Search Results for line holding connector system
6.0 ± 0.2 -
See individual data drawings for connector specifications 2. Dimensions shown are in inches TITLE: VITA 67.1/2 SMPM Plug-in Contact to SMPS Size 16 Pin 6" Cable Assembly for Ø.047 Flexible Coax DWG. NO. FV67SMPM-047-P16DSMPS-060 DRAWN 2022-10-18 16:02:12. Created Date:
EU RoHS II Declaration -
CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL, RECEPTACLE 6(c) Lead (EXEMPT) The above-listed product was reviewed for compliance in accordance with the following: Directive 2011/65/EU (as amended) Directive 2015/863/EU pertaining to the addition of four phthalates
Technische Daten iLED-uni
Technische Daten Technische nderungen, die dem Fortschritt dienen, orbehalten. LAWO Informationsssteme Gmb. 161025 | 11.38 LAWO Informationsssteme Gmb Lochfeldstrasse 0 4 astatt DEUTSHLAND Tel: 4 222 1001-0 Fa: 4 222 1001-14 Technik SMD-LED LED-Farbe rot, gelb oder grün Blickwinkel horizontal 120° / vertikal 120° ...
Επαφές ισχύος για συνδέσμους D389999 I, II, III, EN3645, EN4165 ...
Amphenol Socapex : Επαφές ισχύος για συνδέσμους D389999 I, II, III, EN3645, EN4165
Natural gas module datasheet v3 - SGX Sensortech
realized using USB connector (sensor should be detached from battery and connected to PC with installed terminal). In this mode the module is always in an online state, while measurements are transmitted each 21 seconds (like in battery operation). The Natural Gas Module allows for the following
FAQ | Amphenol Socapex
terug PS-serie: Oplossingen voor voedingsapparaten. Stroomomzetters; Stroomverdelingseenheden; USB Sleutels & Uitbreidingen
2015年9月23日 内训讲师课程发布—赢在谈判_Amphenol Assembletech
Amphenol xiamen,Amphenol-ast,安费诺电子装配,安费诺,数据接口,安费诺厦门,厦门安费诺
EU RoHS II Declaration -
CONNECTOR, ELECTRICAL, RECEPTACLE 6(c) Lead (Pb) The above-listed product was reviewed for compliance in accordance with the following: Directive 2011/65/EU (as amended) Directive 2015/863/EU pertaining to the addition of four phthalates Product compliance assessments are based on AAO/ACAD/AMHS data and Material Declarations received
OAL - SV Microwave
connectors: 2.92mm male r/a (sf1512-60028) smpm female r/a (3269-4001) cable: flexible Ø.047 cable (200-70-479) shrink tubing: m23053/5 performance: impedance: 50 ohms freq. range: dc to 20.0 ghz sv p/n oal 7015-0996 6.000 7015-0997 12.000 date approved revision history rev description third angle projection ...
KAYE - Thermal Validation System & Environmental Monitoring
Kaye offers industry-leading thermal validation system for accurate monitoring and compliance in pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Discover advanced wired and wireless solutions for temperature validation.
欢乐暑期,AST万达齐观影_Amphenol Assembletech
Amphenol xiamen,Amphenol-ast,安费诺电子装配,安费诺,数据接口,安费诺厦门,厦门安费诺
Exhaust Gas Recycle (EGR) Temperature Sensor
Exhaust Gas Recycle (EGR) Temperature Sensor NTC 150°C Sensor 300°C Sensor
1991 -
Kaye offers industry-leading thermal validation system for accurate monitoring and compliance in pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Discover advanced wired and wireless solutions for temperature validation.
RFM Quadrax - RFM-serien | Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex erbjuder RFM-serien, Rack & Panel-kontakter, de möjliggör en blindanslutning och är utrustade med flytande fixturer. RFM-kontakter uppfyller standarderna EN45545-2 och NF F 61-032. RFM-kontakter har använts i många år av OEM-tillverkare i tuffa miljöer och i järnvägsapplikationer för säkerhetssystem. RFM-kontakternas robusthet och omriktningsförmåga ger också ...
Puerto Rico -
System für Thermoelement oder PT100. Kaye Validator AVS; Kaye Validator 2000; ValProbe RT Funklogger. Kaye ValProbe RT {Übersicht} Kaye ValProbe RT {Basis Station} Kaye ValProbe RT {Temperatur Logger Flexibel} Kaye ValProbe RT {Temperatur Logger Biegsam} Kaye ValProbe RT {Temperatur Logger Starr}
Brazil -
Kaye offers industry-leading thermal validation system for accurate monitoring and compliance in pharmaceutical and biotech industries. Discover advanced wired and wireless solutions for temperature validation.
The electrical system is optimized in order to have the lower possi-ble current consumption. 2 3 FARI DA LAVORO A LED LED wORkLAmps Materiale corpo: metallo colore nero Materiale lente: policarbonato Tensione di alimentazione: 10 - 30V Assorbimento di corrente: 0.65A @ 12.8V
2016年5月24日AST 荣获 “2015年度超7000万纳税特大户”
Amphenol xiamen,Amphenol-ast,安费诺电子装配,安费诺,数据接口,安费诺厦门,厦门安费诺
%PDF-1.6 %âãÏÓ 31 0 obj > endobj 58 0 obj >/Encrypt 32 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[31 44]/Info 30 0 R/Length 121/Prev 340098/Root 33 0 R/Size 75/Type/XRef/W ...
45.6 - Amphenol Sine
molded color of the connectors shown above. other colors shown are available via special order. p/n at06-12sa-rd01 key-a configuration standard color: grey p/n at06-12sb-rd01 key-b configuration standard color: black p/n at06-12sc-rd01 key-c configuration standard color: green p/n at06-12sd-rd01 key-d configuration standard color: brown keyed ...