Search Results for m12 connectors set
Operation Manual R-Series V EtherNet/IP 551971 - Temposonics
D 5 6 2 × M12 female connectors (D-coded), 1 × M8 male connector D 5 8 2 × M12 female connectors (D-coded), 1 × M12 male connector (A-coded) g System 1 Standard h Output U 2 0 1 EtherNet/IP™, position and velocity (1…20 magnet(s)) U 2 1 1 EtherNet/IP™, position and velocity, internal linearization (1…20 magnet(s))
Capabilities of PCB | PCB Piezotronics
See how our wide variety of capabilities & facilities set us apart from the competition. About PCB ® PCB ® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications.
USB Connectors | Standard/Rugged/Waterproof | Mini, Micro, Type A, Type ...
Amphenol is one of the earliest adopters of USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type C connector and has a comprehensive range of USB 2.0, 3.0, and 3.1 generation connectors that comes in straight, ... Sort By. Set Descending Direction. USB 4 Gen 3 Type C MULTI-PROTOCOL, HIGH-SPEED USB SOLUTION FOR NEXT GENERATION DESIGNS USB 4 compatible with the TBT4 (Thunderbolt
RP-TNC Connectors - Amphenol RF
TNC connectors are produced with standard and reverse polarity. Reverse polarity is a keying system accomplished with a reverse interface, and ensures that reverse polarity interface connectors do not mate with standard interface connectors. Amphenol accomplishes this by inserting female contacts into plugs and male contacts into jacks to ...
System connector M12 (Part no. 254 560) M12×1 - 6 g 74 24 17 Ø 4.4 10 9 2 16H8 6 pin molex connector system M12×1 - 6 g 21 PIN assignment analog 5 pin 25 60 Pin 1 maximum diameter 7 mm: 5 3 1 2 4 Pin 1 +24 VDC (−15 / 20 %) Pin 2 Signal Pin 3 DC Ground (0 V) Pin 4 n.c. Pin 5 DC Ground Installation Note:
Product Finder - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at)
Model 699B02 | PCB Piezotronics
M12 Connectors; BNC Connectors; Breakaway Connectors; Handheld Data Collector; Field-Installable Connectors; ... Unit supplied set to auto shut off; see manual for continuous use selection. [3] Calculated values for reference only. ... No Metric Equivalent [9] [10] Mounting Torque (Maximum) to 10 in-lb: to 10 in-lb [10] ...
31-71013 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Crimp outer ferrule using Die Set Cavity specified in table above. ... 31.5 M12 M12 A-coded female connector (5 pin), straight Part no. 370 677 M12 A-coded female connector (5 pin), angled Part no. 370 678 Cable with M12 A-coded female connector (5 pin), straight – pigtail Part no. 370 673 Cable with M12 A-coded female connector (5 pin ...
Quick-Connex® 16 AWG Mini Cordsets (2-6 Pole) - TPC Wire
Quick-Connex® 16 AWG Mini Cordsets (2-6 Pole) make the replacement of electrical connections quick and simple. Each cordset is built with Super-Trex® Ultra-Gard® Portable Cord which provides a superior first-line of defense against tearing, abrasion, impact, oil, ozone and most chemicals.
LPA100T Low power, low voltage accelerometer for battery-powered and ...
Comes with the industry popular M12 connector; Downloads. LPA100T specifications; Specifications. PARAMETER: VALUE: Sensor output: Dynamic vibration + temperature (3-wire sensor) Sensitivity: 50 mV/g: Sensitivity tolerance: ±5 %: Frequency response: 0.3 Hz - 15,000 Hz: Mounting Thread: 1/4-28 UNF tapped hole: Connector style:
Model 118A07 | PCB Piezotronics
M12 Connectors; BNC Connectors; Breakaway Connectors; Handheld Data Collector; Field-Installable Connectors; Connector Specs; ... Spacer set, 0.250" ID (for conformal Models 117B01-117B65 & 117B101-117B999) 1: 065A06: Seal ring, 0.318" OD x 0.250" ID x 0.010" thick, 316L SS (for Series 108, 109, 118 and 119) 3:
RJF TV ATEX Zone 2 versions - Rugged Ethernet, USB & Display connectors ...
The Amphenol Socapex connector RJF TV ATEX Zone 2 versions offer explosion-proof Ethernet solutions for Zone 2 environments, making them ideal for use in various Oil & Gas applications including Geophysics, Drilling, Transportation, and Downstream operations. These connectors comply with the EN60079-15 standard and are suitable for low-power non-sparking connectors within Zone 2 and class I ...
Molded Single Pole Power Assemblies - TPC Wire
Molded Single Pole Power Assemblies are offered in three different varieties – the PA16 Taper Nose, the PA18 Ball Nose, and the PA22 Molded Locking Connector. They can be molded in many colors to fit the requirements of your application. Optional closure caps can be included, if required.
Model 421B30 | PCB Piezotronics
M12 Connectors; BNC Connectors; Breakaway Connectors; Handheld Data Collector; Field-Installable Connectors; Connector Specs; ... Set to provide a 350 mV/psi or 350 µA/psi output when using a 17 pC/psi pressure sensor. If used with a pressure sensor with a different sensitivity, the output sensitivity will vary. ...
USB Connectors | Products - Amphenol
USB 4 connectors compatible with Thunderbolt 4 interface combines power charging, tunneling USB, PCIe® data transfer, and DP video and audio capability in a single Type C connector. With a power rating of up to 100W, these connectors have a high-speed data transmission rate of up to 40Gb/s.
Connectors | Products - Amphenol
Connectors are matable from both sides with cable plug connectors with opposite gender contact. These connectors are used in various Military & Industrial applications. ... This series of commercial cable glands with Metric and PG threads, IP65, IP67, and IP68 rated, Nylon or Nickel plated brass, threaded termination. With PG entry threads ...
Product Finder - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at)
General Purpose Pressure Sensors for High Frequency - PCB
PCB® series 113B dynamic pressure sensors set the standard for extremely fast, micro-second response with a wide amplitude and frequency range. Main Menu. 0 1 1. Total Customer Satisfaction ... 3-Socket Connectors; 4-Socket Connectors; M12 Connectors; BNC Connectors; Breakaway Connectors; Handheld Data Collector; Field-Installable Connectors ...
Sensors for Monitoring Rotary Screw Compressors - PCB
M12 Connectors; BNC Connectors; Breakaway Connectors; Handheld Data Collector; Field-Installable Connectors; Connector Specs; ... Rotary screw compressors, both oil-free and oil-flooded, can provide a unique set of challenges to the predictive maintenance professional. Accelerometers used in these applications must be capable of detecting ...
Aerospace Flight Test | PCB Piezotronics
Through decades of collaboration with flight test engineers, PCB® has developed a set of sensors and signal conditioners tailored to flight test’s demanding environments. PCB's Endevco product line extends our offering to provide advanced measurement devices proven to withstand the challenges of extreme environments, including cryogenic sensors.