Search Results for mvdc distribution radial protection
350A Dual-Feed High-Current Panel -
This panel provides the flexibility for both primary and secondary distribution when a full 600A battery distribution frame or load center is not required. Users can configure the panel with bullet-style circuit breakers or TFD holders (TPS/ TLS fuses), with up to 125A per position capacity (TPS fuses are maximum 70A; TLS are maximum 125A).
FEP Fahrzeugelektrik Pirna GmbH -
Power distribution & Protection; Plug Connecters; Battery components & structure elements; Certificates. TÜV-Certificate ISO 9001; TÜV-Certificate ISO 14001; TÜV-Certificate ISO 45001; TÜV-Certificate ISO 50001; AEO-Certificate; TÜV-Certificate IATF 16949; Jobs & Career. Job opportunities; Vocational Training; Students; Internships; Contact
Model M102B06 High frequency ICP® pressure sensor, 500 psi, 10 ... - PCB
CA option, ablative coated models, further protection will not be necessary.) Although ICP® sensors have low-output impedance and in general are not affected by moisture, in extreme environments it is good practice to protect cable connections with shrink tubing. It is not necessary to use low-noise cable with this sensor series.
Model 102A08 High frequency ICP® pressure sensor, 50 psi, 100 mV ... - PCB
is designed with user safety in mind, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired if equipment is used in a manner not specified by this manual. Discontinue use and contact our 24-Hour Sensorline if: Assistance is needed to safely operate equipment Damage is visible or suspected Equipment fails or malfunctions
Model 137BPBO PLACEBO (137B) Installation and Operating Manual -
current-limiting diodes or other current protection. 4. Do not apply more than 20 mA of current to the sensor. Field repair of the piezoelectric element or amplifier of the Series 137B2XX is not practicable. Thus, should a sensor in this series require servicing, refer to the warranty sheet. CAUTIONARY NOTE: If sensors are left outside
Products - Amphenol
Power Distribution Our extensive range of high-power products, including high-power connectors and cable assemblies, busbars, and high-power contacts, meet many industry-specifications for industrial, hybrid and electric vehicles, solar, military, commercial aerospace and IT datacom systems. ...
Model M102B16 High frequency ICP® pressure sensor, 100 psi, 50 ... - PCB
CA option, ablative coated models, further protection will not be necessary.) Although ICP® sensors have low-output impedance and in general are not affected by moisture, in extreme environments it is good practice to protect cable connections with shrink tubing. It is not necessary to use low-noise cable with this sensor series.
KAYE - Thermal Validation System & Environmental Monitoring
Kaye products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for process measurement, thermal validation systems, and environmental monitoring.
Radsok - Amphenol Sine
RADSOK means Radial Socket. The RADSOK terminal is a patented high performance hyperboloid socket style electrical contact system for applications >30 amps.. Hyperboloid connectors offer superior performance compared to standard pin and socket connectors. In the RADSOK terminal, multiple contacting elements are hyperbolically ar-
PCB PIEZOTRONICS, INC. – FORCE/TORQ UE DIVISI 4 3425 Walden Avenue, Depew, New York 14043-2495 USA Toll Free: 888-684-0004 Fax: 716-684-8877 24-hour SensorLineSM: 716-684-0001 E-mail:
R-VPX VITA 46 Connector System | Products | Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol’s R-VPX VITA 46 Connector System is a ruggedized, high-speed, board-to-board interconnect system capable of data rate speeds of more than 10 Gb/s, meeting and exceeding VITA 46 standards.
High-Quality Marine Speed and Temperature Sensors - AIRMAR
Enhance your marine adventures with our speed and temperature sensors at Airmar. Explore our catalog of high-quality speed and temperature sensors designed to provide accurate readings for optimal performance on the water. From speed through water sensors to temperature probes, our products ensure precise measurements and reliable data for navigation, fishing, and more.
Connectors | Products - Amphenol
Amphenol has been designing and manufacturing electrical and electronic connectors since the company’s inception in 1932. For nearly a century, we’ve been helping customers transmit power, data and signal in the harshest environments, from subsea applications to the outer reaches of space and everywhere in between.
TFOCA Connectors | Tactical Fiber Optic Cable Assembly
TFOCA (Tactical Fiber Optic Cable Assembly) Connector is a hermaphroditic design use for deployable communications systems
Model W113B32/003C05 High frequency Invar ICP® pressure probe ... - PCB
CA option, ablative coated models, further protection will not be necessary.) Although ICP® sensors have low-output impedance and in general are not affected by moisture, in extreme environments it is good practice to protect cable connections with shrink tubing. It is not necessary to use low-noise cable with this sensor series.
High Power 38999 Connectors with High Current Contacts
The Amphenol Tri-Power connector series incorporates your choice of RadSok contacts, Temper-Grip High Current contacts, or standard high power contacts. Paired with the proven performance of the MIL-DTL-38999 connector series, the Tri-Power series offers a variety of tooled arrangements specifically designed to carry high current (70 to 250 amps per contact, 240 to 1000 amps per connector).
D38999 Series III PCB Connectors - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol D38999 Series III PCB Connectors offer PC Tail contacts and multiple standard PCB sickout options to streamline cable-to-board wiring applications.
time and enables mechanical protection and shielding • • Same accessories as 1-1/4" coaxial cable • Outer conductor grounding – Utilizes same grounding methods as coaxial cable • Lightweight solution and compact design – Decreases tower loading • Robust cabling – Eliminates need for expensive cable trays and ducts
Amphenol Socapex - Connectors, military connectors, circular connectors ...
Rugged solutions tailored to military requirements. Amphenol Socapex's military products are used by a wide range of customers, including defense contractors, military prime contractors, and government agencies.
S I G N AT U R E S P ur s ua nt t o t he r e qui r e m e nt s of t he S e c ur i t i e s E xc ha nge A c t of 1934, t he r e gi s t r a nt ha s dul y c a us e d t hi s r e por t t o be s i gne d on i t s be ha l f by t he dul y a ut hor i z e d