Search Results for matlab switch
D38999 Connectors with Coaxial, Concentric Twinax ... - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Connectors are ideally suited for the incorporation of shielded contacts for high-performance interconnection applications. The circular family is built around MIL-DTL-38999 specifications, with Mil-approved and commercial styles offered.
4-20 mA Output Vibration Transmitter - PCB
PCB ® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications.. Divisions of PCB
RES-GMC - Expanded Beam Technology - Száloptikai médiakonverterek ...
Az Amphenol Socapex Media Converter RES-GMC egy robusztus Ethernet száloptikai átalakító, amely a MIL-STD normáknak megfelelő kiterjesztett sugártechnológiát alkalmaz. Az eszközt úgy tervezték, hogy megbízható és biztonságos csatlakozást biztosítson zord katonai környezetben. Az átalakító támogatja a STANAG 4290, a CTOS Expanded beam technológiát és az M83526 TACbeam ...
Home - Lutze Inc.
High quality servo cable assemblies for servo drive systems, and Industrial Ethernet connectors and ...
常见问题 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
机架和面板 rnj 连接器的 cad 文件现已发布
Ethernet katonai kapcsoló RESMLAC-8US-CAPS - Ethernet kapcsoló ...
Az Amphenol Socapex Ethernet Military Switch RESMLAC-8US-CAPS egy nem felügyelt katonai Ethernet switch, amelyet zord környezetben történő adatgyűjtésre és -átvitelre terveztek. A MIL-DTL-38999 csatlakozókkal és 8 gyors porttal rendelkező kapcsoló teljes mértékben megfelel a MIL-STD-461E szabványnak az elektromágneses interferencia és a MIL-STD-810F/GM szabványnak a ...
Model 7270A-60K-300 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 7270A-60K-300:Accelerometer, PR, 60,000 g, undamped, screw mount, 25 ft cable, 10V excitation
AS39029, PCB, High Speed, & High Power Contacts - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol Aerospace designs and manufactures millions of contacts each month, from the industry-standard AS39029 Contacts to the most complex, High Speed Contacts and High Power Contacts.We cover a broad range of wire gauges from the large size 0 down to the smallest size 23 and smaller contacts.
常见问题 | 安费诺 Socapex
后置 以太网交换机和媒体转换器. 以太网交换机; 光纤媒体转换器; 电线和跳线; ps 系列:功率器件解决方案
terminal lugs | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Terminals: Threaded 2-56 NC-2B : Terminal Hardwware: Solder-type wire terminals, with terminal mounting screws and lockwashers, supplied with each switch : Mounting: Basic switch supplied with 1/2-32 UN-2B nut and internal tooth lockwasher. Switch with mounting adapter C, F, G, or H supplied with 5/8-24 UNEF-2B nut and internal tooth lockwasher.
PCB Product Finder for Torque Sensors (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
Thermometrics NTC Inrush Current Limiter
Thermometrics NTC Inrush Current Limiter
Temposonics® R-Series RP Position Sensors
Temposonics® RP is a high-performance sensor for external mounting. The position magnet, mounted to the movable machine part, can either be an U-magnet or a captive-sliding magnet. The free magnets travel along the sensor profile with a defined distance. This kind of installation tolerates a lateral offset as well as a height offset. A superior performance for instance in plastic and rubber ...
常见问题 | 安费诺 Socapex - Amphenol Socapex
后置 以太网交换机和媒体转换器. 以太网交换机; 光纤媒体转换器; 电线和跳线; ps 系列:功率器件解决方案
常见问题 | 安费诺 Socapex
The « IP » defines the resistance of the product against solids (first number) and liquids (second number).
When mated, the Powersafe is defined as IP68.
Electrodynamic Shaker Kits | PCB Piezotronics
Electrodynamic Shaker Kits (Learn more on The Modal Shop’s family of electrodynamic shakers includes small-sized shakers rated from 2 lbf (9 N) to 500 lbf (2224 N).
Model 7284A-60K-10-120 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 7284A-60K-10-120:Accelerometer, PR, 60,000 g, triaxial, lightly damped, screw mount, 10 ft low noise cable, 10V excitation
Energy and Power Generation | PCB Piezotronics
PCB ® manufactures sensors used by design engineers and predictive maintenance professionals to test and measure vibration, pressure, force, acoustics, load, and shock in research and development as well as industrial applications.. Divisions of PCB
RJS-BKN-2UG 带对接光纤连接器 - 光纤媒体转换器 | Amphenol Socapex
安费诺 Socapex 光纤介质转换器 RJS-BKN-2UG 是一款坚固耐用的以太网介质转换器,配有对接式光纤连接器。该转换器设计用于部署在战术网络、坚固的光纤链路、战场通信 c4IsR 和电信控制系统中。
Model 71M5-60K | PCB Piezotronics
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840