Search Results for linear and nonlinear spectroscopy
TN-29 Guidance for the Filtering of Dynamic Force, Pressure ... - PCB
filter must maintain both flat amplitude and linear phase response to preserve signal wave shape. Specific requirements must be generated in order to establish these criteria. To initiate this discussion, these requirements will be specified as: (1) 95 percent (26dB) signal attenuation by some
Signal Conditioning Basics | PCB Piezotronics
From a performance aspect, voltage mode systems are capable of linear operation at high frequencies. Certain sensors have frequency limits exceeding 1 MHz, making them useful for detecting shock waves with a fraction of a microsecond rise time.
Signal Processing Impacts of ICP Accelerometer Limit Violations - PCB
By “linear” we mean that a constant voltage per unit accelera on level g (sensi vity) is measured across a range of amplitudes (from low to high) and frequencies (also from low to high). 3.1 Amplitude Limits
Part No. 550033 Rev. E - T e m p o s o n i c s
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Data Sheet HE-Series Analog
The robust linear position sensor HE is designed for direct stroke measurement in hydraulic cylinders. The position sensor can be installed from the head side or the rod side of the cylinder depending on the cylinder design.
Rolling Mill - Temposonics
Rolling mills depend on linear position sensors to precisely control the roller displacement using Automatic Gauge Control (AGC) cylinders. The sensor models with SSI output and optional linearization provide the speed and accuracy required for this application.
Level & Quality Sensors - Amphenol Sensors
These sensors permit precise and dynamic position and speed measurement in advanced automation and safety-relevant applications. With a versatile and ever-increasing product portfolio, Temposonics works closely with customers, to optimize performance and reduce downtimes.
Strain Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
The configuration is known as a Wheatstone Bridge Circuit. A Wheatstone Bridge has a very linear output in it’s midrange. That being considered +100% to -100% of range. Unfortunately, a Wheatstone Bridge becomes non-linear above the upper and lower extremes of range.
Band Pass Filters BPF 88-108 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
BPF 88-108 is an LC band-pass filter. Allows the whole band 87.5 - 108 MHz to pass. Series coupled high/low pass filter design. Chebychev characteristic ensures low insertion loss and high out-of-band rejection. Can be used as transmitter filter to prevent out-of-band and harmonics radiation.
spectra strip | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol's exclusive Spectra-Strip SKEWCLEAR triple shielded parallel-pair wire guarantees sustained data-rates up to 24.0 Gbps per lane, reduced signal loss and improved cross-talk performance over competing wire technologies.
BPS10-O-B1 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
The novel side fed dipole design of these antennas provides 10 dBd omnidirectional gain with 60 MHz bandwidth. They feature constant beamtilt, heavy null fill, and have been VSWR tested. Depending upon the specific required area of coverage, horizontal patterns O, A, B, D or H are available.
Absolute, Non-Contact Position Sensors Technical Data ... - Temposonics
Temposonics linear sensors are based on the magnetostrictive technology. By measuring the actual position with a non-contact position magnet the sensor operates 100% wear-free. The absolute operating principle enables reliable readings without any reference point or recalibration. A mechanical strain pulse
Sensors for Semiconductor Manufacturing | PCB Piezotronics
PCB's high-sensitivity vibration sensors enable nanometer-level displacement measurements for continuous quality verification and enhanced product performance. Download our free brochure to browse PCB's most popular sensor models for semiconductor and lithography system monitoring and manufacturing.
Automotive Rollover Testing | PCB Piezotronics
The Model 7360A, a compact six degrees of freedom (6DoF) sensor, offers analog output for three axes of linear acceleration and three axes of angular rate within a roughly one inch cube (30cm) package.
3 dBd Colinear Base Station and Marine DAB Antenna CXL 230-3/DAB
This antenna is especially developed for the DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast) band and it is used when more gain is required than obtainable with standard 1⁄2 λ dipoles. The higher the antenna is mounted, the better coverage. Avoid mounting the antenna parallel with or in the neighbourhood of other metal parts, such as masts, supporting wires etc.
Temposonics Absolute, Non-contact Position Sensors Product Brief
of linear-position and liquid-level sensors. Based on MTS’ Temposonics® technology, the Sensors Division is continually developing new ways to apply sensing technology to solve critical applications in a variety of markets worldwide. With facilities in the United States, Germany, Japan and China, MTS
Model 422M182 | PCB Piezotronics
[2] The low frequency tolerance is accurate within ±20% of the specified frequency. [3] Tested using voltage source and input capacitor equal to the feedback capacitor, to simulate a charge output sensor. [4] See PCB Declaration of Conformance PS024 for details.
Hydraulics & Pneumatics - Temposonics
High performance, durability and value have made Temposonics position sensors the standard for in-cylinder applications in the fluid power industry. In addition, our sensors feature excellent linearity, EMC immunity and resistance to shock and vibration.
Product Brief MH-Series – Small Bore Sensor - Temposonics
Magnetostrictive Linear Position Sensors Product Brief. Features Measured Value Position, Velocity (CANbus only) Output Options Voltage, Current, CANopen, J1939 Stroke Length 100 mm to 600 mm Resolution 0.1 mm Linearity ±0.4 mm Shock 100 g (11 ms) single shock per axis, IEC 60068-2-27
Data Sheet L-Series Start-Stop Interface ˝ ˇ ˙ ˇ ˘ ˆ - Temposonics
UNITED STATES Temposonics, LLC Americas & APAC Region 3001 Sheldon Drive Cary, N.C. 27513 Phone: +1 919 Phone: +1677-0100 E-mail: