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5003500 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Front-to-Back Ratio > 8 dB > 8 dB > 12 dB > 12 dB Maximum Power 50W Connector Type 1 Port, N-Type Female or 4.3-10 Female (specify when ordering) ORDERING OPTIONS Select from the following ordering options SELECT MODEL NUMBER Antenna with N-Type Female Connectors 5003500 Antenna with 4.310 Female Connectors 5003500-4310 698-2700 MHz
Quantum Computing TR Multicoax Series - Amphenol Ardent Concepts
Specifications subect to change without notice S Patent Numbers 6,787,709, 6,909,056, 7,126,062, 7,556,503, 8,926,342. Ardent Concepts 2020 Revision 3/2020
mps02-bsfa032s | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
MPS02-BSFA032S - 32孔低压信号连接器 产品型号: 插头: MPS02-BSFX032S 插座: MPS02-BSMX0320 ( “X” 表示 code A/B/C) 对配 设计: 锁定机构 CPA确认锁定结构 端子二次锁机构 端子规格: 26 根1mm信号端子 6 根2.8mm电源端子 常规特性: IP68/IP6K9K级防水 互配次数: 最少100次 性能
TRIM-IL78-C02 - Insert for Combination preparation tool (Universal ...
Title: TRIM-IL78-C02 - Insert for Combination preparation tool (Universal Trimming Tool), CELLFLEX ® Cable 7/8" for connector family OMNI FIT Standard C02 : Created Date: 12/2/2024 5:57:07 AM
2-Channel Cavity Combiner -
Weight Approx. 9.8 kg / 21.61 lb. Environmental Operating temperature range -30 °C to +60 °C Frequency Stability Approx. 0.8 ppm / °C ORDERING Model Product No. PRO-CAV450-2 210000400 PRO-CAV450-2 PROCOM A/S reserves the right to amend specifications without prior notice PROCOM A/S • Smedetoften 12 DK 3600 Frederikssund • Denmark Page: 1 ...
10165431-208000LF | Bergstak ® 0.50mm | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Board to Board Connectors. Contact us today for more details of Bergstak ® 0.50mm Connector, Part number 10165431-208000LF
FDFX55020D2-2C - ShareLiteTM 694 - 2690MHz / 3300 ...
Lightning Protection IEC61000-4-5 Level 4 / 5kA, 8/20 uS PRODUCT DATASHEET FDFX55020D2-2C ShareLite 694 - 2690MHz / 3300 - 5925 MHz Diplexer, with DC Pass 694-2690, Dual Configuration, 2.2-5 Connectors TM FDFX55020D2-2C REV : A REV DATE : 01 Nov 2019
Quick-Connex® Mini Wiring System Accessories - TPC Wire
Cordsets M12 DC Micro Cordsets AC Micro Cordsets M8 Nano Cordsets Mini Cordsets 167 Valve Connection Cordsets Ethernet Cordsets Amphenol TPC Wire Cale / SA 800-21-79 / Canada 800--0122 / Mexico 001-877-28-1696 / efiatns suet t ane Fr ete sefiatns an aaat as ur aes eresentate r a
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Hybrid Combiners PRO-PHY150-2 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
PRO-PHY150-2-8: 210000545: 164 - 170 MHz: Add to quote: PRO-PHY150-2-9: 210000548: 168 - 174 MHz: Add to quote: PRO-PHY150-2-10: 210000629: 172 - 178 MHz: Add to quote: Note * The isolation between the Tx ports is directly dependent on the terminating VSWR on the antenna port. With an antenna load VSWR = 1.5, the isolation between the two Tx ...
Omni Antennas 4230.09-405-Txx - AMPHENOL PROCOM
8° Electrical Tilt: 380 - 430 MHz: Add to quote: 9 dBd HD omni antenna 380-430MHz, low PIM: 4230.09-405-T10: 10° Electrical Tilt: 380 - 430 MHz: Add to quote: 9 dBd HD omni antenna 380-430MHz, low PIM: 4230.09-405-T12: 12° Electrical Tilt: 380 - 430 MHz: Add to quote: Accessories; Heavy Duty Galv. Steel Parallel Bracket: 2142.01.00.00: Add ...
Transmetteurs de niveau magnétostrictif pour liquide avec technologie ...
Manuel d'utilisation Level Plus ® Transmetteurs de niveau magnétostrictif pour liquide avec technologie Temposonics ® Tank SL A Y ER ®
PH-YY10-N0 -
Packing Size (Length x Width x Depth) mm (in) 1225 x 275 x 220 (48.2 x 10.8 x 8.7) Shipping Weight kg (lbs) 11.4 (25.1) ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Environmental Standard --- ETS 300 019 Operating Temperature degrees -40° to +60° C (-40° to +140° F) Product Environmental Compliance --- Product is RoHS Compliant.
122393RP -
Title: C:\Documents and Settings\gary.TESTUM-WS01.000\My Documents\Garry's\connex\topseller_folder_3\122393RP.dwg Author: gary Created Date: 4/9/2003 8:07:18 PM
Circular Medical Cable Connector | Pulse-Lok Connector 320441
The Pulse-Lok® series of products offer field-proven interconnect & cable assembly design solutions for your needs. Shop our Medical Connector 320441
BNC Straight Crimp Plug RG-59 RG-62 50 Ohm | 031-321 - Amphenol RF
RF Connector BNC Straight Crimp Plug RG-59 RG-62 50 Ohm. Body Finish: Nickel: Body Material: Brass: Cable Type (Terminates to) RG-59, RG-62, Belden 8221, Belden 8241, Belden 9169, Belden 9204, Belden 9228, Canare LV-61S
Automotive | Markets - Amphenol
Amphenol is a leading supplier of advanced interconnect systems, sensors and antennas for a growing array of automotive applications. In addition, we have developed advanced technology solutions for hybrid and electric vehicles and are working with leading global customers to proliferate these advanced interconnect products into next-generation automobiles.
pl18u-300-70 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for 21-900702-001 Sales and Distributors | Amphenol Advanced Sensors ... Red 21 Blue 24 Gray 29 Brown 33 Green 37 Pink 42 Black 45 Wire Size RADSOK Size Current Rating SurLok Assembly Part Number Lug Only Part Number Conductor Max. Dia. Crimp Code 3.6mm 5.7mm 8.0mm 10.3mm 70 Amps 125 Amps 200 Amps 300 Amps PSLP-36 PSLP-57 PSLP-80 ...
Amphenol Assembletech
8. Adopted by SFF (SFF-TA-1016) Mechanical Performance. 1. Mating Force: 30N maximum 2. Unmating Force: 49N maximum 3. Rated durability cycles: 250 cycles minimum Electrical Performance. 1. Voltage: 30VAC per contact 2. Current: 0.5A per contact 3. Contact resistance: 20mohm max. initial, 20mohm maximum change after stress test 4.
Power Splitter 400 W - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Power Splitter 400 W DESCRIPTION Amphenol Power Splitters covers the bands of 380 - 2700 MHz with a PIM value of -153 dBc. Average max power of 400 W.