Search Results for moldex group of companies
G88MPH0622CEU | Micro Power Plus | Amphenol
Micro Power Plus 3.0 Connector System - G88MP Series, Wire to Board connector, Housing, Dual row, 3.0mm pitch, 6 positions, Ny66, Black, BAG
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Model 176m46a | PCB Piezotronics
High Temperature Differential Charge Output Pressure Sensor. Measurement Range: 10 psi (.69 bar) Temperature Range: 1200 °F (650 °C)
7586463 Catalog -
7586463 35 30 25 20 15 10 5-90-120 -60-150 -30 180 0 150 120 90 60 30 35 30 25 20 15 10 5-90-120 -60-150 -30 180 0 150 120 90 60 30 Horizontal Vertical Quoted performance parameters are provided to offer typical or range values only and may vary as a result of normal manufacturing and operational conditions.
G800W593018EU | Board mount | Amphenol
Board mount - Header Plug - Pin Header 2.54mm Pitch Vertical,2x3Pin,Gold Flash,NY6T,6.1mm*2.5mm*3.0mm
PowerLink HV USA Unshielded power cables are available from our
Performance & Design Benefits: • Proudly made in the USA • Tested to ISO 19642-5, Class D • Rated Voltage Max 1000VAC and Max 1500VDC • Operating Temperature of -40C to +150C
Blue Smart IP67 Charger 12/25(1) 230V CEE 7/7 - Gemeco
The Blue Smart IP67 Waterproof Charger is the new professional battery charger with built-in Bluetooth. The Blue Smart IP67 Waterproof Charger can be used on devices in your workshop and on motor vehicles, such as (classic) cars; motorbikes; boats and camper-vans.
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Vibration Monitoring of Paper Mill Machinery - PCB
VIBRATION MONITORING OF PAPER MILL MACHINERY Article by: James C Robinson, Technical Consultant, IMI division of PCB Piezotronics Curated by: Meredith Christman, Product Marketing Manager, IMI division of PCB Piezotronics INTRODUCTION Paper mills are composed of several large sections of machinery.
QUAD458LU000G-T - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
QUAD458LU000G-T - Amphenol Antenna Solutions ... QUAD458LU000G-T
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CWT-MKS-TOP - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Mounting Kit, Top Mounting, Pipe Mounting Kit for Canister Antennas
ExaMAX® 56Gb/s High Speed Orthogonal Connector System - Amphenol CS
wwwamphenol-cscom Disclaimer Please note that the above information is subect to change without notice ExaMAX® 56Gb/s High Speed Orthogonal Connector System MATERIAL § Contacts: High performance copper alloy § Plating(s): Performance-based plating at separable interface (Telcordia GR-1217-CORE) Tin
Model 3713F122G Triaxial MEMS DC accelerometer, 675 mV/g, 2 g ... - PCB
PCB Piezotronics is an ISO-9001 certified company whose calibration services are accredited by A2LA to ISO/IEC 17025, with full traceability to SI through N.I.S.T. In addition to our standard calibration services, we also offer specialized tests, including: sensitivity at elevated or cryogenic temperatures, phase response, extended high ...
Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
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00177760104 - Amphenol Air LB
1777 series consists of Quick junction modules for signal and low current distribution, where sealing (IP66 / IP68 and IP69K), space and weight-saving are prime requirements.
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6U4MT360X12F20s0BK-GPS Archives - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
6U4MT360X12F20s0BK-GPS Archives - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
5918308G (1) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
5918308G (1) - Amphenol Antenna Solutions