Search Results for mil std 7000 shock test
Thermal Shock Testing for RF Connectors - SV Microwave
Learn why RF connectors are involved in thermal shock testing and what the procedure SV Microwave follows to test the connectors. Explore now.
MIL-ST Fiber Optic Connectors
• Mil-qualified series: high spring force for shock and vibration resistance critical in military applications • Navy approved COTS: for moderate shock and vibration environments Applications • US Navy shipboard, surface and submarine, mission critical combat and communications systems • Mobile tactical shelters • Electronic ...
M28876 Fiber Optic Connectors - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
Our technicians are trained to MIL-STD-2042B and a variety of other procedures critical to manufacturing harsh en-vironment fiber optic cable assemblies. An optical test report is included with every cable built. If other tests are required, AFSI is capable of testing either in-house or contracting with one of our test laboratory partners.
EIA 364-27 Test Condition H (or MIL-STD-202F, Method 214B) Subject mated connectors to 30G’s half-sine shock pulses of 11ms duration. Three shocks in each direction applied along three mutually. 2).Shall meet visual requirement, show no physical damage.
Amphenol ST Connectors - Amphenol Fiber Systems International (AFSI)
The M83522 connector is qualified for military applications and features a higher spring force than commercial ST connectors, allowing it to meet the shock requirements of MIL-C-83522.
gs-12-629 minitek 1 27mm c - Amphenol CS
This specification defines the performance, tests and quality requirements for the 1.27MM Cable to Board (CTB) and Board to Board (BTB) plug and receptacle connectors. This document is composed of the following sections.
Test Current – Not to exceed 100 milliamps. 6.2 Power tested at Specified Current – The contact resistance at a specified current shall not exceed 0.7 milliohm end of life when measured in accordance with EIA 364 TP32.
Amphenol High Density HDB /HSB Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
method 1001, test condition B Humidity: IAW MIL-STD-1344, method 1002, type II Vibration: 4 hours in each of 3 mutually perpendicular axes IAW MIL STD-1344, method 2005, test condition V, letter H 1 shock along each of three mutually perpendicular axes IAW MIL-STD-1344, method 2004,test condition G Data Rate (HSB 3): Capable of up to 6.250 Gbps
Breaking Down Military Connector Specifications - Amphenol NEXUS ...
Components for military applications must be built and tested according to specific military specifications, or Mil-Spec. Learn more about the value of Mil-Spec connectors and the Mil-Spec standards that regulate their features, performance, and testing.
MEMS Shock Accelerometers - PCB
For MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems) piezoresistive (PR) shock accelerometers, the two main cable concerns are signal modification due to: (1) additive triboelectric noise generated within the cables and/or (2) unknown or unaccounted for electrical impedance characteristics of the cable.
SMPM/SMPS VITA 67.3 RF Terminations - SV Microwave
This line of VITA 67.3 contact terminations prevents RF signals from reflecting back and causing damage to your embedded system. Now available for both SMPM and SMPS series. SV Microwave’s VITA product line is the latest addition to the RF / coaxial section of the VPX platform.
Damped MEMS high-amplitude shock accelerometers represent state-of-the-art industry technology for miniature, high amplitude, DC response acceleration sensors. This series is capable of measuring long duration transient motion, as well as responding to and surviving
Amphenol Pcd Quick Mount Relay Sockets
RS/JRE line Quick-Mount Relay Sockets. These relay sockets snap mount into standard aircraft panel cutouts and eliminate all socket-to-bulkhead mounting hardware, simplifying installation and dramatica.
Aerospace & Defense Test Sensors | PCB Piezotronics
Products can be manufactured to meet specific aerospace environmental standards, with program design requirements to meet RTCA-DO-160 and MIL-STD-810. Choose PCB for your aerospace & defense test sensor needs.
Amphenol Amphenol Taiwan Corporation
Subject mated connectors to 30G half-sine shock pulses of 11 ms duration. 3 shocks in each direction applied along 3 mutually perpendicular planes, 18 total shocks. Contact resistance: R=10 mΩ maximum. No physical damage. Mate and unmate connector assemblies for 300 cycles at maximum rate of 12.7mm per minute.
Microminiature Relay Sockets - アンフェノールジャパン ...
5757 Microminiature Relays. Amphenol Pcd supplies three separate relay sockets for customers. PCD P/N.
NanoRF VITA 67.3 10 Port Backplane Module Developer Kit
SV's VITA Developer Kit allows you to design and prototype your Backplane chassis using a 10 port NanoRF VITA module. Discover the specs now.
M4067 Series -
Features include: conduction cooling, 1” pitch, internal EMI filters, I2C system management, active power-factor correction. AC input range is 85-265Vac 50-800Hz per MIL-STD-704 and DO-160. Designed to meet MIL-STD-810 and MIL- STD-461. Output dynamic response up to 5% at step load of 60%-90%. Output return to steady stated within 300-500μSec.
Low Outgassing ICP ® Accelerometers and Cables - PCB
They are qualified to customer specific acceptance test criteria such as radiation hard, thermal cycling, EMI/RFI, and shock and vibration. Choose PCB for your low outgassing solutions. We have thousands of sensors in our online shop in stock, ready to ship, with a lifetime warranty.
M1963 Series -
The M1963 military power supply is a rugged AC to DC converter, accepts an AC input range from 85 to 265VAC, 50/60/400Hz and provides Three DC outputs from 3.3V to 50V, up to 130W, with custom outputs available. Designed to meet military standards MIL-STD-704, MIL-STD-1399, MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-461.