Search Results for norme c5 100
LevelLimit Transmitters - Temposonics
The Level Plus LevelLimit liquid level transmitter satisfies the demand for an accurate and robust liquid level transmitter with integral HI level overfill protection. The level transmitter offers the ability to measure the product level, interface level, temperature, and volume.
Protocol Manual MH-Series with CANopen Safety -
CANopen protocol uses Emergency Objects to inform that the sensor has entered a state of error, or that a state of error has ended. Any Error state will also be visible in the SRDO through Status byte and the position data being set to zero.
EU-Declaration of Conformity EU-Konformitätserklärung Déclaration UE de ...
Le contenu technique de ces normes a été vérifié par rapport aux éditions les plus récentes. Elles continuent de satisfaire aux exigences de la directive concernant le règlement sur la santé et la sécurité au travail.
Instruction Manual Amphenol - PROTIMETER
Conductive material such as salts, carbon and metal can give false positive readings. The Protimeter TimberMaster is a conductivity moisture meter designed for use in wood. Moisture measurements can be taken using the integral pin electrodes.
NTC Type C100 Thermometrics Epoxy-Coated Chip Thermistor
NTC Type C100 Thermometrics Epoxy-Coated Chip Thermistor. Epoxy-coated chip thermistors with 0.012 in (0.3 mm) bare tinned-copper lead-wires. Select appropriate part number below for resistance and temperature tolerance desired. 2014 Amphenol Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
all sensors
I2C 100 to 400 kHz SPI 50 to 800 kHz. Reflow Temperature & Time . 15s max at 250 °C. Temperature Ranges. Operating-40°C to 85°C [-40°F to 185°F] Compensated 0°C to 50°C [32°F to 122°F] Storage -40°C to 85°C [-40°F to 185°F] Humidity Limits (non condensing) 0 to 95% RH. Media. non-corrosive gases. Pressure Ranges. Device Pressure ...
n382520075c | Amphenol Global Search | Amphenol
Subminiature ICP® pressure sensor, 100 psi, 50 mV/psi, 0.099" dia. diaphragm, 10-32 mtg thd. Measurement Range: 100 psi (690 kPa)
Understanding Safety Integrity Levels - PCB
Understanding Safety Integrity Levels (SIL) Article by: Meredith Christman, Product Marketing Manager, IMI division of PCB Piezotronics Carrie Termin, Regulatory Affairs and Product Certification Specialist, PCB Piezotronics Electrical, electronic and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) systems have played an integral part in the operation of
Data Sheet R-Series V RH5 PROFINET (Document part number: 551962)
PROFINET IRT offers a synchronized communica-tion with a minimum cycle time of 250 μs. The sensor supports linear extrapolation. This enables synchronized controller communication at a cycle time of 250 μs for any stroke length of the sensor.
integrated noise-cancellation electronics. Simply plug compatible headphones into the SmartJack and it will do all the hard work. Easy installation and maintenance. Multiple ARINC compatibility in a single jack for flexibility of use with legacy aircraft headphones.
378A04 dBA(5.5 dBA g 378A04) P/EZOTRON/C5 - PCB
100.0 Free field response as tested in an anechoic chamber. Dotted curve shows ical low fre uen re nse. 1000.0 Frequency (Hz) 10000.0 20000.0 1/2" 378A04 2 dB 079A06 - ... P/EZOTRON/C5 A PCB GROUP COMPANY 'Ell: AS9100 CERTIFIED ISO 9001 CERTIFIED ©2016 PCB Group, Inc. In the interest of constant product improvement, specifications
NovaSensor NPC-100 and NPC-120 Disposable Medical Pressure Sensors
The NovaSensor NPC-100 and NPC-120 Series pressure sensor are specifically designed for use in disposable medical applications. The devices are compensated and calibrated per the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) guidelines for industry acceptability.
Revision “A” - Amphenol Aerospace
1.1.1 This specification covers the performance, test, and quality requirements for the XCede HD2 backplane interconnect system. These connectors are two-piece devices that connect two printed circuit boards. Receptacle connectors and pin connectors are through-hole devices with eye-of-the-needle compliant pin contacts.
Certificate of Approval - Amphenol CS
a été approuvé par la société LRQA selon les normes suivantes : ISO 14001:2015 Numéro(s) d 'approbation : ISO 14001 – 0043351 Le Système de Management concerne : Conception et fabrication de connecteurs et systèmes de connexion. Created Date:
EU Declaration of Conformity | EU Konformitätserklärung | Déclaration ...
Temposonics GmbH & Co. KG, Auf dem Schüffel 9, DE-58513 Lüdenscheid · Tel. +49-2351-9587-0 · Fax +49-2351-56491 ∙ · Amtsgericht Iserlohn HRA 3314 · Persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Temposonics und Verwaltungs GmbH, Amtsgericht Iserlohn HRB 4044 · Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing.
Data sheet -
Circular Connectors C 16-3 Male cable connector Straight, No. of contacts 12 + 3 + PE, 100 V, 16 A View represents all available contact positions. Part No. C016 10H015 002 1 Series Circular Connectors C 16-3 Subseries Circular Connector C 16-3 COMMON CHARACTERISTICS No. of contacts 12 + 3 + PE Version Straight Cable diameter 8-10
The Next Generation Auto Standard - Amphenol CS
Amphenol ICC’s Minitek MicroSpace ™ Crimp-to-Wire connector platform's unique design enables LV214 Severity-2 and performs at 1.8, 1.5 and 1.27mm pitch. It has many advantages over its USCAR certified counterparts. The Minitek MicroSpace ™ has an operating temperature of 130̊ C which makes it suitable to be even used inside an engine.
Operation Manual R-Series V EtherCAT 552059 -
Temposonics® R-Series V EtherCAT® Operation anual I 6 I 3. Identification a Sensor model R P 5 Profi le b Design G Magnet slider backlash free (part no. 253 421), suitable for internal linearization L Block magnet L (part no. 403 448) M U-magnet OD33 (part no. 251 416-2), suitable for internal linearization
NMEA/Smart Transducers -
With its advanced NMEA 2000 connectivity, you can easily integrate it with your existing onboard systems, such as your chartplotter, GPS, and other instruments. Plus, with its built-in smart technology, you can remotely monitor and adjust your transducer settings using your smartphone or tablet.
Datenblatt R-Serie V RM5 EtherNet/IP -
Der Sensor RM5 ist die Ausführung des Stabsensors RH5 im Schutzgehäuse (Super Shield Housing). Die wesentlichen Vorteile des RM5 sind: Das Gehäuse aus hochwertigem Edelstahl bietet eine sehr gute Korrosionsbeständigkeit. So können Sie die R-Serie V auch in aggressiver Umgebung einsetzen.