Search Results for mileage rate 2024 for travel for medical
light/radiation has occurred or is suspected, immediately seek medical treatment by a professional eye care physician. ingredients. Always read and follow the manufacturer’s precautions, warnings, and instructions when working with cleaning solvents or products. Corrugated metal or armor that may be present in feed cables is very sharp when cut
NovaSensor NPC-100 and NPC-120 Disposable Medical Pressure Sensors
Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) guidelines for industry acceptability. The sensors integrate a high-performance, pressure sensor die with temperature compensation circuitry and gel protection in a small, low-cost package. The NPC-100 and NPC-120 Series are manufactured
Product Finder - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at)
Travel -
Travel andcomfort Air, earth, water and fire. Forever, the mankind has been engaged in a constant research involving natural element s in order to improve his welfare and achieve higher comfort standards. Travelling, either occasio-nally or daily, is part of every-body’s life, so it becomes more and more necessary to be able to provide for
Data Sheet MH-Series MH4 Plus CANbus -
3 Temposonics® MH-Series MH4 Plus CANbus Data Sheet */ Resonance frequencies excluded **/ According to calculations under use of the FKM guideline Cycles Ø 7 mm sensor rod Ø 10 mm sensor rod Dynamic pressure: < 2 × 106 pressure cycles 300 bar 350 bar Static pressure: < 2 × 104 pressure cycles 400 bar 450 bar Proof pressure: Maximum 5 minutes testing time for cylinder pressure test 525 bar ...
HR Expo 2024 - CMR Group
HR Expo 2024 Salon des outils et services dédiés aux dirigeants d'entreprises, aux responsables des Ressources Humaines, de la Formation, des solutions RH et des Systèmes d'Information. HR expo, reconnu comme étant une référence, aussi bien par les médias que par les experts et professionnels des RHs.
75 Ω SMPM VITA 67.3 Backplane and Plug-In Contacts | SV Microwave
SV Microwave continues to expand its 75 Ω RF product offering with a new set of SMPM VITA 67.3 Backplane and Plug-In Contacts. The newest revision to the VITA 67.3 spec includes 75 Ω coaxial interfaces to support higher-speed video, which will become increasingly prevalent in embedded systems applications, particularly within the SpaceVPX architecture.
屏蔽同轴触头 - 高速触头 - Amphenol Socapex
Amphenol Socapex 屏蔽同轴触头专为战场通信、航空航天和电信等各种应用中的高频互连而设计。屏蔽同轴触头有 16、12 和 8 三种尺寸,符合 AS39029 同轴标准,有压接和 PC 尾端两种型号。它可用于 MIL-DTL-38999、EN3645、EN4165 和 ARINC600 连接器。该触头具有较大的压接面积,可确保较低的接触电阻和较高的抗 ...
Centaur ExaMAX for Military 92 ohms - Amphenol Aerospace
Centaur ExaMAX® backplane connector system meets industry specifications requiring higher bandwidth applications from 25Gb/s to 56Gb/s. The optimized connector design delivers superior signal integrity performance resulting in low crosstalk noise and low insertion loss while minimizing channel performance variation for every differential pair.
Thermometrics NTC Type MA Biomedical Chip Thermistors
*Medical Grade PVC *Polyurethane with Nylon Overcoat PTFE Medical Grade PVC PTFE Body Material Molded Plastic or Kapton Sleeve Lexan Shaft Aluminum Tip Stainless Steel Nominal R Values @ 77°F (25°C) 2252 Ω, 3000 Ω, 5000 Ω, 10,000 Ω (for all three types) Thermal Response Time (63% Response) Series Still Air Still Water* MA100 Catherter ...
Science & research - Martec
Martec develops and manufactures the high reliability, innovative interconnection devices you need for critical scientific equipment.. Working at the forefront of technology, in both a challenging and advanced field, our engineers can work with you to provide solutions to meet your performance and functional requirements.
Centaur High Bandwidth 38999 PCB Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Our Centaur interconnect product is now available in a compliant eye press fit tail option. Supporting data rates up to 10 Gbps with options of 32 to 40 differential pairs – this configuration can now connect straight to your board for a rugged 38999 integrated system.
Thermometrics Surface Mount Devices -
• Maximum rate of temperature change: 4.5°F/s or 2.5°C/s • Maximum solder temperature: 509°F (265°C) • Maximum dwell time: 10 seconds • Cooling in ambient or air flow of 5m/s Reflow Soldering Conditions • Method infrared, hot gas, vapor • Maximum rate of preheat temperature change: 4.5°F/s or 2.5°C/s
34-Channel 10G Copper Rugged Ethernet Switch
Amphenol’s 34-channel Rugged Ethernet Switchbox is conduction cooled and configurable for system connectivity, various speeds, port types, and more
Centaur High Bandwidth 38999 PCB Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Our Centaur interconnect product is now available in a compliant eye press fit tail option. Supporting data rates up to 10 Gbps with options of 32 to 40 differential pairs – this configuration can now connect straight to your board for a rugged 38999 integrated system.