Search Results for mufa rj45 cat 6
AFK507-1-Jumper-Changzhou Amphenol Fuyang Communication Equipment
Contact us. Add: No.6,Fengqi Road,Wujin High-Tech District, Changzhou,Jiangsu Tel: +86-519-86520303
031-2221 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Search Results for 031-218 Amphenol AMPHENOL CORPORATION Amphenol Industrial Phone: 888-364-9011 191 Delaware Avenue Sidney, NY 13838-1395 Amphenol® 97 Series Connectors are UL recognized and CSA recognized. ... 031 Twisted Pair: 031 Twisted Pair: Mounting Thread: 1/4-28 Male: 1/4-28 Male * All specifications are at
ms3106 | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
ms3106 inmeta:gsaentity_divisions=amphenol%20australia | Amphenol ... Search Results for 62 in 16 inmeta:gsaentity_divisions=amphenol%20tuchel 62IN - Amphenol In Amphenol 62IN series connectors are general purpose, environment resistant , miniature circular connectors with three- ... 18-11 62 119 241 340 20-41 45 126 225 - 22-21 16 135 175 349
Module For crimped contacts Socket With peripheral sealing 1 contact #8 ...
Module For crimped contacts Socket With peripheral sealing 1 contact #8 Supplied with contacts Polarization A Serie3
Product Finder - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE Inc. 13330 South Ridge Drive • Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 • USA Phone: 704-504-0222 • Fax: 704-504-0223 • E-Mail: info (at)
2018-09-10 UAST Learning Activity_Amphenol Assembletech
For celebrating Teachers' Day, UAST designed a series of learning activities for UAST students, and prepared gifts for every inter trainer of AST.
Dipole Arrays S.M4-445-OM - AMPHENOL PROCOM
Model Product No. Frequency; 4-stack dipole phased array 420 - 470 MHz omni: S.M4-445-OM: 420 - 470 MHz: Add to quote
HCC 3,6 connector - Amphenol Automotive
Title: HCC 3,6 connector Author: jihen ben jrad Keywords: DAF046XWRGg,BADKZgW4ors Created Date: 11/27/2023 8:42:52 AM
C e r t i f i c a t e o f Re g i s t ra t i o n -
P r i n t e d c o p i e s c a n b e va l i d a t e d a t w w w. b s i - g l o b a l . c o m / C l i e n t D i re c t o r y o r t e l e p h o n e + 6 0 3 9 2 1 2 9 6 3 8 . Title Connor Manufacturing Services (JB) - TS 703682
696-960 / 696-960 / 1695-2180 / 1695-2180 MHz -
2C2WT070X06F0ys0 REV022417R 3 of 4 (2x) 696-960 MHz 35 30 25 20 15 10 5-90-120 -60-150 -30 180 0 150 120 90 60 30 35 30 25 200 15 10 35 30 25 20 15 10 5-90-120 -60-150 -30 180 0
1900ND09P1B00A - Amphenol Air LB
Connector 1900 Pin With grommet sealed 12 pin contacts #16 + 25 pin contacts #20 Fitted with pin polarizers With not mounted polarizers, without contact
Industrial | Markets - Amphenol
With 2:1 to 6:1 shrink ratios and a wide temperature range. Amphenol Industrial Operations Amphe-Lite This series, a commercial 38999 Series III type, ruggedized harsh environment, composite, tri-start ACME threaded coupling, signal connector. With over 60 insert arrangements ranging from 2 to 128 contacts per connector and up to 33 amps ...
RLKU114-50JFLA - 1-1/4" RADIAFL - RFS Technologies an Amphenol Company
RFS Technologies designs and manufactures premium-quality cable and antenna solutions for wireless, public safety, distributed antenna system (DAS) and other telecom markets in North America. As an Amphenol company, we’re part of a global powerhouse in high-technology, interconnect, sensor and antenna solutions that’s enabling the electronics revolution across almost every industry.
Amphenol Assembletech
M14、M15、M19 Cable. NMEA2000 (M12) Cable. Test Fixture
Dipolarrays S.M2-127 -
The S.M2 is an array of phased centre fed folded dipoles mounted on an aluminium mast for PMR / Trunked radio applications. Each folded dipole balun assembly and associated harness junction is completely encapsulated in poyurethane resin, totally preventing moisture ingress.
{"uri":"","id":"32760ca1-cee7-4b95-9a50-ac3700dccbf6","productNumber":"CIP100200100 ...
SIME0108PA -
Module for EN4165 / SIM connectors. EN4165 / SIM connector is modular, multifunctional and rectangular. It consists of shells and modules, which together create an integrated solu
00110462002 - Amphenol Air LB
RJ45 Ethernet modules (high speed) SIM plates; SIM - EN4165 series 3 connectors. SIM - EN4165 series 3 connectors (2&4 modules) - Plugs; SIM - EN4165 series 3 connectors (2&4 modules) - Receptacles; 1900SIM connectors. 1900SIM connectors - Plugs; 1900SIM connectors - Receptacles; ASR connectors.
FP2500CR1001 - Sheet1 - Amphenol Ardent Concepts
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.005 ardent concepts, inc. is prohibited. proprietary and confidential drawn checked eng appr. size b title: dwg. no. rev scale: 2:1 weight: sheet 1 of 1 revisions rev. description date approved fp2500cr1001 1 date bms
696-960 / 1695-2700 MHz - Amphenol Antenna Solutions
Connector Description The antenna has 8 connectors located at the bottom. Low Band R1 696-960 MHz (4x) 4.3-10 or 7/16-DIN Female Mid Band Y1 1695-2700 MHz (4x) 4.3-10 or 7/16-DIN Female Electrical Characteristics R1 Y1 Frequency Bands (MHz) 696-960 MHz 1695-2700 MHz