Search Results for input current
C707 10M006 512 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
A simple, versatile intermediate-current solution, the KLM/GMT fuse panel helps you maximize space and manage power for various network elements in one unit. Features. part #: c707 10m006 512 2a. ...
Omni Antennas 422x.06-405-Txx - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Input Power: 300 W: Omni Deviation: ± 1 dB: Polarisation: Vertical: ... (3rd Order, 2 x Tx @ 43 dBm) (PIM value not guaranteed for N connector version) Lightning Protection: Lightning current handling capability : 200 kA According to EN 62305-1 (Test pulse 10/350 μs) Antistatic Protection: All metal parts DC-grounded (Connector shows a DC ...
Minitek® Pwr Connectors | FCI Basics | Wire-to-Wire & Wire-to-Board ...
The FCI Minitek® Pwr family is an optimized product sold as a complete solution including wire-to-wire and wire-to-board, in pitch sizes of 3.00mm, 4.20mm, and 5.70mm, with current ratings from 6.5A to 23A. In short, Minitek® Pwr is compact, robust and versatile, which suits different customer application needs.
Active wideband receiver multicoupler for the VHF and low UHF bands with 1 input and 4, 8, 12 or 16 outputs. Allows a number of receivers to share the same antenna without interaction and loss of signal. ... Push-pull high-current amplifier design ensures outstanding multicoupler linearity and high reject of especially even-order distortion ...
pakistan | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Swappable custom battery connectors come in 2 power & 6 signal configurations, carrying 15A-70A continuous current, with 10,000 mating cycles ... D-Sub Cable Connector, Input Output Connectors, Crimp Cable Connector 8656 9 Way Socket, Standard Mounting Hole (3.1mm).
9501-5003-10 - XMA
Adapters. Maintaining input power with high signal integrity; Power Dividers. Splitting power input to identical outputs; ... CURRENT STOCK Out of Stock. View Distributor Website. East Coast Microwave Sales and Distribution, LLC 800-786-2576
Model 480B21 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 480B21:3-channel, battery-powered, ICP® sensor signal cond., gain x1, x10, x100, BNC input/output conn.
Model 352C23 | PCB Piezotronics
Constant Current Excitation: 2 to 20 mA: 2 to 20 mA: Output Impedance: ≤200 Ohm: ≤200 Ohm: Output Bias Voltage: 7 to 12 VDC: 7 to 12 VDC: Discharge Time Constant: 0.24 to 1.0 sec: ... Scope input adaptor (10-32 jack to BNC p... Add to cart for a quote. Add to Quote. Model: 039A26. Removal tool (for Model 352C23, 352A73) Add to cart for a quote.
2082-614X-dB - XMA
Adapters. Maintaining input power with high signal integrity; Power Dividers. Splitting power input to identical outputs; ... CURRENT STOCK Out of Stock. View Distributor Website. East Coast Microwave Sales and Distribution, LLC 800-786-2576
Constant Current Excitation 2 to 20 mA 2 to 20 mA Output Voltage ± 5.0 V ± 5.0 V Output Impedance 100 ohm 100 ohm ... Electrical Connector(Input) 10-32 Coaxial Jack 10-32 Coaxial Jack Electrical Connector (Output) BNC Jack BNC Jack Size (Diameter x Length) 0.52 in x 3.4 in 13 mm x 86 mm Weight 1.15 oz 32.7 gm ...
Dipole Arrays 414.04-405-Txx - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Input Power: 500 W: Polarisation: Vertical: Peak Instantaneous Power (PIP) ... Front-To-Back Ratio > 7 dB: Passive Intermodulation-143 dBc (3rd Order, 2 x Tx @ 43 dBm) Lightning Protection: Lightning current handling capability : 200 kA According to EN 62305-1 (Test pulse 10/350 μs) Antistatic Protection: All metal parts DC-grounded (Connector ...
GigaBlox -
Voltage input cable pinout (red = V+, black = GND) Stephanie Fritz • +1 (607) 373 – 8069 • ... The current in each LED in this case is 44mA (3.3V ÷ 75Ω). External resistors can be placed in series with the Px LED signals to further reduce current flow.
PIC connector | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol has Busbar connectors and cables as well as Input Output solutions going into 48V / 1000V / 1500V Lithium ion battery racks. Our BarKlip ® connectors offer the smallest 150A+ ESS solution in the market with a high current rating of up to 160A /200 /300A per contact @ 30°C T-Rise.
Cell Connection Systems in e-Mobility - Amphenol CS
It meets the USCAR-T3V2 and LV-214 S1 standards, with a current capacity of 1A per contact. The connector has a 1.80mm pitch, with 40 positions and a right-angle SMT configuration. Its gold plating reduces mating force, and it has options for position and pitch. The connector also features CPA and FPA, compatible with FPC and FFC.
3.8 KVA IsoG2 - Charles Industries
an improved degree of safety and reducing galvanic current corrosion due to the direct connection to AC shore power. Manual Purpose With your personal safety in mind, this manual lists important safety precautions first, then covers installation, ... The 3.8 KVA IsoG2 is designed for 120 or 240 volt input, 120, 120/240 (3 wire) or 240 volt ...
Shaker system power amplifier - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
Current limit 18A peak Front panel Two row, four function keys LCD Protection Interlock Switch DC Fault Detection ... Input impedance 10 kΩ Output impedance 30 kΩ Input connector BNC jack Output connector Screw terminals Maximum output 38 V RMS Maximum signal gain, adjustable 26 dB Size (H x W x D) 3.5 x 17.3 x 14.6 in (9 x 44 x 37 cm) Weight ...
This integrated compact single tray combining solution is able to connect the Tx and Rx channels from 4 radio-repeaters into just one antenna.
Empowering Autonomous Robots: The Role of Battery ... - Amphenol CS
In the ever-evolving landscape of robotics, the heartbeat of these autonomous systems lies within their power source – the battery. Much like in electric vehicles, the Battery Management System (BMS) emerges as a critical player, ensuring the efficient utilization of energy and the safeguarding of batteries against potential hazards.
150325 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Connector Kit: Plug, Contacts, 12-10 AWG 150325 Replaceable Contact: 8-6 AWG, Single 150333 Replaceable Contact: 12-10 AWG, Single 150334 nrgSMART Temperature Sensor, ACC, 6ft nrgTemp Single-pole Breakers 5A, standard delay, UL489 149710 10A, standard delay, UL489 149711 15A, standard delay, UL489 149712 20A, standard delay, UL489 149713
Top Things to Consider for Energy Storage System Connectors
Battery Storage System is at the heart of the ESS. Amphenol has Busbar connectors and cables as well as Input Output solutions going into 48V / 1000V / 1500V Lithium ion battery racks. Our BarKlip ® connectors offer the smallest 150A+ ESS solution in the market with a high current rating of up to 160A /200 /300A per contact @ 30°C T-Rise. With a wire range of 8AWG-0AWG, these connectors ...