Search Results for mil-dtl-24308
MTC-HD – High Density MT Ferrules with 6 Insert Arrangements
The next generation of circular connectors with high-density MT ferrules is here: introducing the MTC-HD. Increasing the density for rugged environments including military aerospace, commercial aircraft, ground-based radar, or industrial applications.
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MIL-DTL-55302 Low Mating Force Connectors Ruggedized VME64x Rack and Panel Connector
M83522 | MIL ST Connectors | Fiber Optic Connector
The M83522 connector features a higher spring force than commercial ST connectors. Can be used for deployable outdoor on harsh environment.
Combined Charging System Type 2 - CCS2 - Amphenol PCD
Description: The CCS2, or Combo 2, which is the plug Europe (and other regions) use, features a Type 2 connector and two DC contacts. (IEC 61851/62196) The main advantage of theType 2 connector is that it can supply three-phase AC current, thus increasing the power capability.
387TV - Size 7 connector - アンフェノールジャパン株式会社
Lightning strike Composite 38999 level (MIL-DTL-38999 class M) EMI performances 82dB min at 100MHz (vs 90dB min for 38999 standard) 65dB min at 1000MHz (vs 85dB for 38999 standard) Matches the performances of MIL-DTL-38999 Series III connector type (EN3645) in terms of: Differs from standard MIL-DTL-38999 serie III Available arrangement
Matrix MIL-DTL-5015 High Power Connector | Commercial Aerospace ...
The Matrix MIL-DTL-5015 is a crimp, rear-release high power connector that provides an improved alternative to the older MIL-C-5015 solder type. It bridges the gap between an old connector standard and the need for environmental and high-performance standards in current technologies.
EUROLENS is a MIL-DTL-83526/20 & /21 compatible expanded beam fiber optic connector for military and industrial applications. EUROLENS MIL-DTL-83526/20 & /21 Compatible Expanded Beam Fiber Optic Connector Amphenol Precision Optics GmbH | Zur Dornheck 32-34, 35764 Sinn, Germany Phone +49 2772 575 59-0 | |
Gumové krytky - Příslušenství | Amphenol Socapex
Výrobek Rubber Caps je určen k zajištění spolehlivé ochrany konektorů JD38999 řady I, II, III a PT/451 (MIL-DTL-26482), když se nepoužívají. Tyto krytky jsou kompatibilní s linkovými konektory, konektory se zasekávací maticí a konektory se čtvercovou přírubou a jsou vyrobeny ze silikonového materiálu, který odolává teplotám až 200 stupňů Celsia.
M4054 SERIES | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
MIL-DTL-55302 Low Mating Force Connectors ... The DC input range is 18-50V per MIL-STD-704 and DO-160, but variants support ranges of 12-100V per MIL-STD-1275 and Def Stan 61-5, part 6. The M4054 is field proven and is designed to meet MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-461. Features & Benefits: • VITA 62 Compliant
MIL-DTL-D38999 connectors are the top choice military circular connector and are now used beyond the civil and military aerospace applications they were originally designed for. Stainless steel glass sealed hermetic connector designed for use in sensors, actuators, valves and other critical military applications. Learn more
CapLock - Due to technical progress, all information provided is subect to change without prior notice Designed by Amphenol Socapex
AC-HA001154 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Amphenol Tri-Start MIL-DTL-38999 Series III Connectors offer the highest performance capabilities for both general duty and severe environment applications. Amphenol designs and manufactures a complete range of Mil-Spec connectors including MIL-DTL-38999, 26482, 5015, and 83723.
Amphenol Aerospace
Type JT, (MIL-DTL-38999 Series II) Crimp, Size 12 Installation Instructions See table on reverse side for coaxial cable recommended and crimp tool informa-tion. A. 1. Slide outer crimp ferrule over cable outer jacket as shown. 2. Strip cable outer braid as illustrated. Ends must be cut cleanly and at right angles to the axial plane of the cable.
EN3645 -
A MIL-DTL-38999 Series III connector can handle up to 10kA An EN3645 connector can handle up to 15kA EN3645 Compared to MIL-DTL38999 Series III. Due to technical progress, all information provided is subject to change without prior notice Designed by Amphenol Socapex EN3645
Stingray 7 - Amphenol Ltd
62GB MIL-DTL-26482 Miniature Bayonet Lock Connectors; 602GB. 602GB High Temperature Miniature Bayonet Lock Connectors; 608. 608 Series Ruggedised Nickel Aluminium Bronze Connectors; 162GB. 162GB Front-Release, Crimp Miniature Bayonet Lock Interconnect; D38999. D38999 MIL-DTL-38999 Standard Connectors;
MIL-C-38999 シリーズⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ ( JT-R , LJT-R , TV-R ) コネクタ用同軸コンタクト 結線方法説明書
mil-c-38999 シリーズⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ ( jt-r , ljt-r , tv-r ) コネクタ用同軸コンタクト 推奨される同軸ケーブル、アッセンブリの方法、ストリップ寸法、圧着工具のセッティング、挿入引抜き工具は下記の表をご覧下さい。
hvc2p28fs104 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
hvc2p28fs104 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol Accessory for 1900 / EN3545 connector. Composite rectangular connectors available with various contact arrangements. Includes sizes 22 to 8 crimp removable contacts for Copper and Aluminum cable, common with Mil-DTL-38999 Series connectors such as coax, twinax, triax and Quadrax.Standard and ...
EPOXY SEALED MIL-DTL-38999, RECEPTACLES SERIES III TV EPOXY SEALED CONNECTORS: Features and Benefits: • •Light weight alternative to glass sealed hermetic connectors • Leak rate of 1x10-5 cc of He/sec or less • stand-offs and thru-bulkhead designsLeak rate maintained after temperature cycling, 5 cycles -55 to +125°C
Rectangular Connectors with Fiber Optic Termini | Fiber Optic ...
MIL-DTL-55302 Low Mating Force Connectors ... Inserts for MIL-T-29504/1, /2, /14, and /15 can be incorporated. Termini for LRMs can be supplied - consult Amphenol Aerospace for ordering information. The termini are determined by the insert and shell style of the connector.