Search Results for ms7-12
Section 360-885-801 Equipment Issue 1 Second Printing, December 2006 ...
OPTIONING This unit comes from the factory with default provi-sioning, which can be changed through the Net-work Management software (NMS), SNMP Net-
PCB Piezotronics | Measure vibration, pressure, force, and more
Created Date: 12/2/2008 2:16:09 PM
sg3106e22-24s-sr | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
SR A D C B H G F E M L K J T S R N P U V A D C B E A D C B Service Rating I Number of Contacts 14 118 19 4 Contact Size 2016 12 Insert Arrangement 16-8 16-99 18-5 18-8 18-11 A D C B H G F E A M L K J H G F E D C B S T R P N Y Z X W V U A E DC B A H G F ED C B ... 24 34.925 42.875 38.100 2.007 14.935 38.100 1.575 8.738 36.805. www.amphenol ...
3657–00/04/14 2-Wire Foreign Exchange Subscriber (2W FXS) and 3657–02 ...
or an optional 3690–01/11, –02/12, or –03/13 Precision Balance Network Subassembly Prescription attenuation for the transmit and receive levels Front-panel-accessible bantam breaking- jacks for accessing the 2W port Built-in jacks (on 3657–02 only) to mount optional 3691–00 Nonloaded Cable Equalizer and/or
Quad Circuit (3638-80) and Dual Circuit (3638-81) ISDN Channel Unit
Supports 4 circuits of ISDN operation (12 DS0 time slots) Temperature hardened (−40 to +65 C) Complies with UL 1950, FCC part 68 and FCC part 15. 1.5 Indicators The Quad/Dual ISDN Channel Unit provides a variety of status information. The following is a list of status infor-mation available through the management interface.
Cord sets & C oNNeCtor AsseMBLIes / dIN tors Abrasion | Chemicals ...
T1C IRE CABLE C0R1 • S A 00 52 35 • CANADA 00 545 0 22 • E9IC 00 2 3 6 6 speci˜cations subject to change. For comlete speci˜cations and availability, ask our tPC sales representative or call 800-521-7935.
Amphenol PCD Shenzhen
Amphenol PCD Shenzhen
Telaire Ventilation Controls in Commercial Spaces
Telaire Ventilation Controls in Commercial Spaces
P1 P2 - Amphenol Sine
a1 - technical data sheet release 12-may-14 kmm rfc mating cycles: >500 temperature range: -40°c to 90°c protection: ip67 (mated condition) 4) rohs compliant 3) mechanical data: vibration resistance per mil-std-202 method 204 thermal shock per mil-std-202 method 207 48 hour salt spray per mil-std-202 method 101 5) ul 2237 listed assembly
Loads/terminations are matched to 50 ohms characteristic impedance. Matched loads provide a termination designed to absorb all the incident power with very little reflection.
D-SUBMINIATURE (D-SUB)ECONOMY RANGE CONNECTORS - Amphenol CS Disclaimer Please note that the above information is subect to change without notice. D-Subminiature (D-sub) Economy Range Connectors SHELL SIZE A±0.38 B±0.12 C±0.10 D±0.25 E±0.07 F G
SIZE TYPE B C- - Amphenol Sine
CA-5D12 Universal Hand Crimp Tool, Size 12/16/20 CA-5E12 Pneumatic Crimp Tool, Size 12/16/20 Contact Removal Tools (For both Machined or Stamped & Formed Contacts) Part Number Description ATRT-100 Contact and Wedgelock Extraction Tool AT11-310-1605 Contact Removal Tool, Plastic, Size 16
3633-80 12-Channel & 3633-81 6-Channel Data Service Unit— Data Port ...
3633-80 12-Channel & 3633-81 6-Channel Data Service Unit— Data Port Installation Guide GENERAL DESCRIPTION Document Purpose This document provides general, installation and testing information for the 12-Channel & 6-Chan-nel Data Service Unit—Data Port (DSU-DP). This document covers model numbers 3633-80 (12-channel) and 3633-81 (6-channel).
Created Date: 5/12/2006 9:11:48 AM
Models N7FS, N8FS, and N8HFS Matching networks operating guide
R22-22-J9B-5 N8FS R7-7M-J59-12 D60H R22-22-J9B-5 N8FS Cable is Integral to D125L D125L R22-22-J9B-5 N8HFS R4-4M-J9-10 F7-1 3.3.3 Connecting system and electrical wires The shaker base should be connected to a good earth ground. Make sure that the piezoelectric shaker’s redundant ground lead (if provided) is connected to the green banana jack ...
Jumper Cable -
VSWR ≤ 1.12 Insertion Loss (2.6 GHz) ≤ 0.193*L +0.2 dB Intermodulation (2x43dBm) ≤ -160 dBc Insulation Resistance ≥ 5000 MΩ Work Voltage (DC) 2000 V Power Rating (at 2.6 GHz) 500 W Impedance 50Ω Environmental Characteristics Temperature Range -40° C to +85° C (-40° F to +185° F) Weatherproofi ng Standard IP68 RoHS Compliant Yes
PRO-PHY 117-137-3 dB-... - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Hybrid Coupler with 3 dB coupling covering the 117 - 137 MHz band. Excellent high-power performance. If working as combiner max. input power 100 W per port into max. two ports of the four ports.
MILVA NGVA USBコードセットおよびジャンパ - アンフェノール・ソカペックス
Amphenol Socapexは、MILVA NGVA USBコードセットおよびジャンパを提供します。これらは工場でテスト済みで、MILVA NVGA規格に従ってすぐに取り付けられます。これらのコードセットは、NATOのGeneric Vehicle Architecture規格に準拠したオーバーモールドEthernetおよびUSBケーブルを特長としています。
Quad Circuit (3638-80) and Dual Circuit (3638-81) ISDN Channel Unit
Supports 4 circuits of ISDN operation (12 DS0 time slots) Temperature hardened (−40 to +65 C) Complies with UL 1950, FCC part 68 and FCC part 15. 1.5 Indicators The Quad/Dual ISDN Channel Unit provides a variety of status information. The following is a list of status infor-mation available through the management interface.