Search Results for italy healthcare system
D-Subminiature (D-Sub) Cables for Sale | Cables on Demand | Page 6
D-Subminiature (D-Sub) Cables -- Featuring the world's largest inventory of d-sub cable assemblies, Amphenol Cables on Demand is your premier D-subminiature cable destination. Our D-sub cables are offered in every major pin-count and connector configuration including DB9, DB15, HD15, DB25, HD26, DB37, HD44, DB50, HD62, and HD78. Deluxe, Premium, Panel Mount, & LSZH versions are available for ...
El-Cab among the Business Gazelles 2023 -
WIRE HARNESSES AND MODULE SYSTEMS ASSEMBLY. COMPONENTS FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES. El-Cab among the Business Gazelles 2023. We are glad that this year we can boast of the title of Business Gazelle. This prestigious award for the most dynamically developing companies is always a source of pride for us and a great motivation for further development ...
ASRS1A12S - Amphenol Air LB
Splice ASR not metallized 10 socket contacts size 22 (A1) Polarizing 2
Molded Straight Blade Over-Molded Twist Lock Additional Capabilities
to the competitor’s two-screw clamping system. • Ask about our Manual Wind Cord Caddy designed for 15 or 20 amp service with durable solid steel frame for the most abusive environments. ASK ABOUT OUR EXPLOSION PROOF OPTIONS. Created Date:
AT13-08PD-BM01CP 8 Position 90° Flange Mount PCB Receptacle
AT06-08SD-EC01 8-Way Plug, Female Connector with D Position Key, Enhanced Seal Retention (P012) and End cap. Comparable to PNs# DT06-08SD-EP06, 934455247
(8 5r+6 ,, &huwlilfdwh ri &rqirupdqfh 'hfhpehu 'hdu &xvwrphu ,q uhvsrqvh wr \rxu frpsoldqfh vwdwxv lqtxlu\ uhjduglqj wkh iroorzlqj surgxfw $pskhqro $hurvsdfh
HB078-13U3S6-50M2 DC breakout top, 50 m -
SYSTEM LOSS Optical Insertion Loss, Riser and Jumper Connected in Series Total, End to End 0.7dB typical / 1.25dB max @1310/1550nm PRODUCT DATASHEET HB078-13U3S6-50M2 HYBRIFLEX® Hybrid Feeder Cabling Solution 3x6, 6AWG, 7/8”, Single-Mode Fiber, DLC to ODC, with 6AWG DC breakout top, 50 m
The Series 2000 Speedy moisture tester is a portable system for measuring the moisture content of a wide range of materials including soils, aggregates, dust and powders (and liquids). The system consists of a rugged plastic case containing a low-pressure vessel fitted with a pressure gauge and an electronic scale and ancillaries.
Thermal Automotive Circuit Breaker 1170- -
Extra low voltage wiring systems on all types of vehicles and marine craft. 1170-... Standard current ratings, typical voltage drop values and actuator colours (manual release) Type No. 1170 plug-in Design standard 01 blade terminals for automotive fuse blocks (standard) with retaining clips 02 blade terminals for automotive fuse blocks,
Ventostat T8100 NS and NSP Series CO2 Sensor
• Patented ABC Logic™ self-calibration system eliminates the need for manual calibration in most applications. • Lifetime CO 2 calibration guarantee when using ABC Logic™. • Mounting plate with two-piece terminal blocks provide quick, easy wiring. • Gas permeable, water resistant CO 2 diffusion filter prevents particulate and water
Amphenol become the first batch companies that got HDMI certification ...
M14、M15、M19 Cable. NMEA2000 (M12) Cable. Test Fixture
PS1&PS4-H2S-50-MOD HydrogenSulfideModule Datasheet
SGXEuropeSp.zo.o. Building11 LigockaSt.103, 40-568Katowice, Poland T:+48(0)324384778 ©SGXSensortech2012-2022 DS-0428-PS1&PS4-H2S-50-MOD,Issue1,10-Feb-2022,Page2/14
PM265 Low-High Chirp, 1kW, Humminbird 21-Pin, DT
Marine Transducers. Chirp-Ready Transducers; NMEA/SMART Transducers; Traditional Frequency Transducers; Speed & Temperature; Multi-Beam Transducers; Transducer Diagnostic Tester
main | B117 50/200kHz, 600W, Raymarine A, DT -
B117 50/200kHz, 600W, Raymarine A, DT. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
main | P79 200kHz, 600W, JRC/Simrad 7-Pin, DO
P79 200kHz, 600W, JRC/Simrad 7-Pin, DO. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
main | B60 50/200kHz, 600W, 20° Tilt, Raymarine, DT
B60 50/200kHz, 600W, 20° Tilt, Raymarine, DT. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
PWC-03AFFM-TL7A05: Power Connector | Amphenol LTW
PWC-03AFFM-TL7A05, Carrying UL1977 & TUV approvals, PWC connectors comply with protection class IP68 and offer 3 contacts with a rated current of 20A. Available mating style: 2 points lock / 3 points lock.
Kaye ValProbe RT station de base
La station de base sert d’interface entre les enregistreurs individuels et le puissant logiciel système ValProbe RT. Il est utilisé pour les études de qualification, d’étalonnage et de vérification. Sa conception compacte, y compris une batterie de secours, le rend bien adapté pour une utilisation sur le terrain ou des applications de bureau.