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Amphenol Network Solutions > Protect fiber cable on your overhead ...
The WaveTrax Drop Attachment cover protects your fiber cables when transitioning from a horizontal fiber cable run to a vertical application. The snap-together WaveTrax raceway system from Amphenol Telect reduces time spent on installations and retrofits.
Model 9100-PPA05 | PCB Piezotronics
Adaptor kit for mounting 11mm proximity probes with 1/2", 5/8", 14mm and 16mm case thread diameters. Includes probe bar & probe holders. For use with 9100-PPA01 or 9100-MPPA01 proximity probe mounting kit. Specification Notes. English: SI: * All specifications are at room temperature unless otherwise specified.
OCuLink connectors | PCIe/SAS Interface| I/O Connectors - Amphenol
G14 Series OCuLink connectors are internal and external Small Form Factor PCIe connectors and cables optimized for the client and mobile market segments, while suitable for various datacom, consumer and industrial applications.
Green Initiatives | Amphenol Network Solutions
Corporate Citizenship . Throughout Amphenol, sustainable business practices form the core of how we conduct our operations. From broad-ranging programs to reduce power and water usage at Amphenol Network Solutions facilities to the hands-on community involvement of individual employees, every effort reflects our emphasis on positive, sustainable corporate citizenship.
Amphenol Network Solutions > Products > Fiber > CASCADE PANEL PATCH PLATES
Cascade Panel patch plate, 12 Port MPO Fiber. Amphenol Network Solutions's fiber equipment spans the requirements of the passive optical network, with solutions ranging from 12 to 7,000 ports.
Pedestal/Vault Combo
even an additional splice case. The vaults come with a split cover with an opening to mount the pedestal and run fiber on one half and easy access to the below grade storage area on the other half. There are two sizes available: 17x30x18 inches or 24x36x24 inches. The pedestals come with a mounting stake that includes a C-strand bracket
Power Strips - Amphenol Broadband Solutions
In case of overload, the unit is equipped with a circuit breaker designed to safely shut off all 6 power outlets. To clear the condition, simply eliminate the overload and then reset by pressing the red circuit breaker / on-off button. The 6-outlet power strip has built-in screw head slot(s) for convenient installation under shelf, cabinet, or ...
Amphenol Network Solutions > Products > Fiber > Advanced Optical ...
The Amphenol Network Solutions MPO AOMs (Advanced Optical Modules) can increase fiber density and decrease your footprint. With single-mode (G.657.A BIF) or multimode (OM3 or OM4) versions available, these modules enable network planners migrate to 40/100/400/800G. The modules have a 12-fiber MPO input on the rear, terminated internally and routed to the LC duplex on the front.
Amphenol Network Solutions > Products | Amphenol Network Solutions ...
Central Office and Headend Solutions 1RU 125A DUAL-FEED GMT FUSE PANEL. 1RU 250A DUAL-FEED, 8/8 TPA FUSE PANEL
Next Generation Space Interconnect Standard (NGSIS) – A Modular Open ...
Basic SpaceVPX Payload Use Case. Backplane Physical Topologies. SpaceVPX backplane profiles include Data Plane configurations using both Star and Mesh topologies. Other Data Plane topologies are possible. A Star topology connects Payload Slots through centralized Switch Slots. The SpaceVPX Control Plane always uses the Star topology while the ...
Amphenol Network Solutions > Products | Amphenol Network Solutions ...
22425 East Appleway Ave #11 Liberty Lake, WA 99019 Phone: 509.926.6000 Email:
Amphenol Network Solutions > Products | Amphenol Network Solutions ...
HyperX from Amphenol Network Solutions provides a long-term solution for managing your growing fiber density. Unlike standard rack panels, HyperX are modular and agile, designed specifically for rapidly changing, fiber-dense environments today.
Nautic Alert | Accessories -
Nautic Alert Accessories. Support. Cables & Adapters. Mix and Match Cables 1kW; Mix and Match Cables 600W
Laminated Busbar calcs - Amphenol Interconnect Product Corp
Case Studies; Products. Busbars; Power Cable Assemblies; Power Connectors; Cable Assemblies; Markets. Datacenter Infrastructure; IT/Servers; Industrial; Military/Aerospace; Electric Vehicles; About. Careers; Contact; Enter the information below to calculate the ampacity for the selected wire gauge and given conditions. 1. DC Current Input Data
Why Do You Need A Temporary Power Source? - TPC Wire
Diminished or lack of artificial illumination may impact personal safety. Without sufficient lighting, you may not be able to properly perform product safety related tasks such as food preparation, food handling, cleaning equipment/utensils and cleaning the premises in a food and beverage plant.; Artificial light may be available if you are using a generator or other lighting source such as ...
Amphenol Network Solutions > Product
White Papers and Case Studies; Our Products. Fiber Distribution. LiNC - Rapid-Deployment Panel; C2X - Medium Density; C2E - High Density; LCX - Standard Density; Pre-Terminated Fiber Panels; InfinX Splice; HyperX - ODF; Advanced Optical Modules; Power Distribution. Fuses and Breakers; Standard Power; nrgSMART; nrgSMART™ Firmware; Accessories ...
Cable Management | ANS -
Cable management is critical to your network success. Amphenol Network Solutions brings you the latest in innovation to keep your optical performance at its best. Our revolutionary FlexTrax, WaveTrax, and Cablelinks systems offer you the customizable solution you need.
Amphenol Network Solutions provides a full product offering of LGX ® cassettes in the growing line of DWDM passive products.. The LGX style cassettes are compatible with LGX shelf mounting and are available in standard (7") depths as well as a mini (3") depth which enables back-to-back mounting options.
LabMaster Portable Data Recorder | PCB Piezotronics
Durable hard shell case enclosure; Includes LabMaster for Windows® fastener testing software for PC interfaced via USB port; Accepts inputs for torque angle transducers and load cells; Applications: Torque-Tension Testing; Bolted Joint Analysis; Fastener Coatings, Lubrication, Finish and Plating Evaluation;
NovaSensor NPI-19 Digital I2C Pressure Sensor -
NovaSensor NPI-19 Digital I2C Pressure Sensor -