Search Results for motion control
TPC Wire & Cable Acquires The First Electronics Corporation (FEC)
Macedonia, Ohio – August 11, 2021 – TPC Wire & Cable (TPC), a portfolio company of Audax Private Equity, announced that it has completed the acquisition of The First Electronics Corporation (FEC), a leading supplier of manufactured custom cable assemblies for Military and Defense applications. Founded in 1955 and based in Boston, Massachusetts, FEC has grown to be the leading supplier of ...
Stainless Steel Flexible Tubing - TPC Wire
Fully Interlocked Flexible Stainless Steel Tubing protects cable from damage due to sharp edges, metal chips, impact and abrasion in indoor and outdoor environments. Available in sizes from 0.25
Quick-Connex® Mini DIN Standard 11mm - TPC Wire
Quick-Connex® DIN connector assemblies feature a self-sealing polyurethane shell design providing environmental protection up to IP67/NEMA 6, an integrated LED connector head, built in surge suppression and secured to our Trex-Onics® 18 AWG cable.
P29309 7/8" 3 Position Tee 600V, 13A, Yellow. Comparable t - Amphenol Sine
Distributed Power & Control / Factory Automation; Control Communication Sensor Cordsets; miniBOSS M22 (7/8") P29309 7/8" 3 Position Tee 600V, 13A, Yellow. Comparable to part number(s): 61056; P29309 7/8' 3 Position Tee 600V, 13A, Yellow. Comparable to part number(s): 61056 .
T 3301 001 - M16 Female cable connector with internal strain
T 3301 001 - M16 Female cable connector with internal strain relief and metal locking ring. 4 contacts, silver plated, 4-6mm cable diameter Contacts included.
C091 11F006 001 2 - M16 Female cable connector with internal
Female cable connector with internal strain relief and metal locking ring. 6 contacts, 6-8mm cable diameter. Complete EMI shielding in the fully mated and locked position (EMI security).
MA5CAP1700S-S2-KIT 17 position straight plug connector kit,
MA5CAP1700S-S2-KIT 17 position straight plug connector kit, Checkmate™, P Type, counter-clockwise insert,7.5-11.0mm cord grip, female, contacts included
C091 00V000 120 2 - M16 Protective Cap with 85mm Plastic Lea
Protective cap with 85mm plastic leash. Metal anodized. For use with female circular cable connectors.
MA1LAE1700-Kit Panel mount Receptacle Kit - Amphenol Sine
MA1LAE1700-KIT 17 position receptacle connector kit, flange mount, threaded, E type, clockwise insert, male, contacts included
TPC Wire & Cable Acquires Cicoil LLC.
TPC has completed the acquisition of Cicoil LLC., a leading manufacturer and distributor of flat cable and flat and round cable assemblies. Based in Valencia, California, Cicoil’s technology is widely used in mission critical applications within industries such as Mil-Aero, Semiconductor and Medical. This acquisition allows TPC to expand its market reach and strengthen its portfolio of ...
HDLC Series Connector Assemblies - TPC Wire
P urpose ly built to withstand the most challenging industrial conditions. It maintains identical shell dimensions, contact layouts, and electrical performance characteristics as the standard MIL-C-5015 connector while incorporating application-specific enhancements like the 3/4 turn reverse bayonet coupling system, rubber-coated coupler, and a robust strain relief system.
Company News | Amphenol TPC Wire & Cable
Nos enorgullecemos en anunciar la apertura de nuestro renovado y ampliado Laboratorio Interno de Pruebas de Rendimiento de Productos. Este moderno espacio ha sido diseñado para garantizar la calidad y confiabilidad de nuestros cables, además de evaluar materiales que permitan desarrollar nuevas soluciones de alto rendimiento.
Slip Ring Harness for Wind Turbines - TPC Wire
ATPC's Slip Ring Harness Cable minimizes operational downtime, ensuring a quicker return to production. This harness is effortless to install, even in frigid conditions, and has exceptional resistance to abrasion, oil, chemicals, and UV exposure. Its highly flexible conductors are purposefully engineered for seamless installation in constrained work areas.
Trex-Onics® DeviceNet™ Flex-Net Cable - TPC Wire
Finely Stranded Tinned Copper Conductors. Fine stranding improves flex-life and reduces conductor fatigue and breakage. Tinned conductors resist corrosion and are easier to solder.
C146 10F024 001 1 Bulkhead mounting with gasket, E24. Compar
C146 10F024 001 1 Bulkhead mounting with gasket, E24. Comparable to PN# 9300240307
Railway Signaling & Communication - TPC Wire
CP100 Railway Signal Cable. CP100 Railway Signal Cable is designed for use with trackside sensing and signaling equipment. Designed and tested to meet Canadian railway specifications for Polyethylene Insulated and Jacketed Railway Signal Cable to ensure safety and reliability for critical system functions, and to maintain long-life performance.
Examining Type SH, Type MV, Concentric Neutrals Medium ... - TPC Wire
To handle medium voltage safely and efficiently, it's essential to have a thorough understanding of the various cable types and designations. While they may appear similar, recognizing the crucial differences between them can mitigate potential hazards and enable you to choose the right cables that meet your specific requirements.
7 Tips for Electrical Cable Selection and Installation - TPC Wire
Flex life deals with a cable’s ability to withstand continuous flexing motion in an application without sustaining damage. Flex life is determined by cyclic bending or twisting under load. Cable may be very flexible but if not designed properly for the application, it may have a very short flex life
Cable Management - Amphenol TPC Wire & Cable
Along with our standard and custom wire and cable products, we offer a comprehensive assortment of useful cable accessories to help you avoid the frustration of unnecessary downtime and perform regular electrical maintenance safely, accurately, and efficiently.
Quick-Connex® Field Installable Mini Connectors - TPC Wire
Quick-Connex ® Field Installable Mini m echanical connectors can be paired with Super-Trex ® and Trex-Onics® cables to make reliable 'do-it-yourself' cordsets.Reliable connectivity for a wide range of field applications that require 3 to 6 pin field wireable connectors. Ideal for a quick on-site repair.