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Temposonics® R-Series EtherNet/IP TM Operation Manual I 4 I 3. Identification 3.1 Order structure of R-Series RP Temposonics® order code a Sensor model R P Profile b Design S Magnet slider, joint on top (Part number: 252182) V Magnet slider, joint at front (Part number: 252184) M U-magnet, OD33 (Part number: 251416-2) d Connection type D 5 6 2 × 4 pin M12 female, 1 × 4 pin M8 male
TN-18 Introduction to Air Blast Measurements - Part III - PCB
Introduction to Air Blast Measurements - Part III Guaranteeing That Validated Pressure Measurements Are Acquired TN-18 Written By Patrick L. Walter, Ph. D. Parts I and II of this series provided a brief background on blast pressure phenomenology and its measurement. They
Charles Universal Broadband Enclosure CUBE-SS4B2288X2 General ...
GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1. Document Purpose ; This document provides additional information for the CUBE-SS4B2288X2 of the Charles Industries’ Universal Broadband Enclosure (CUBE) product line that is not included in the family document, LT-SSXX228XXX. Figure 1 shows a closed front
FLOS Push-Pull Connector Series - Amphenol Aerospace
FLOS B Series: FLOS+ K Series: FLOS Y Series: Mating Style: Push Pull: Push Pull: Push Pull / Break Away: Metal Version No. of Contacts: 2 ~32: 2 ~32: 2 ~26: Plating of Contacts: Gold Plated: Gold Plated: Gold Plated: Operating Voltage: 160V ~ 700V: 160V ~ 700V: 200V ~ 1000V: Current Rating: 1.5A ~ 25A: 1.5A ~ 25A: 5A ~ 14A: Operating ...
AUTOMATE Type A - RF Connectors - Amphenol RF
AUTOMATE Mini-FAKRA Type A New Product Introduction Video. Features and Benefits. Reduced package size, ideal for compact spaces; Multi-port configurations available; Supports data rates up to 20 Gbps; ... B - Cream 5 items; C - Signal Blue 4 items; D - Claret Violet 4 items; E - Leaf Green 1 item; F - Nut Brown 1 item; Z - Water Blue ...
Scala User Guide - Marport
Scala | V8 | Introduction and Presentation Introduction and Presentation Read this section to get a basic knowledge of Scala. Tip: Click Marport logo at the bottom of pages to come back to the table of contents. Introduction Scala is Marport’s advanced trawl monitoring system that collects, processes, stores and displays
Model 604B11 Low-cost Triaxial Industrial ICP® Accelerometer ... - PCB
1.0 INTRODUCTION Congratulations on the purchase of a quality ICP® industrial sensor. In order to ensure the highest level of performance for this product, it is imperative that you properly familiarize yourself with the correct mounting and installation techniques before attempting to operate this device.
Model TO640B30 - PCB
Model TO640B30 - PCB
1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose and use of this manual Before starting the operation of Temposonics® position sensors, read this documentation thoroughly and follow the safety information. Keep the manual for future reference! The content of this technical documentation and of its appendix is
SMA to 1.0-2.3 Adapters - RF Coaxial Adapters - Amphenol RF
Amphenol RF offers a full range of SMA to 1.0-2.3 Adapters designed for radio frequency applications. SMA to 1.0-2.3 Adapters feature all industry standard connector interfaces in between-series and in-series designs.
Model J357B03 High temp., ceramic shear, charge output accel., 10 pC/g ...
1.0 INTRODUCTION. Congratulations on the purchase of a quality PCB charge mode accelerometer. In order to ensure the highest level of performance for this product, it is imperative that you properly familiarize yourself with the correct mounting and installation techniques before attempting to operate this device.
5003700 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
1-Port, Microcell Panel, VPOL, 55-80°, 698-4000 MHz, 5.0-7.5 dBi, SISO
Charles Industries CFTTE Fiber Transition Terminal General Description ...
1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1 Document Purpose This document provides installation instructions for the Charles Industries’ CFTTE connectorized fiber transition terminal. Figure 1 shows the front view of the CFTTE. 1.2 Product Purpose The CFTTE provides a means of managing fiber optics service cable. 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
ICP ® Shock Accelerometers - PCB
ICP ® Shock Accelerometers. Piezoelectric ICP® accelerometers afford a very high signal output (+/- 5 volts full scale) and the ease of two-wire electrical connectivity.
Charles Universal Broadband Enclosure CUBE-BB48A1GV2 General ...
GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1.1. Document Purpose . ... b. Secure the four corners of the CUBE. Each hardware stack includes one 3/8-16 (1.5” long) hex bolt with one 3/8” lock washer and one 3/8” flat washer. Figure 4 Replace Cross Brace Hardware. HARDWARE STACK INCLUDED WITH KI T:
Operation Manual TempoLink Smart Assistant
Tepoin ® art ssistant Operation Manual I 3 I 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose and use of this manual Before starting the operation of TempoLink® smart assistant, read this documentation thoroughly and follow the safety
Model 633A01 Piezoelectric USB Digital Accelerometer Installation ... - PCB
Introduction Model 633A01 is a single-axis, high-resolution, broad-frequency piezoelectric accelerometer with integrated ... Channel A is suitable for measurements up to ±20 g full scale while Channel B is the same signal scaled ±10 g full scale. While either channel can be used, most users choose to use Channel A. A block diagram
Operation Manual R-Series V PROFINET IO RT & IRT - Temposonics
Temposonics® R-Series V PROFINET IO RT & IRT O I 6 I a Sensor model R P 5 Profi le b Design G Magnet slider backlash free (part no. 253 421), suitable for internal linearization L Block magnet L (part no. 403 448) M U-magnet OD33 (part no. 251 416-2), suitable for internal linearization N Magnet slider longer ball-jointed arm (part no. 252 183), suitable for internal linearization
738985 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
C10-738986-2XS1 C10-738986-2XS2 Part Numbers: C10-738985-2XP1 C10-738985-2XP2 Revision Description Issue Date A lnitial release 2016/03/10 B Change the assembly method of shielding 2019/05/06 C Update picture detail 2020/05/13 AI-2. 2 1.