Search Results for m16
Data Sheet *%ZLWKWKUHDGHG DQJH$QDORJ - Temposonics
Temposonics® GB with threaded flange Analog 5 CONNECTOR WIRING Fig. 3: Connector wiring D34 (M12) for outputs V0, A4 Fig. 4: Connector wiring D34 (M12) for outputs A0, A1, A2 and A3 D34 (for outputs: V0, A4 in order code) Signal + power supply
4 Position Molded Cable Assemblies, Page 2
Page 2, 4 Position Molded Cable Assemblies - Downloadable Marketing Literature C091 A B D Catalog C091 Wireless C091 Quicklock C091 Family PRODUCT IMAGE DISCL
97B-16S-M16*1.5 - Amphenol Australia
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metric "m" load cells m16 x 2.0 4h, special load cell 1"-14uns-3b) 2.67 [67.8] 2.54 [64.6] w/conn. protector n1.34 [34.0].12 [3.0] connector "a" pt02e-10-6p connector wiring code: typical pin a +exc pin b +sig pin c -sig pin d -exc pin e n/c pin f n/c.030 [.76] "thread" x.88 [22.3] (standard load cells 5/8-18unf-3b, metric "m" load cells m16x2 ...
T 3401 048 - M16 Female straight cable connector with intern
T 3401 048 - M16 Female straight cable connector with internal strain relief and metal locking ring. 6 contacts, gold plated, 4-6mm cable diameter Contacts included.
N06 252 4104 C | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for n06 252 4104 c BNC Straight PCB Jack Through Hole 50 Ohm | 112404 - Amphenol RF 112404. Find In Stock & Buy Now. BNC Straight PCB Jack Through Hole 50 Ohm. ... c updated heat shrink tube length 04-jun-21 15728 cc b 95-902-545-xxx c 95-902-545-xxx size 95-902-545-xxx rev amphenol rf d. george 04-feb-21 see notes material sheet ...
Amphenol® 97 Series Connectors are UL recognized and CSA recognized. AMPHENOL CORPORATION Amphenol Industrial Phone: 888-364-9011 191 Delaware Avenue
Absolute, Non-Contact Position Sensors Operating Manual MH Series ...
1. Product description and technology Temposonics® sensors can be used in versatile mobile machines without any restriction and replace contact-based linear sensors like poten- tiometers. Highly dynamic systems are controlled safely by means of Temposonics® sensors, thus enhancing the productivity, availability and quality of the working process of the machine.
Model 2303-01A | PCB Piezotronics
Model 2303-01A:PCB L&T Reaction Torque Transducer, 50k in-lb/4,167 ft-lb (5.6 kN-m) rated capacity, 50% static overload protection, 8-in (203.2 mm) Ste
6 Position Cable Connectors - Amphenol Sine
6 Position Cable Connectors - C091 31H006 101 2 - M16 Male cable connector with internal strain relief and metal locking ring. 6 contacts, silver plated, 6-8mm cable diameter.
C091 11F014 000 2 - M16 Female cable connector with internal
C091 11F014 000 2 - M16 Female cable connector with internal strain relief and metal locking ring. 14 contacts, 4-6mm cable diameter. Contacts sold separately.
MIL-C-5015 PRODUCT SHORTFORM - Amphenol Australia
Amphenol Australia ph 03 8796 8888 22 Industry Blvd, Carrum Downs VIC 3201 MIL-C-5015 PRODUCT SHORTFORM
eco|mate® Plastic - Amphenol Australia
Circular, Plastic Connectors Ideal for Industrial Applications. Available in 1 Shell Size and 4 Insert Arrangements. Amphenol Tuchel Industrial’s ecomate® Plastic (C16) Series of connectors provide an IP65/67 rating (in mated condition) for industrial applications, and incorporates the latest technology in a sealed, high-impact, lightweight, thermoplastic design. ecomate® Plastic ...