Search Results for major connector minor connector
Amphenol Air LB
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Model EPS037 | PCB Piezotronics
Model EPS037:Case on wheels (CCS035) with 100 Ah battery (BAT012) for permanent NMS, includes cable (CBL149) to enclosure
Amphenol Socapex - Connectors, military connectors, circular connectors ...
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NTHBVA6A16TUSR | NETBridge+™ | Amphenol
Fan Connectors. Filter. IC Socket. Memory & Media. Miniature Jack. Multicoax & Coaxial. Waterproof. Optics Solutions. High Speed I/O Solutions. New Products. Custom Products. By Product Name. Cables. Active Optical Cables (AOC) Card Edge. Commercial Rugged Harsh I/O. Crimp to Wire. Flex Assemblies. High Speed Backplane. High Speed I/O. IDC ...
L77SDE09SVF | D-Sub | Amphenol
D-Sub Standard Density Connector, Input Output Connectors, Stamped Signal 3A, Straight Solder Cup, 9 Position Receptacle, Flash Gold, Bright Tin Shell, 4-40 Fixed Front Screwlock
VG 96927-2:2020-06 Approval - Cablescan
Cablescan are pleased to announce that we are now approved to VG 96927-2. This approval was awarded by the German Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies (VDE - Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik)
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SMP Male Termination, FD SF8012-6009 - SV Microwave
The SMP Male Termination, FD SF8012-6009 launched by SV Microwave. Explore the features, benefits and applications. Order the product now!
General Manufacturing | Amphenol TPC Wire & Cable
Amphenol TPC Wire & Cable is a leading supplier of high-performance wire, cable, connectors, and assemblies designed and engineered to withstand harsh industrial environments. Contact. 9600 Valley View Rd. Macedonia, OH 44056 (800) 211-4520. Contact Us Subscribe.
MCX Right Angle Crimp Plug RG-179 Belden 179DT 75 Ohm
RF Connector MCX Right Angle Crimp Plug RG-179 Belden 179DT 75 Ohm. Downloads. 919-273P-71A PDF Customer Drawing (Size: 130 kb) Assembly Instructions 3 Piece Crimp-Solder (Size: 44 kb) Assembly Instructions Right Angle Crimp Solder (Size: 143 kb) Product Life Cycle.
System and Network Technician (M/F) -
Today, CMR has over 1,000 employees across 10 countries and continues to grow, notably by joining the American group Amphenol in 2023, a leader in connectors. Our clients share a common major concern: to sustainably reduce their carbon footprint. We support them with innovative solutions to optimize their energy use.
SMP Female to 2.92mm Male 24" Cable Assembly for .047 Cable - SV Microwave
SV Microwave present the SMP Female to 2.92mm Male 24" Cable Assembly for .047 Cable" 7012-1286. Explore real data about the product here!
Model 685B1001A41
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Features - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Connector 2 PORTS 4 PORTS Polarization XPOL XPOL Azimuth Beamwidth (avg) 360° 360° Electrical Downtilt 0°, 5° 0°, 4°, 6° Configuration OMNI CONFIGURATION Total Connector Count 6 PORTS Connector Type 4.3-10 FEMALE or 7/16-DIN FEMALE Dimensions 615 x Ø371 mm (24.2 x Ø14.6 in) Radome Color Options GREY, BROWN or BLACK
Whip Antennas MU 5-X/... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
XP4-mount: Permanently attached 4 m cable terminated with FME-connector. All whips are compatible with all mounts. Specifications. Electrical; Model: MU 5-X/... Frequency: 450 MHz-band covered by three models: Antenna Type: Mobile whip antenna: Max. Input Power: 100 W: Polarisation: Vertical:
KAYE Global Contacts
About us. Kaye & Amphenol; Kaye History; Environmental, Health & Safety; Quality; Terms & Conditions; News. Press Releases; News Posts; Blog Posts
General Piezoelectric Theory | PCB Piezotronics
The resulting force on the crystals is easily calculated using Newton's Second Law of Motion: F=MA. Pressure and force sensors are nearly identical and rely on an external force to strain the crystals. The major difference being that the pressure sensors utilize a diaphragm to collect pressure, which is simply force applied over an area.
| Amphenol Socapex
back I/O Connectors. 38999 Series; Rugged Ethernet, USB & Display connectors; 2M Micro Miniature; Accessories; PT/451 - 26482 Series I; RFM Series; SL 61 & SOCA; PCB Connectors. back PCB Connectors. High Performance PCB connectors; HE7-HE8-HE9 Series PCB connectors; VITA connectors; Accessories; Fiber Optic Solutions.
NGCON 2021 - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
NGCON 2021 - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
Model LD-ACS-1T | PCB Piezotronics
Model LD-ACS-1T:Calibration of accelerometer, triaxial amplitude and phase response from 10 Hz to upper 5% frequency, NIST traceable, A2LA accredited.