Search Results for ms3106f18-1s
PL18(X)-30(X)-XX-2-2A2 - Amphenol
Step 3: Crimping Copper Ring 3-1 将 ⑧内铜环从右端移动到屏蔽线下方,屏蔽线覆盖在铜环表面 3-1 Move the ⑧ inside copper ring from the right side to the side below the shield. The shield line is covered on the surface of the copper ring 3-2 取1pcs ⑦外铜环,铜环从左端安装到屏蔽线上,铜环从屏蔽线的左端开始完全覆盖,并压接在其上 ...
PL28X-301-50-G97 10.0 单芯弯头插头组装规范 PL28X-301-50-G97 10.0 1POS 90D Plug ...
1000 VDC / 1S > 100 MΩ 8-2 耐压测试 8-2 Dielectric Withstand Voltage Test 位置 Positions 测试电压/时间 Test Voltage / Time 漏电流 Leakage Current 电缆芯线到壳体 Cable(power) to shell 5000 VDC / 10S <5mA 电缆芯线到高压互锁 Cable(power) to HVIL 5000 VDC / 10S <5mA HVIL to shell 高压互锁到壳体 500VDC / 1S <5mA
PL18X-501-XX-2-G30连接器安装说明 - Amphenol
500 V 1S < 5mA 步骤12:在线缆组装好后需要做绝缘电阻和耐压测试,建议客户参考下面的测试参数 Step12: Need to do the Insulation Resistance and DWV test after cable assembly. It is recommended that the customer refer to the following test parameters Positions 位置 Test voltage(DC) 测试电压(直流)
PowerLokTM 10.0 二三芯95mm2直头插头组装规范 PowerLokTM 10.0 2/3 POS 95mm2 180D ...
Manual P/N:8P1136 _ Rev.01 20210312 01/05 PowerLokTM 10.0 二/三芯95mm2直头插头 组装规范 PowerLokTM 10.0 2&3 POS 95mm2 180D Plug Assembly Manual 第一部分:包装清单 Part 1: Package contents ① 屏蔽壳组件 Shield shell assembly ×1 ② 带高压弹片的绝缘筒 Insulation sleeve with HVIL contact spring ×2 (300系列无高压互锁端子 insulation sleeve only in ...
PL28(X)-30(X)-XX-2-5 - Amphenol
500 V 1S < 5mA 步骤10:在线缆组装好后需要做绝缘电阻和耐压测试,建议客户参考下面的测试参数 Step 10: Need to do the Insulation Resistance and DWV test after cable assembly, It is recommended that the customer refer to the following test parameters Positions 位置 Test voltage(DC) 测试电压(直流)
PL28(X)-30(X)-XX-2-5 - Amphenol
500 V 1S < 5mA 步骤10:在线缆组装好后需要做绝缘电阻和耐压测试,建议客户参考下面的测试参数 Step 10: Need to do the Insulation Resistance and DWV test after cable assembly, It is recommended that the customer refer to the following test parameters Positions 位置 Test voltage(DC) 测试电压(直流)
PowerLok 14mm 单芯2代弯头组装式连接器安装说明
1000 V 1S > 100 MΩ 10-1 绝缘电阻测试 10-1 Insulation Resistance test 06-07 单芯2代14mm弯头组装式连接器安装说明 The Assembly Manual for 1POS PowerLok 14mm G2 90D Plug Connector 10-3 测试说明: 警告:建议的电气测试及其参数应根据终端应用要求进行审查,以确保安全性并防止损坏其他部件。
PL28(X)-30(1)-50-G44 组装规范 PL28(X)-30(1)-50-G44 Assembly Manual
1000 VDC / 1S > 100 MΩ 9-2 耐压测试 9-2 Dielectric Withstand Voltage Test 位置 Positions 测试电压/时间 Test Voltage / Time 漏电流 Leakage Current 电缆芯线到壳体 Cable(power) to shell 5000 VDC / 10S <5mA 电缆芯线到高压互锁 Cable(power) to HVIL 5000 VDC / 10S <5mA HVIL to shell 高压互锁到壳体 500VDC / 1S <5mA