Search Results for low pass filter
Band Pass Filters BPF 88-108 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
BPF 88-108 is an LC band-pass filter. Allows the whole band 87.5 - 108 MHz to pass. Series coupled high/low pass filter design. Chebychev characteristic ensures low insertion loss and high out-of-band rejection. Can be used as transmitter filter to prevent out-of-band and harmonics radiation.
Low Pass Filters PRO-LP 150 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Medium power low-pass filter for the 140 – 175 MHz range. Attenuates especially 2. and 3. harmonics. High frequency stability on temperature and power. Attenuation in stop band better than 40 dB. Extremely low insertion loss (less than 0.2 dB).
Band Pass Filters BPF 2/3 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
In Amphenol Procoms Low Pass Filters the spectrum of pass band are from 0-2100 MHz and stop band from 138 MHz to 12.4 GHz. View our products line here. Explore all Low Pass Filters. Mounting Kits for Filters. Amphenol Procom provides Mounting Kits for a wide range of Multiplexers and Duplex Filters with repeater. Learn more of our product line ...
Band Pass Filters BPF 70/...-125 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
In Amphenol Procoms Low Pass Filters the spectrum of pass band are from 0-2100 MHz and stop band from 138 MHz to 12.4 GHz. View our products line here. Explore all Low Pass Filters. Mounting Kits for Filters. Amphenol Procom provides Mounting Kits for a wide range of Multiplexers and Duplex Filters with repeater. Learn more of our product line ...
Band Pass Filters PRO-BPF 118-137-N - AMPHENOL PROCOM
In Amphenol Procoms Low Pass Filters the spectrum of pass band are from 0-2100 MHz and stop band from 138 MHz to 12.4 GHz. View our products line here. Explore all Low Pass Filters. Mounting Kits for Filters. Amphenol Procom provides Mounting Kits for a wide range of Multiplexers and Duplex Filters with repeater. Learn more of our product line ...
Band Pass Filters BPF 225-400 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Miniature LC band-pass filter. Allows the whole 225 - 400 MHz band to pass. Series coupled high/low pass filter design. Chebychev characteristic ensures low insertion loss and high out-of-band rejection. Can be used as transmitter filter to prevent out-of-band and harmonics radiation.
Band Pass Filters BPF 4/4-FM - AMPHENOL PROCOM
In Amphenol Procoms Low Pass Filters the spectrum of pass band are from 0-2100 MHz and stop band from 138 MHz to 12.4 GHz. View our products line here. Explore all Low Pass Filters. Mounting Kits for Filters. Amphenol Procom provides Mounting Kits for a wide range of Multiplexers and Duplex Filters with repeater. Learn more of our product line ...
Low Pass Filters PRO-LP 450 -
Medium power low-pass filter for the 400 – 470 MHz range. Attenuates especially 2. and 3. harmonics. High frequency stability on temperature and power. Attenuation in stop band better than 40 dB. Extremely low insertion loss (less than 0.2 dB).
Guidance for the Filtering of Dynamic Force, Pressure ... - PCB
The ampl itude response of an ideal, low-pass filter [1] would uniformly pass all frequencies to some upper limi t and then completely eliminate frequencies above that limit. The phase response of this ideal, low-pass filter would be perfectly linear to this same upper frequency bound. Such a filter would maintain
Band Pass Filters BPF 2/4-... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
In Amphenol Procoms Low Pass Filters the spectrum of pass band are from 0-2100 MHz and stop band from 138 MHz to 12.4 GHz. View our products line here. Explore all Low Pass Filters. Mounting Kits for Filters. Amphenol Procom provides Mounting Kits for a wide range of Multiplexers and Duplex Filters with repeater. Learn more of our product line ...
EMI Filters | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
EMI Low Pass Filter Options Amphenol EMI filter connectors utilize several types of low-pass filters to filtrate medium and high-frequency interference. These filters utilize capacitors and Planar and Ferrite Inductors to prevent unwanted signal noise which can harm a system’s functionality and performance.
Band Pass Filters BPF 118-137 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
BPF 118-137 is an LC band-pass filter. Allows the whole 118 - 137 MHz band to pass. Series coupled high/low pass filter design. Chebychev characteristic ensures low insertion loss and high out-of-band rejection. Can be used as transmitter filter to prevent out-of-band and harmonics radiation.
Band Reject Filters BRF 70/3 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
In Amphenol Procoms Low Pass Filters the spectrum of pass band are from 0-2100 MHz and stop band from 138 MHz to 12.4 GHz. View our products line here. Explore all Low Pass Filters. Mounting Kits for Filters. Amphenol Procom provides Mounting Kits for a wide range of Multiplexers and Duplex Filters with repeater. Learn more of our product line ...
Point of Entry Filter LPF-1002-70 - Amphenol Broadband Solutions
Model No.: LPF-1002-70 Low Pass Filter A MoCA Multimedia Network is a local area network characterized by wide bandwidth RF signal streams operating at high signal levels above the 1GHz CATV band at 1125 to 1675 MHz. These networks must be isolated from each other to prevent interference and failure. Due to the common, party-line nature of the
Band Pass Filters BPF 70/4-HX - AMPHENOL PROCOM
In Amphenol Procoms Low Pass Filters the spectrum of pass band are from 0-2100 MHz and stop band from 138 MHz to 12.4 GHz. View our products line here. Explore all Low Pass Filters. Mounting Kits for Filters. Amphenol Procom provides Mounting Kits for a wide range of Multiplexers and Duplex Filters with repeater. Learn more of our product line ...
Band Pass Filters BPF 70/3 -
In Amphenol Procoms Low Pass Filters the spectrum of pass band are from 0-2100 MHz and stop band from 138 MHz to 12.4 GHz. View our products line here. Explore all Low Pass Filters. Mounting Kits for Filters. Amphenol Procom provides Mounting Kits for a wide range of Multiplexers and Duplex Filters with repeater. Learn more of our product line ...
Model 339A30 | PCB Piezotronics
Filter Type (single pole) Low Pass: Low Pass: Electrical Filter Roll-off: 6 dB/octave: 6 dB/octave: Electrical Filter Corner Frequency >14 kHz >14 kHz: Broadband Resolution (1) 0.008 g rms: 0.078 m/s² rms [1] Non-Linearity: ≤0.5 %: ≤0.5 %: Transverse Sensitivity: ≤5 %: ≤5 %: Environmental: Overload Limit (Shock) ±5000 g pk: ±49050 m ...
Band Pass Filters BPF 1.6-30 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Miniature LC band pass filter; Allows the whole 1.6 - 30 MHz range to pass; High attenuation of the LW and MW radio bands. Series coupled high/low pass filter design. Chebychev characteristic ensures low insertion loss and high out-of-band rejection. Can be used as transmitter filter to prevent out-of-band and harmonics radiation.
MEMS Shock Accelerometers - PCB
electronics (ICP®) and low-pass filters (e.g., model 350DO2). These had been verified to yield excellent shock reproduction at frequencies up to 10 KHz at acceleration levels up to and exceeding 10’s of thousands of Gs.1 The significant overlap in products was between the two companiesMEMS (PR) based ’ accelerometers.
Band Pass Filters BPF 136-225 - AMPHENOL PROCOM
BPF 136-225 is an LC band-pass filter. Allows the whole 136 – 225 MHz band to pass. Series coupled high/low pass filter design. Chebychev characteristic ensures low insertion loss and high out-of-band rejection. Can be used as transmitter filter to prevent out-of-band and harmonics radiation.