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KJM - Gemeco
KJM is dedicated to providing the finest in shipboard cameras, video accessories and marine antennas. Our high quality products are built to withstand the harsh marine environment, and are designed by experts with over three decades of experience in the marine industry.
Airmar Videos -
TM165HW High Wide Chirp Transducer. Maximize the coverage under your boat and see what you’ve been missing. The new TM165HW features a high-frequency range of 150 to 250 kHz and a super-wide beamwidth, averaging 30°, providing maximum coverage across the frequency band.
B148 HDI Transducer 0° 50/200 455/800 Bronze -
Features. Provides 50/200kHz traditional frequencies PLUS 455/800kHz Down Scan Imaging plus temperature; 0 degree tilt; 10M Cable; Beam Width: 50kHz @ 45°, 200kHz @ 11° 455kHz- Fore to aft 2.8°, Port to starboard 56°, 800kHz Fore to aft 1.6° Port to starboard 32°
Gost Apparition Control, Security, GPS Tracking
Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W; Mix and Match CHIRP Cables; Transducer Identification. B744V/VL Newer Version
SSS - Amphenol Socapex
Gizlilik politikasını okudum ve Amphenol Socapex'in bana bilgi göndermesine izin veriyorum
Find out how we at Temposonics implement sustainability in our daily work and what we do to make our world a better place.
Transducers - Gemeco
Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W; Mix and Match CHIRP Cables; Transducer Identification. B744V/VL Newer Version
Garmin -
Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W; Mix and Match CHIRP Cables; Transducer Identification. B744V/VL Newer Version
REACH yönetmeliğine uygunluk | Amphenol Socapex
REACH, üreticiler için çevresel sorumluluklar getirmektedir. Amphenol Socapex, REACH yönetmeliğine uyma ve müşterilerinin gereksinimlerini karşılama konusunda güçlü bir şekilde yer almaktadır.
Önemli bilgiler - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol SOCAPEX hakkında önemli bilgiler Amphenol Socapex, 1947'den beri standart ve özelleştirilmiş elektrik ve fiber optik konektörler, kontaklar, aksesuarlar ve kablolama çözümlerinde uzmanlaşarak zorlu ortamlar için güvenilir ve yenilikçi ara bağlantı çözümleri öngörmüş, tasarlamış ve üretmiştir.
Kurvensägen -
Die aktive Kurvenzerspanung und das aktive Kurvensägen ermöglichen den Sägewerken heute eine bis zu 20 % höhere Schnittholzrückgewinnung im Vergleich zum traditionellen geradlinigen Sägen.
News -
Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W; Mix and Match CHIRP Cables; Transducer Identification. B744V/VL Newer Version
10" TV Antenna with Auto Gain Control Amp - Gemeco
Glomex 10" Dvb-T2 Tv Full Hd Marine Omnidirectional Antenna with Automatic Gain Control DVB-T2 TV Full HD Marine Omnidirectional Antenna with Automatic Gain Control The Talitha has evolved into the Talitha AGC to make life easier with the innovative automatic gain control amplifier.
Satın Alma Departmanı - Amphenol Socapex
Satın Alma Stratejimiz. Şirket İnovasyonunu ve Sürdürülebilir Kalkınmayı desteklemek için bir tedarikçi ağı geliştirmek; Hindistan ve Avrupa'da 4 temel eksene odaklanın: Rekabetçilik - Risk Yönetimi - Uzmanlık - Hizmet Amphenol SOCAPEX satın alma stratejisi hakkında daha fazla ayrıntı
B744V 50/200kHz, 600W, w/ FB, Garmin 8-Pin, DST - Gemeco
600 W. The B744V is a TRIDUCER ® Multisensor featuring depth, speed, and temperature in a single housing. The 50/200 kHz, dual-frequency, single, ceramic element provides great target detail in shallow water at 200 kHz and good deep-water bottom tracking at 50 kHz.
DST800L 235kHz, 100W, Smart™ Sensor, Bronze Long-Stem, NMEA 2000®, DST
The DST800L is a Smart ™ Triducer ® Multisensor that offers depth, speed, and temperature functions in one thru-hull fitting. The long-stemmed transducer is designed for use in thick-hulled, wooden boats or vessels with a steep deadrise. The optional high-performance fairing vertically orients the beam for strong return echoes, resulting in optimal performance even at higher speeds.
CS4500 Ultrasonic ST 850 Style Insert -
CS4500 Ultrasonic ST 850 Style Insert. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
Precision Battery Monitor BMV-700 -
Features. Included shunt measures up to 500 Amps; For use with DC systems from 12 to 90 volts; Visual and audible alarms and programmable alarm; 10 meter cable, connectors and fuse included.
Tracker with 3 inputs - Gemeco
The TMG 1.0 system delivers two-way cellular and satellite tracking. The system comes with three inputs for monitoring or security sensors. This system will provide you with real time battery voltage, low voltage and 12v disconnect and reconnect information via satellite and cellular communication.
Adapter 1" 14TPI Female to 1" 14TPI - Gemeco
Adapter 1" 14TPI Female to 1" 14TPI. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W