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These all-in-one multisensors can measure real-time apparent wind speed and direction, air temperature and calculated wind chill, barometric pressure, relative humidity, calculated dew point and heat index.
Amphenol RF FAKRA Cable Assemblies TFC302LL
Amphenol RF offers fixed length FAKRA assemblies featuring the automotive standard TFC 302LL cable type. These cable assemblies feature a variety of connector configurations and are available in a number of length options from 6 inches to three meters which make them ideal for a wide range of automotive and industrial applications.
With RADSOK products integrated in many high vibration applications, we have engineered a Heavy Duty (HD) version RADSOK that can withstand higher Shock & Vibration demands.
Amphenol’s Amphe-PDTM series of “RADSOK® enabled” power connectors is a versatile and cost effective solution for your high current interconnect requirements. Available in the compact 3.6mm, 70A rated option and a larger 5.7mm, 120A big brother.
MKS10T02 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
LETTER ON INDEX 6' ANTENNA 8' ANTENNA A 0.0 0.0 B 1.0 0.8 C 2.0 1.7 D 3.1 2.5 E 4.1 3.3 F 5.1 4.1 G 6.1 5.0 H 7.2 5.8 I 8.2 6.6 J 9.2 7.4 K 10.2 8.3 L 11.2 9.1 M 12.3 10.1 SOLIDWORKS ANTENNA SOLUTIONS Amphenol 1123 INDUSTRIAL DRIVE SW CONOVER, NC 28613 (828) 324-6971
LTE Ready - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
For multiband antennas, electrical downtilt for each band can be controlled separately. Tilt indicator(s) are covered by removable transparent cap(s). A colored knob at the end of the tilt indicator allows change of the tilt without need of a tool. The knob color is identical to the corresponding connector color.
M4067 Series -
Features include: conduction cooling, 1” pitch, internal EMI filters, I2C system management, active power-factor correction. AC input range is 85-265Vac 50-800Hz per MIL-STD-704 and DO-160. Designed to meet MIL-STD-810 and MIL- STD-461. Output dynamic response up to 5% at step load of 60%-90%. Output return to steady stated within 300-500μSec.
Minitek® Pwr 4.2 Connector System -
Minitek® Pwr 4.2mm is a flexible and comprehensive solution designed for power application with current rating up to 9A per circuit. It is available in 2 to 24 circuits for dual row and 3 to 5 circuits for single row. Blind mating interface (BMI) option in vertical, through hole type for dual row. Insertion Force: 14.7N max.
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EU RoHS II Declaration -
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INDEX of part number or sub-assembly number required to make the assembly noted above. Form 2: Product Accountability - Raw Material, Specification and Special Process (es), 7.
Site Map On Amphenol NEXUS Technologies
Catalog Index « All Categories. TAC Connectors. Miniature M55116-Type Connectors (12 Items) M55116 Mil-Spec and Mil-Spec-type Connectors. Audio Plugs (MIL-C-55116) (18 Items) Audio Jacks (MIL-C-55116) (6 Items) 7- and 10-Pin Waterproof Breakaway Connectors. Waterproof Plugs and Jacks (10 Items)
M C091 31GXXX X0X 5 U -
Index Datum/Date MCARLE 1 Name M Gewicht (errechnet) / Calc WT : MBERTSCH Ers. f. / Replacement for : Checked Released Gepr. Status Bl. DIN ISO 13715 Änderung/Description 02 201800273 Female receptacle Quicklock NXM-V01 AI2021-002818 Amphenol Tuchel 201800273 24.06.2021 Industrial GmbH C091 31GXXX X0X 5 U 01 Gerätedose Quicklock Bagatelle ...
Integrated IR Application Note 1 - SGX Sensortech
AN1 - Integrated IR Application Note Page 3 of 35 Whilst SGX Europe sp. z o.o has taken care to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein it accepts no responsibility for the consequences of any use
AmphenolAmphenol Low Mating Force Rectangulars - Amphenol Aerospace
60 Contact Amphenol Aerospace for more information at 800-678-0141 • AmphenolAerospace AmphenolAmphenol Low Mating Force Rectangulars TABLE OF CONTENTS Amphenol Low Mating Force Connectors Standard Connectors with Brush Contacts
Medium Voltage ire and Cable Super-Trex Type MV-105 Cable - TPC Wire
ire and Cable Motion Control Control/Instrumentation Bus/Data Igniter Wire Medium Voltage Reeling Cable 114 Portable Cord Power Cable Welding Cable Thermocouple RTD ire
10I019 004 2
Index Datum/Date AZN_SWAHL 1 Name M Gewicht (errechnet) / Calc WT : MBERTSCH Ers. f. / Replacement for : Checked Released Gepr. Status Bl. DIN ISO 13715 Änderung/Description 202000352 0,074 kg male cable connector NXM-V02 AI2021-000355 Amphenol Tuchel Industrial GmbH C016 10I019 004 2 02 Kabelstecker 19+PE Bagatelle change: ISO 2768-c SWAHL 1: ...
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EU RoHS II Declaration -
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