Search Results for jetson orion nano 3d model
D38999 Series III Filter Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol’s MIL-DTL-38999 Series III connectors are unrivaled in their performance and reliability. With added filter features, the high-performance general duty threaded connector is designed to withstand the pressures of severe environment applications.
Commercial Class L | High Power Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Commercial Class L heavy duty power connectors are the commercial equivalent of the MIL-DTL-22992 qualified connectors -- our largest size cylindrical connector.
Kontakt -
Über uns. Kaye & Amphenol; Kaye Geschichte; Umweltschutz und Sicherheit; Qualität; AGB; News. Press Releases; News Posts; Blog Posts; 65 years Kaye; Events; Jobs ...
6U VPX 25G 144-Channel Rugged Ethernet Switch - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol newest development 6U 144 channel 25Gbps VPX conduction and air-cooled Ethernet Switch is configurable for system connectivity, speeds, port types, and interoperation of various media converters and connectors for system interfacing.
ETV38999 Lightweight Composite Connector - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol ETV38999: Lightweight compliant connectors with non-plated composite shells, low-cost insert components, and robust performance. Ideal for UAM, eVTOL
156-Channel Rugged Ethernet Switchbox - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol’s Rugged 156-Channel Ethernet Switch Box is conduction cooled and configurable for system connectivity, speeds, port types, and interoperation with various high-speed media converters and connectors for system interfacing.
IMAGED / Feb . 23 2016, 4:04:04 PM - アンフェノールジャパン ...
IMAGED / Feb . 23 2016, 4:04:04 PM . Created Date: 2/23/2016 2:24:14 PM
3d view aipxe-325x4a-xxxx and aipxe-325x4b-xxxx enclosure and mounting hardware shown for reference section b-b b b assembled pcb enclosure shown for reference section a-a (133) header pcb enclosure #4 [m3] screw location optional 7 (17.6) (19.2) 7 top surface of pcb ref a2 - update drawing 29jul19 sullen tommy 11.00 17.00 19.00 22.00 2x4.00
France3 -
Kaye products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for process measurement, thermal validation systems, and environmental monitoring.
Miniature Pressure Sensors
a 16035 Vineyard Blvd. Morgan Hill, CA 95037 p 408 225 4314 f 408 225 2079 e all sensors All Sensors DS-0107 Rev B
Standalone Single Channel Fiber Optic Media Converter
Amphenol’s Stand Alone Single Channel Fiber Optic Media Converter converts one channel of copper high speed signaling at up to 1.6Gbps data rates to high speed fiber optics using Amphenol M29504 contacts.
Characteristics - Amphenol Sine
model or design. 8 D 3 A F 7 2 F Weitergabe 5 sowie Vervielfältigung dieser Unterlage, Verwertung und Mitteilung ihres Inhalts nicht gestattet, soweit nicht ausdrücklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhandlungen verpflichten zu Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte für den der Patenterteilung oder Gebrauchsmuster-Eintragung vorbehalten. B 8 42,3 18,1 16,5 27,8 44 ...
UAB LS Consult -
Kaye products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for process measurement, thermal validation systems, and environmental monitoring.
Kaye Console Keyboard
Kaye products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for process measurement, thermal validation systems, and environmental monitoring.
R-VPX Evolution 2.0 VITA 46.30 Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Improving off original Vita 46 standards, Amphenol’s R-VPX Evolution 2.0 is the next generation of high-speed ruggedized backplane connectors. R-VPX Evolution 2.0 series connectors are designed and optimized to achieve data rates in excess of 25 Gb/s, meeting VITA 46.30 requirements.
2.92mm Female to 1.85mm Female Adapter - SV Microwave
A 2.92mm Female to 1.85mm Female Adapter SF1133-6021 is now available at SV Microwave. Get the product through our distributors. Explore now!
SJT Hermetic Connectors | Hermetically Sealed - Amphenol Aerospace
100% scoop-proof design Basic MIL-DTL-38999 Series I lengths; Standard mounting dimensions MIL-DTL-38999, Series II dimensions; Compliance with European Specifications PAN6433-2, LN29729, VG96912
Telaire Air Quality Sensors
Three model families are available: T6713 The Telaire® T6713 CO 2 Series is ideal for applications where CO 2 levels need to be measured and controlled for indoor air quality and energy saving applications such as demand control ventilation. All units are factory calibrated to measure CO 2 concentration levels up to 5000ppm. T6703 The Telaire ...