Search Results for ms3456w10sl 3s connector
Amphenol Cables on Demand - Network, Storage and Computer Cables
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Amphenol Socapex
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SMA Panel Mount Jack 2-Hole Flange Solder RG-405 0.086-inch Conformable ...
RF Connector SMA Panel Mount Jack 2-Hole Flange Solder RG-405 0.086-inch Conformable Times Tflex 402 50 Ohm. Product Life Cycle. Product Life Cycle; Part Status: Active: Product Specifications. Body Finish: Gold: Body Material: Stainless Steel: Cable Type (Terminates to)
Ice Point Reference - KAYE
Ice Point Reference - KAYE
Temposonics Linear Position Sensors & Liquid Level Transmitters
Temposonics GmbH & Co. KG Announces a Safety Rated Flexible Position Sensor for Easy In-Field Serviceability. We are proud to launch the MH-Series FLEX Safety, a field serviceable and safety rated sensor capable of measuring linear position up to 10.5m.
Datasheet - SGX Sensortech
ResponseTime T90<3s SupplyVoltage(usingaregulatedpowersupply) 3-3.6V OutputSignal(usingaregulatedpowersupply) 0torailvoltage-0.1V Current 20-32mA (130for100msatstartup) PowerConsumption 100mWat3.3V OutputSignal(usinginternalregulator) 0-3.2V SupplyVoltage(usinginternalregulator) 3.6-10V
Amphenol Connectors | Cable Assemblies | Interconnects | Mobile, RF, Optics
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Thermometrics Combination Sensor -
Thermometrics Combination Sensor -
STEP 1. All parts of the connector are shown. STEP 2. Strip the inner conductor, dielectric, and jacket as per "RECOMMENDED CABLE STRIPPING DIM'S" in catalog. STEP 3. Solder inner conductor to the contact pin of MAIN BODY, and solder cable jacket to the MAIN BODY as shown. STEP 4. Press the COVER into the MAIN BODY until it is flat with the ...
Protimeter GrainMaster i2 Grain Moisture Meter
Protimeter GrainMaster i2 Grain Moisture Meter
Environmental, Social and Governance | Amphenol
Amphenol’s high-performance culture of entrepreneurial accountability is uniquely powerful in ensuring a sustainable future.By giving our local management around the world the authority to run their respective businesses, the entire Amphenol organization is empowered to truly “think globally, but act locally.”. View our Sustainability Report to learn about our approach and progress on ...
GOST | Gost Xtreme SS Mini Dome 1080P Camera -
GOST Gost Xtreme SS Mini Dome 1080P Camera. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
Transmission Line Product from Amphenol Antennas
Transmission Line Product from Amphenol Antennas
Industrial Process Control -
Industrial Process Control -
Amphenol Socapex - Connectors, military connectors, circular connectors ...
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MODELS 66203RPZ1 & 66213RPZ1 - PCB
MODELS 66203RPZ1 & . 66213RPZ1. MICRO-POWER . ICP ® EMBEDDABLE . ACCELEROMETERS . n. Extremely low power consumption (180 uW) n. 60 µA current draw for extended battery life
Thermometrics Single-Use Temperature Sensor -
Thermometrics Single-Use Temperature Sensor -
M12 DC Micro Cordsets Quick-Connex M12 DC Micro Extreme Duty Stainless ...
Cordsets M12 DC Micro Cordsets AC Micro Cordsets M Nano Cordsets Mini Cordsets 202 Valve Connection Cordsets Ethernet Cordsets Amphenol TPC ire Cable / SA 800-521-5 / Canada 800-55-0122 / Mexico 001-8-28-166 /ÄJH[PVUZZ\IQLJ[[VJOHUNL -VYJVTWSL[LZWLJPÄJH[PVUZHUKH]HPSHIPSP[` HZR`V\Y(;7*:HSLZ9LWYLZLU[H[P]LVYJHSS
CF-02EM9203 -
Indicates that DC Output is presents on the Output connector. Current Monitor (CRNT_MNTR) Output Current signal proportional (“mirror”) to the load current. Jared Sibrava | +1 (607) 643-1845 | 4 Environment Ambient Temperature
Amphenol Sensors Medical Applications
Amphenol Sensors Medical Applications