Search Results for nand flash pe cycle vt
1 3 1 2 3 1 rt061823pnh03ss connector 23 mp16m23f contact, pin, size 16 2 illustration: complete kit 1 rt0l-18cg-ns1 cord grip assembled view 01 - release new dwg format - - materials list
NTS Labs, LLC MIL-STD-461G Test Report for the Ethernet Switch Box
Test Report TR-PR167248, Revision 0 Page 6 of 39 Unclassified Defense Technical Data *** Refer to restrictions on first page *** 1.3 Definitions Above Deck is an area on ships which is not considered to be “below deck” as defined herein. Below Deck is an area on ships which is surrounded by a metallic structure, or an area which provides sig- ...
2.2 25.0 41.5 REF - Amphenol Sine
MP24W23F MS24W23F 26-24 0.13-0.25 Gold Flash SP24W2F SS24W2F 26-24 0.14-0.25 Gold Flash MP24W23G5 MS24W23G5 26-24 0.13-0.25 Gold 5µ” SP24W2G5 SS24W2G5 26-24 0.14-0.25 Gold 5µ” MP24W23G10 MS24W23G10 26-24 0.13-0.25 Gold 10µ” SP24W2G10 SS24W2G10 26-24 0.14-0.25 Gold 10µ”
Design and Construction of the VPX Connector - Amphenol Aerospace
Thermal Cycle with Humidity Random Vibration HALT Vibration at Temperature Salt Fog W/ SO2 Group F R-VPX/R-VPX Group D R-VPX/R-VPX Group E R-VPX/R-VPX Group G R-VPX/R-VPX Group C R-VPX/R-VPX * Intermateability testing completed in subgroups A1, A2, & B VITA 46 Testing, Table 2
1 3 1 2 3 1 rt06128pnh connector 8 mp16m23f contact, pin, size 16 2 housing body coupling nut 11/16-24 unef thread notes: 3) recommended crimp tools: hand crimper: mfx-3959
ecomate® RM/RSSM/Aquarius™ - Contact Size 16 Options Amphenol Sine Systems 44724 Morley Drive, Clinton Township, MI 48036 USA 09/2021 Machined, Crimp Contacts Part Number Contact Size (AWG) Wire Range (mm²) Plating Male Female
MP14M23F MS14M23F 14 2.0-2.5 Gold Flash SP14M2F SS14M2F 14 2.0-2.5 Gold Flash MP14M23G5 MS14M23G5 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 5µ” SP14M2G5 SS14M2G5 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 5µ” MP14M23G10 MS14M23G10 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 10µ” SP14M2G10 SS14M2G10 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 10µ”
revzone revisions eco description datebychkappr a1 - - technical data sheet release 14-july-2017 - wiring diagram p1 p2 1 2 3 p2 ro 4 5 face view blue (16awg)
3j ri 2sv $ /d &duwh //& zzz rsvdodfduwh frp 5holdelolw\ 3uhglfwlrq 5hsruw iru wkh &) &) 8qlw
AMPHENOL CORPORATION Amphenol Industrial Operations 191 Delaware Avenue Sidney, NY 13838-1395 Telephone: 888-364-9011 Fax: 520-397-7169
C-AT04-6P-EP14 REV A2 - Amphenol Sine
Title: G:\Engineering\acad\Users working folder\Jim Head\AT Series Issues\AT Bussed Series\Bussed AT Series\Bussing option drawings - China Final\Bussing option drawings\2D customer drawing\Rev A2 Drawings\C-AT04-6P-EP14_REV_A2.dwg
TYPE B - amphenolsinecom
MP14M23F MS14M23F 14 2.0-2.5 Gold Flash SP14M2F SS14M2F 14 2.0-2.5 Gold Flash MP14M23G5 MS14M23G5 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 5µ” SP14M2G5 SS14M2G5 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 5µ” MP14M23G10 MS14M23G10 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 10µ” SP14M2G10 SS14M2G10 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 10µ”
MP14M23F MS14M23F 14 2.0-2.5 Gold Flash SP14M2F SS14M2F 14 2.0-2.5 Gold Flash MP14M23G5 MS14M23G5 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 5µ” SP14M2G5 SS14M2G5 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 5µ” MP14M23G10 MS14M23G10 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 10µ” SP14M2G10 SS14M2G10 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 10µ”
DESCRIPTION A m p h e n o l
MP14M23F MS14M23F 14 2.0-2.5 Gold Flash SP14M2F SS14M2F 14 2.0-2.5 Gold Flash MP14M23G5 MS14M23G5 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 5µ” SP14M2G5 SS14M2G5 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 5µ” MP14M23G10 MS14M23G10 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 10µ” SP14M2G10 SS14M2G10 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 10µ”
C-RT06164PxHECx REV B2-Model) - Amphenol Sine
MP10A23F MS10A23F 12-10 3.0 - 6.0 Yes Gold Flash MP10A23G5 MS10A23G5 12-10 3.0 - 6.0 Yes Gold 5µ" MP10S23G10 MS10A23G10 12-10 3.0 - 6.0 Yes Gold 10µ" MP10A23G15 MS10A23G15 12-10 3.0 - 6.0 Yes Gold 15µ" MS10A23G30 MS10A23G30 12-10 3.0 - 6.0 Yes Gold 30µ" Tooling, Machined Part Number Description QXRT08 Contact Extraction Tool, # 8 (Ø 3.6mm ...
of: sh: rev: dwg no: title: rev description date revisions eco by appr 1 1 b1 rt0w71210p*h* eco-mate,receptacle,jam nut, size 12,10pos,pin. b1 - released drawing july-04-2014 ben see part number
Design and Construction of the VPX Connector - Amphenol Socapex
Thermal Cycle with Humidity Random Vibration HALT Vibration at Temperature Salt Fog W/ SO2 Group F R-VPX/R-VPX Group D R-VPX/R-VPX Group E R-VPX/R-VPX Group G R-VPX/R-VPX Group C R-VPX/R-VPX * Intermateability testing completed in subgroups A1, A2, & B VITA 46 Testing, Table 2
6U VPX 25G 144-Channel Rugged Ethernet Switch - Amphenol Aerospace
Amphenol newest development 6U 144 channel 25Gbps VPX conduction and air-cooled Ethernet Switch is configurable for system connectivity, speeds, port types, and interoperation of various media converters and connectors for system interfacing.
of: sh: rev: dwg no: title: rev description date revisions eco by appr 1 1 b1 rt001823p*h eco-mate,receptacle,size 18,23pos, pin. b1 - released drawing jun-23-2014 ben see part number chart
B B2 - Amphenol Sine
MP14M23F MS14M23F 14 2.0-2.5 Gold Flash SP14M2F SS14M2F 14 2.0-2.5 Gold Flash MP14M23G5 MS14M23G5 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 5µ” SP14M2G5 SS14M2G5 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 5µ” MP14M23G10 MS14M23G10 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 10µ” SP14M2G10 SS14M2G10 14 2.0-2.5 Gold 10µ”