphenol Air LB
Skip to the beginning of the images gallery . SIME0816PN Module For crimped contacts Pin With peripheral sealing 8 contacts #16 Supplied without contact Polarization N. Reach status: Compliant . RoHS status: Compliant . Obsolescence status: Active . Standard: EN4165
Amphenol Procom’s world-leading antenna, DAS, and combiner and filter solutions are the only way to meet your customers’ uncompromising standards for reliable network performance.
About Us -
SSI Technologies, LLC builds robust and cost-effective sensors and gauges for the global market. Based in Janesville, Wisconsin, SSI produces the highest quality and most reliable pressure, level and magnetic sensors, digital pressure gauges, and digital level gauges for the automotive and industrial market.
Marine -
Career Opportunities. We are often looking for skilled and loyal new employees to join our company, so check this page to stay updated. Careers; Become a distributor
Contact your nearest Amphenol Corporation Sales Office for the latest specifications. All statements, information and data given herein are believed to be accurate and reliable but are presented without guarantee, warranty, or responsibility of any kind expressed or implied. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of our products are ...
Extreme Low Temperature Pressure Measurements Using Cryogenic Dynamic ... 1 800 828 8840 Extreme Low Temperature Pressure Measurements Using Cryogenic Dynamic Pressure Sensors
SS505 50/200kHz, 600W, MM Transducer, DT
600 W. The SS505 is a compact, impact resistant, stainless steel stem for use on all hulls. The dual-frequency version provides good target detail in shallow-water at 200 kHz and good deep-water bottom tracking at 50 kHz.
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C:Documents and SettingsGarrick SillersMy DocumentsCustomersConnexZZ253
Title: C:Documents and SettingsGarrick SillersMy DocumentsCustomersConnexZZ253.dwg Author: Garrick Sillers Created Date: 9/23/2008 4:02:56 PM
Antennes mobiles -
Career Opportunities. We are often looking for skilled and loyal new employees to join our company, so check this page to stay updated. Careers; Become a distributor
ミリタリーコネクタおよび航空用コネクタ - 38999シリーズ - I/Oコネクタ|Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapexは、軍事、航空宇宙、および産業分野の重要なアプリケーションに対応するよう設計された、高性能な入出力丸型コネクタのリーディングプロバイダです。
c908-22101b -
Title: Created Date: 7/3/2003 6:25:25 PM
We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
M256 SERIES - Amphenol Aerospace
Notice: Specifications are subject to change without notice. Contact your nearest Amphenol Corporation Sales Office for the latest specifications. All statements, information and data given herein are believed to be accurate and reliable but are presented without guarantee, warranty, or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied ...
6-Port Antenna 1710-2690 | 1710-2690 | 1710-2690 MHz 6177408NG 6177408G 65° 1397 mm 3-Band, 6-Port, 65°, XPOL, Panel Antenna, Variable Tilt, 1397 mm