Search Results for matlab gradient
Dynamic Strain Sensors and Accelerometers for Structural Testing
Given the theory of elasticity, the strain in a general direction is equal to the gradient of the vector component in that same direction. That is, for the displacement in the general direction u, the strain will be: ε(t, p) = ∇u(t, p) (2) with ε(t, p) being the strain at time t and at point p
Infrared Sensor Application Note 5 Determining Coefficients for ...
The principle behind determining Alpha and Beta is to convert the following equations, used during the calculations to obtain a temperature compensated concentration, into the form “y = mx + c”, so that “m” (gradient) is equivalen t to the Alpha or Beta coefficient. the peak-to-peak output of the Active Detector in volts (in zero gas).
Source Identification Using Acoustic Array Techniques - PCB
Acoustic array techniques are presented as alternatives to intensity measurements for source identification in automotive and industrial environments. With an understanding of the advantages and limitations described here for each of the available methods, a technique which is best suited to the application at hand may be selected.
Collecting Vibration Data With a USB Digital Accelerometer and an ...
Analyzing With MATLAB . What makes the USB Digital Accelerometer (Model 633A01) a great device for data acquisition? Extreme portability. Why not use a device most people already carry around? The smart phone. An Android phone and MATLAB make for an easy solution to acquire data in the field and analyze in the comfort of the office.
Digital: 1÷ [gradient x crystal freq. (mHz) x circulation] Non-Linearity: ± 0.02% or ± 0.05 mm (± 0.002 in.), whichever is greater 0.002 in. is the minimum absolute linearity and varies with
r-serie katalog - Temposonics
MTS linear position sensors outperform the competition, deliver accuracy and reliability under the most difficult conditions, resulting in excellent value for our customers. Our success is due to more than 30 years of technology leader-ship, vertically integrated manufacturing processes and unsurpassed levels of support.
E-Series ER Product Data Sheet, 550996 Rev E
Temposonics linear-position sensors use the time-based magneto- strictive position sensing principle developed by MTS. Within the sensing element, a sonic-strain pulse is induced in a specially designed magnetostrictive waveguide by the momentary interaction of two magnetic fields.
IMAC2001 368 A Smart Sensor Signal Conditioner - PCB
packages in MATLAB® Simulink®. Program memory is an 8-megabyte FLASH memory, to allow signal-conditioning algorithms to be developed, stored, and executed upon power up of the unit. A significant portion of the FLASH memory may be utilized for long-term results storage. Data storage memory consists of 16-32 megabytes of dynamic ram. Putting ...
Table of Contents - Amphenol CS
Table 5 below shows the amount of misalignment in each direction that can be tolerated by the guiding features on the connector housings as they are mated. It is important to note that this misalignment is not rigid misalignment.
Endevco Cryogenic Charge Output Accelerometers - PCB
Endevco® cryogenic piezoelectric accelerometers are built specifically for measuring vibration under cryogenic conditions down to -452° F (-269° C). Signal outputs of these units are very stable even at extremely low temperatures.
M-Series Model USTDII Digital Transmitter , Operation and ... - Temposonics
MTS Sensors Level Plus® Liquid-Level Sensors M-Series Model USTD II Digital Transmitter Operation and Installation Manual, Document Number 550980 Revision F, 02/2016 3 Product overview The Level Plus Model USTD II Liquid-Level transmitter is a continuous multi-functional magnetostrictive transmitter that provides product
AFSI-team-photo-gradient - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
AFSI-team-photo-gradient - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
cycles of thermal shock with steep temperature gradient. The accelerometers are self-generating devices that require no external power source for operation and contain no electronics.
G-Series Position Sensors - Temposonics
Temposonics ® G-Series linear position sensors provide high durability and accurate position measurement solutions in harsh industrial settings. Redundant rod version (GT2/3) for cylinder integrated position measurement.
Guidance for the Filtering of Dynamic Force, Pressure ... - PCB
When using force, pressure, or acceleration transducers to measure the loading to or response of structural systems, linear, low-pass filters are typically employed to condition their signals.
Product Data Sheet
Temposonics linear-position sensors use the time-based magneto- strictive position sensing principle developed by MTS. Within the sensing element, a sonic-strain pulse is induced in a specially designed magnetostrictive waveguide by the momentary interaction of two magnetic fields.
Low Temperature Triaxial Accelerometers | PCB Piezotronics
PCB® Series 339A Triaxial, ICP® accelerometers are designed with a low temperature coefficient, wide operating temperature range, and good broadband measurement resolution, making them ideal for any vibration measurement requiring tight control of amplitude sensitivity over a wide thermal gradient.
The Use of Dynamic Strain Sensors and Measurements on the Ground ... - PCB
Given the theory of elasticity, the strain in a general direction is equal to the gradient of the vector component in that same direction. That is, for the displacement in the general direction u, the strain will be: ε(t,p) = ∇u(t,p) (2) with ε(t,p) being the strain at time t and at point p, and ∇ is the linear spatial differential operator.
Operation Manual R-Series Powerlink 551657 RevA EN - Temposonics
Temposonics® R-Series Proflnet IO RT Operation Manual I 5 I 3.1 Order code of Temposonics® RP */ Non standard stroke lengths are available; must be encoded in 5 mm / 0.1 in. increments 3/ Note: Specify magnet number for your sensing application and order separately a Sensor model R P Profile b Design G Magnet slider, joint on top, backslash free (part no. 253 421)
Model K2007E01 | PCB Piezotronics
Miniature shaker with integrated amplifier with BNC input, 31 N (7 lbf) pk sine force, 13 mm (0.5") pk-pk stroke. Includes trunnion base, 2110G06 stinger kit, and heavy duty case.