Search Results for micro ports connectors
I-ATO5-698/4000 - Indoor Omnidi - RFS Technologies an Amphenol Company
RADIAFLEX Connectors & Accessories Field Installable Connectors Installation Accessories. RADIAFLEX Radiating Waveguide. Plenum Cable 1/2" Copper Clearfill 1/2" Aluminum Clearfill 7/8" Air Dielectric Plenum 1 5/8" Air Dielectric Plenum Field Installable Connectors Tools & Accessories.
Model 023A10 | PCB Piezotronics
Model 023A10:Hardline, mineral insulated, coaxial cable, 10-ft, 10-32 plug (900°F/482°C) to 10-32 jack (550°F/288°C)
BPBR 2/4 / BRBP 2/4 -
Ordering Information. If pass and reject frequencies are stated when ordering, the filters are delivered factory-adjusted. Ordering example : BRBP 2/4…, LOW : 149.5 MHz, HIGH : 154.0 MHz.
SSL12-P2LP0-M18H01: SSL 1.2 Connectors | Amphenol LTW
SSL12-P2LP0-M18H01, SSL (Smart Solution in Lighting) is a waterproof and non-waterproof connector series. Its low profile design aims at minimizing and eliminating the field wiring and reducing labor time. Products . DeepTronica. Single Pair Ethernet. ZConnect. Ceres. X-Lok. M Series. FLOS & FLOS+. Power. RBL. HS-Lok. NMEA 2000.
GPS Antennas MA 70/GPS 4/... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
DC Pass: Low port: Add to quote: PRO-DIPX 1000/1550-DC-H XS: 200001998: DC Pass: High port: Add to quote: PRO-DIPX 1000/1550-DC-LH XS: 200001999: DC Pass: Low and high port: ... Cable Connectors. Amphenol Procom offer quality Cable Components like Grounding Kits, Coaxial Loads, Attenuators, Arrestors, DC-blocks and SWR Analyzers. See our ...
Home - Amphenol Canada
Home - Amphenol Canada
Amphenol Network Solutions > Products | Amphenol Network Solutions ...
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Model DSC003 | PCB Piezotronics
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
2CMA102042R1000 3P+E Industrial Connector. Replaces Part# 3 - Amphenol Sine
Our A Series™ is a line of heavy duty plastic rectangular & circular connectors, which include AT, ATP, ATM and AHD Series™ 2CMA102042R1000 3P+E Industrial Connector. Replaces Part# 332EC9- 3P+E Industrial Connector.
Contactos de sinal - Amphenol Socapex
Os contactos de sinal Amphenol Socapex são concebidos para conectores JD38999 I, II, III, EN3645 e EN4165. Estes contactos de uma só peça são 100% fabricados em França e cumprem as normas europeias EN3155 e americanas AS39029. Oferecem várias opções de terminação, incluindo crimpagem, solda, cauda de PC e pinos compatíveis.
TR Series Multicoax Catalog High Speed | Solderless
10 • • An Amphenol Company 11 TR MulTicoax 12x1 (20/40/70 GHz confiGuRaTions available) TR MulTicoax 16x2 (20/40/70 GHz confiGuRaTions available) TR MulTicoax 24x2 (20/40/70 GHz confiGuRaTions available) TR MulTicoax Quick laTcH 8x1 (20/40/70 GHz confiGuRaTions available) Notes : 1Largely a function of PCB design.
Model 208M178 | PCB Piezotronics (en)
3425 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043. Sensorline SM 716.684.0001. +1 800-828-8840
Amphenol CS-DSPMDB25MM-001.5 25-Pin (DB25) Premium D-Sub Cable - Double ...
Buy 1.5ft Amphenol CS-DSPMDB25MM-001.5 Cables Direct from the Factory at Cables on Demand. 25-pin (DB25) Premium Male/Male Double Shielded D-Sub Cables by Amphenol offer extreme resilience in installations subjected to high EMI/RFI interference such as medical, industrial, military, avionics, and broadcast facilities. Each fully assembled Premium D-Sub Cable integrates aluminum mylar + 95% ...
| Amphenol Socapex
back I/O Connectors. 38999 Series; Rugged Ethernet, USB & Display connectors; 2M Micro Miniature; Accessories; PT/451 - 26482 Series I; RFM Series; SL 61 & SOCA; PCB Connectors. back PCB Connectors. High Performance PCB connectors; HE7-HE8-HE9 Series PCB connectors; VITA connectors; Accessories;
Dòng LJT - HE308 - 38999 Dòng I - 38999 | Amphenol Socapex
Phạm vi sản phẩm Amphenol Socapex LJT, là một đầu nối có độ tin cậy cao và bền được thiết kế để đáp ứng nhu cầu khắt khe của ngành công nghiệp hàng không vũ trụ và quân sự. Nó là một đầu nối lưỡi lê cung cấp nhiều cách sắp xếp tiếp xúc và loại vỏ, với trọng lượng / tiết kiệm không gian tối đa ...
CWX063X19x00 - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Dual Band, 4-Port, Panel, XPOL, 65°, 696-960 | 1710-2170 MHz, 15.2|17.3 dBi, 0-12°|0-10°, 1906 mm (75.0 in)
AU10169534-J24CBLF | DuraEV™ | Amphenol
Amphenol is one of the leading manufacturers of Automotive Connectors. Contact us today for more details of DuraEV™, part number AU10169534-J24CBLF
Amphenol Borisch
Amphenol Borisch Technologies is a full-service manufacturer able to supply connectors and assembly solutions. [ Read More ] Contact 4511 East Paris Ave, Grand Rapids, MI 49512. Phone: FAX: (616) 554 9820 (616) 554 9821 SALES EMAIL [email protected] ...
BNC Straight Receptacle Jack Solder Cup 4-Hole Flange 50 Ohm
RF Connector BNC Straight Receptacle Jack Solder Cup 4-Hole Flange 50 Ohm ... Ports: 1 (Single Port) Size Category: Miniature: Temp (Max Degrees Celsius) 165: Temp (Min Degrees Celsius)-65: Termination Style: Solder Cup: ... BNC Cable Plug 1.37 mm Micro-cable 50 Ohm 112754.