Search Results for jetson orion nano 3d model
length, ft model number 8 hbf058-08u2s1-08fy 9 hbf058-08u2s1-09fy 10 hbf058-08u2s1-10fy 12 hbf058-08u2s1-12fy 15 hbf058-08u2s1-15fy 20 hbf058-08u2s1-20fy 30 hbf058-08u2s1-30fy 40 hbf058-08u2s1-40fy 60 hbf058-08u2s1-60fy 80 hbf058-08u2s1-80fy 150 hbf058-08u2s1-150fy additional assemblies - 2 pair sm fiber length, ft model number 8 hbf058-08u2s2-08fy
1900ND03P1A00E - Amphenol Air LB
The 1900 / EN3545 is a composite rectangular connector available with various contact arrangements. It includes sizes 22 to 8 crimp removable contacts for Copper and Aluminum cable, common with Mil-DTL-38999 Series connectors such as coax, twinax, triax and Quadrax.Standard and Overmoulded rear grommet and interfacial seal.Configurable keying and locking posts providing 36 options.
00175820202 - Amphenol Air LB
3D files. pdm_step_00175820202. pdm_3d_00175820202. Technical drawing. pdm_schema_00175820202. Declaration of Performances. DDP 1750 modules. Product compliance. Reach/RoHS certificates. pdm_reach_00175820202. pdm_rohs_00175820202. FAQ. Find more information about this product in our FAQ. Complementary products.
SIM2S112B - Amphenol Air LB
SIM splice With cable clamp With flange Polarization B
NTC Type JR -
Type JR Specifications Description NTC chip thermistor with insulated flexible wires and housed in an eyelet tag. Options • Other resistance - temperature characteristics
IMAC2001 368 A Smart Sensor Signal Conditioner - PCB
A SMART SENSOR SIGNAL CONDITIONER Mark I. Schiefer and Michael J. Lally The Modal Shop Incorporated 1775 Mentor Avenue Cincinnati, Ohio USA 45212-3521 Paul C. Edie
200WX NMEA 0183 / 2000® WeatherStation® - (No Relative Humidity ...
The highly changeable conditions at sea make offshore operations particularly challenging. Airmar has worked with many autonomous vehicle and buoy OEMs to develop the WeatherStation model 200WX-IPX7 that meets the operational challenges of this extremely harsh environment.
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00152250060 - Amphenol Air LB
Post screw Non magnetic stainless steel Without nut On panel mounting
35400031313 - Amphenol Air LB
3D files. pdm_step_35400031313. pdm_3d_35400031313. Technical drawing. pdm_schema_35400031313. Declaration of Performances. DDP Bracket for cable clamp. Product compliance. Reach/RoHS certificates. pdm_reach_35400031313. pdm_rohs_35400031313. FAQ. Find more information about this product in our FAQ. Amphenol Air LB. About us; Amphenol group;
Datenblatt R-Serie V RDV SSI (Dokumentennummer 552140)
3 Temposonics® R-Serie V RDV SSI Datenblatt TECHNISCHE DATEN 1/ Mit Standard-Monoflop-Zeit von 16 μs 2/ Sensor mit Standardeinstellungen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Betriebsanleitung R-Serie V SSI (Dokumentennummer: 552011)
MODEL 102M295 CRYOGENIC PRESSURE TRANSDUCER XXX ±.005 JDM 2/15/16 AF 2/15/16 DRK 2/15/16 6 2 2 6 2 PCB Piezotronics Inc. claims proprietary rights in the information disclosed hereon. Neither it nor any reproduction thereof will be disclosed to others without the written consent of PCB Piezotronics Inc. REVISIONS REV DESCRIPTION DIN A NOTE 3 ...
Technical features -
Model Series SCF14-50 Series Connector Interface 7-16 DIN Connector Type OMNI FIT™ PREMIUM Straight Sealing Method O-ring + 360° Compression Gender Male ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Nominal Impedance, ohms Ohm 50 3rd Order IM Product @ 2x20 Watts dBc -163 ; typical -167 Maximum Frequency GHz 6 VSWR, Return Loss VSWR (dB) 0 < f ≤ 1.0 GHz: 1 ...
SIM2B24A010 - Amphenol Air LB
3D files. pdm_step_SIM2B24A010. pdm_3d_SIM2B24A010. Technical drawing. pdm_schema_SIM2B24A010. Declaration of Performances. DDP Monomodule SIM serie 2. Product compliance. Reach/RoHS certificates. pdm_reach_SIM2B24A010. pdm_rohs_SIM2B24A010. FAQ. Find more information about this product in our FAQ.
00113090302 - Amphenol Air LB
Module 1130 With inserted diodes 1 N 5623
Ordering Options Electrical Characteristics Port 1: 698-6000 MHz Port 2 ...
Ordering Options Model Number Antenna with N-Type Connector 5005400 Antenna with 4.1/9.5 Mini-DIN Connector 5005400-mDIN Antenna with 7/16-DIN Connector 5005400-DIN Electrical Characteristics Port 1: 698-6000 MHz Port 2: 698-6000 MHz Frequency Band 698-960 MHz 1710-6000 MHz 698-960 MHz 1710-6000 MHz Polarization Vertical Vertical
Request a Product Quote - TPC Wire
Interested in using our cable or wire products in your next project? Fill out a product quote request form here!
1900ND02S2X00C - Amphenol Air LB
Connector 1900 Socket With grommet unsealed 78 socket contacts #22 Without polarizer, without contact
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HB114-U6S12-850-LI - HYBRIFLEX® Hybrid Feeder Cabling Solution 6x12, 1 ...
RFS Technologies’ HYBRIFLEX Remote Radio Head (RRH) hybrid feeder cabling solution combines optical fiber and DC power for RRHs in a single lightweight aluminum corrugated cable, making it