Search Results for matlab x log scale
ZTP-115 Thermopile IR Sensor -
Chip Size 1.8 x 1.8 mm2 Diaphragm Size 1.4 x 1.4 mm2 Active Area 0.7 x 0.7 mm2 Internal Resistance 42 60 78 kW 25°C Resistance T.C 0.12 %/°C Responsivity 42 60 78 V/W 500K, 1 Hz Responsivity T.C -0.10 %/°C Noise Voltage 32 nV rms R.M.S., 25°C NEP 0.53 nW/Hz1/2 500K, 1 Hz Detectivity 1.30 E08 cmHz1/2/W 500K, 1 Hz Time Constant 25 ms ...
ZTP-315MIH Thermometrics IR Module -
The total size is only 33 mm X 17 mm. Applications • Induction Heater/Cooker • Appliances Features • High temperature measurement • Single module • Ambient temperature (thermistor) sensor included for compensation • Fully calibrated and compensated • Analog output Amphenol Advanced Sensors.
Products | All Sensors
The Millivolt Output pressure sensors is based upon a proprietary technology to reduce all output offset or common mode errors. This model provides a calibrated millivolt output with superior output offset characteristics.
Telaire Air Quality Sensors
T6613-X Sensor Modules T6713-X Sensor Modules T6615-X Sensor Modules T6715-X Sensor Module Typical Use • Commercial Office Monitoring • Residential monitoring • Cinema • Exhibition Hall • Automotive sensing • Railway car monitoring • 24/7 Security suite • Agricultural applications (Indoor growing, green/glass house, pig shed)
1CD-14BFFM-LL6A01: Ceres Connector - Amphenol LTW
1CD-14BFFM-LL6A01, ALTW Ceres connectors are environmentally sealed, up to IP68, rugged, and cost-effective circular connectors, available in plastic and metal shell. Ceres connectors provide variety of mating styles such as screw, lock bayonet, and push-lock to meet various harsh environments.
RC Scrub-R™ -
Many chip scale test socket technologies employ complicated mechanisms and difficult to assemble components, from 3 and 4 piece “pogo” style contacts to elastomeric buttons and support beams which provide the much needed Many of these systems have complicated repair and maintenance requirements, and often require that the
Type S/AS/ES Thermometrics Precision, Ultrastable NTC Temperature Standards
1/8” X 4-1/2” S15 0.005 AS115 0.002 0-60 ES215 0.005 0-100 1/4” X 4-1/2” S20 0.005 AS120 0.002 0-60 ES220 0.005 0-100 1/8” X 9” S25 0.005 AS125 0.002 0-60 ES225 0.005 0-100 Standard Configuration ...
2 Sensor for Automotive Applications -
Internal CO 2 Sensor for Automotive Applications NDIR CO 2 Single Channel, Diffusion Sampling Method Benefits • Safety - Measure and control in-cabin CO2 levels to prevent driver drowsiness.