Search Results for looping in bash one line
Powersafe - VG96944 - Serie 38999 | Amphenol Socapex
Il connettore PowerSafe di Amphenol Socapex è una soluzione ad alte prestazioni progettata per la trasmissione di alta potenza con tensioni superiori a 500 V, che soddisfa i requisiti più severi del mercato in materia di sicurezza degli utenti. È certificato secondo le norme EN61984 e EN60664, che ne garantiscono la sicurezza d'uso anche nelle applicazioni più impegnative.
21-033832-191 (PLUG) F G - Amphenol
contact wires. One-by-one, position wired inner contacts inside the SHOWN) insulator slots as shown. The inner contact’s retention shoul .320der must be positioned in front of the insulator’s front surface as illus trated. Two of the rear insulator slots will not be used. L-2119-EM FSCM77820 September 2014 21-033832-191 (PLUG) 21-033832-191 ...
D-SUB > Others | 암페놀-대신전자정밀 (주)
Amphenol's line of D-subminiature rack and panel connectors is part of an industry standard for applications requiring reliable, rugged, connectors. These connectors are designed to accommodate rack and panel, cable to panel and cable to cable applications. D-subminiature connectors are pin and socket devices that employ contacts encased in a ...
NM-Mount - NanoMag
Pedidos. Normalmente : Realice el pedido simplemente indicando la referencia NM. Antenas completas : Por favor, consulte la “MU 1-NM/…”, “Serie de 900 MHz NM”, y “MU 1804-NM”.
PowerLok系列200A,1芯,180度水平安装铜排端子插座连接器 - 电子 - Amphenol-gec
180D Busbar LugConnector Type:Receptacle Ampere:200A Position:1POS...
USG INIR & SMIR Evaluation Software V3 - SGX Sensortech
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LTR-150多功能校准基准 -
The LTR-150 is the most advanced, multi-purpose temperature calibrator. This device can function as dry block, liquid bath, or surface temperature calibrator, w
ATS06-26SB 26 Position Plug, Socket, Contact Size 20, Singl - Amphenol Sine
ATS04-26PB 26 Position In-line Receptacle, Pin, Keyed B, Contact Size 20, Single Latch, End Cap, Black. REQUEST A QUOTE. ATS13-26PB-BM01 26 Position PCB Receptacle with Sealed Flange, Right Angle, Pin, Contact Size 20, Keyed B, Self-Threading, Black. REQUEST A QUOTE.
SMP Male PCB QB Surface Mount Connector - SV Microwave
These products contain one or more EU REACH Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) > 0.1% by weight (1000 ppm). Details related to the SVHC are displayed. REACH SVHC: LEAD, CAS #: 7439-92-1, PPM: 4000 . Use personal protective equipment as required. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash thoroughly after handling.
MS16M12E09G10 PCB Contact - Long Version - Amphenol Sine
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ MS16M12E09G10 PCB Contact - Long Version, Size 16, Gold 10µ, Female-PCB Contact - Long Version, Size 16, Gold 10µ, Female
AT04-4P-PM11 4 Position Receptacle, Pin, Panel Mount, Self-T
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ AT04-4P-PM11 4 Position Receptacle, Pin, Panel Mount, Self-Threading-4 Position Receptacle, Pin, Panel Mount, Self-Threading.
SwitchBlox -
The BotBlox SwitchBlox is a small form factor 5 port 10/100Mbps (10BASE -T/100BASE- TX) unmanaged ethernet switch. It has a non-blocking fabric, meaning that 100Mbps speed can be achieved simultaneously on all ports.
MRC CONNECTORS - Amphenol Aerospace
standard COTS RJ45, USB, HDMI connections on one end. Additional cable materials and connector configuration are available; please consult our product team with your requirements. OVERVIEW CURRENT RATING 2.5 AMPS Max Per Contact PROTOCOLS SUP-PORTED Gigabit Ethernet, USB 2.0/3.0, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, & HDMI DURABILITY 2000 Mating Cycles
SMPM Male PCB Edge Launch Connector, 2 Port, SB
These products contain one or more EU REACH Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) > 0.1% by weight (1000 ppm). Details related to the SVHC are displayed. REACH SVHC: LEAD, CAS #: 7439-92-1, PPM: 4000 . Use personal protective equipment as required. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash thoroughly after handling.
Wojskowy przełącznik Ethernet RESMLAC-8MG-CAPS
Wojskowy przełącznik Ethernet Amphenol Socapex MIL-DTL-461, znany również jako RESMLAC-8MG-CAPS, to bardzo trwały i niezawodny zarządzalny wojskowy przełącznik Ethernet, który jest przeznaczony do użytku w trudnych warunkach. Przełącznik ten jest wyposażony w złącza MIL-DTL-38999 i posiada osiem portów gigabitowych, dzięki czemu nadaje się do różnych zastosowań związanych ...
Amphenol Borisch Technologies
SM Administered by PRI David L. Schutt, PhD President Performance Review Institute (PRI) | 161 Thorn Hill Road I Warrendale, PA 15086-7527 Jay Solomond
Related Items - Amphenol Sine
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ RT001412PNHEC Receptacle, Square Flange, 12 Position, Male, Shell Size 14, and End Cap with Individual Wire Sealing.
RT0W71210SNH03 Jam Nut Receptacle, Female with Silicone Seal, 20AWG, 5A ...
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ RT0W71210SNH03 Receptacle, Jam Nut, 10 Position, Female, Shell Size 12, with Silicone Seal.
MS20W12E09F PCB Contact - Long Version - Amphenol Sine
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ MS20W12E09F PCB Contact - Long Version, Size 20, Gold Flash, Female-PCB Contact - Long Version, Size 20, Gold Flash, Female