Search Results for npc-1220-100-d-3-n
d. Duration - perform 10 cycles in mated condition. 8.7 Vibration (Random) – EIA-364-28 a. Test Condition – Random profile: 5 Hz @ 0.01 g2/Hz to 20 Hz @ 0.02 g2/Hz (slope up) 20 Hz to 500 Hz @ 0.02 g2/Hz (flat) Input acceleration is 3.13 g RMS 10 minutes per axis for all 3 axes on all samples Random control limit tolerance is ± 3 dB b.
Overview. Amphenol Network Solutions 100A dual-feed 10/10-position GMT fuse panel features universal ± 24/-48 operating voltage to fit in legacy and “next-gen” network applications, with advanced features engineered into a standard 2RU footprint.
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High Density Interconnects - Amphenol-Air LB
D 64 155 234 304 E 91 131 197 240 11, 13, and 15 N 95 141 208 236 A 113 156 182 292 B 90 145 195 252 C 53 156 220 255 D 119 146 176 298 E 51 141 184 242 17 and 19 N 80 142 196 293 A 135 170 200 310 B 49 169 200 244 C 66 140 200 257 D 62 145 180 280 E 79 153 197 272 21, 23, and 25 N 80 142 196 293 A 135 170 200 310 B 49 169 200 244 C 66 140 200 ...
See section 7.3 for details on connector removal between insertions. The following details shall apply: a. Average force to insert one EON: 12 N maximum b. Number of connector assemblies to be tested: 9 (3 boards, 3 connectors each) c. Number of readings: 1 per connector assembly tested. d.
Board-Level Connectors | Products - Amphenol
3.0MM HIGH CURRENT SOLUTION WITH CURRENT RATING UP TO 12A FCI Basics Minitek® Pwr 3.0 High Current Connector (HCC) is designed for high-current, and power-dense applications with a current rating of up to 12A per contact and wire gauge range from 20AWG-16AWG. These are used for both wire-to-wire and wire-to-board applications.
Form E-3701 – Revision D GS-01-029 1.0 Objective This specification defines the performance, test, quality and reliability requirements of Serial Attached SCSI - 3 host and device series products. 2.0 Scope This specification is applicable to the termination characteristics of the SAS-3(up to 12Gb/s) family of
True peak acceleration loop powered sensors - Wilcoxon Sensing Technologies
± 3 dB 10 Hz - 1.0 kHz 4.0 Hz - 2.0 kHz Repeatability ± 2% Transverse sensitivity, max 5% Power requirements (2-wire loop power): Voltage at sensor terminals 12 - 30 VDC Loop resistance1 at 24 VDC, max 700 Ω Turn on time, 4-20 mA loop < 30 seconds Grounding case isolated, internally shielded Temperature range –40° to +85° C Vibration ...
Power Backplane Connectors | BTB Power Connectors - Amphenol CS
Amphenol high power backplane connectors support high speed applications. Our board-to-board backplane connectors are available in right angle, orthogonal and coplanar configurations.
1.0 Objective 3.0 Ratings - Amphenol CS
d. Reference - EIA 364-70, method 1. Table 1a: Rated current table (amperes), Note: Connectors are applied to test boards with 10 layers X 2 ounce copper power planes Type Pitch (mm) Single Contact 4 adjacent Contacts 8 adjacent Contacts 10 adjacent Contacts High Power C 7.00 85 N/A N/A N/A High Power C 5.00 85 75 63 58 Low Power C 3.50 51 45 38 35
PCD100-265-B-N-0 Process display panel meter
Features. NEMA 4X / IP65 front panel display, 4 digits; 4-20mA, ±10V, thermocouple and RTD field-selectable inputs; 85-265 VAC power; Programmable via front panel or remotely with included PC-based software
Industrial Power Supplies - Lutze Inc.
LUTZE provides reliable industrial power supplies through innovative design and engineering with 1-, 2- and 3-phase units. Both COMPACT and DELTA series offer DIN rail mountable power supplies suitable for a wide variety of different industrial applications. LUTZE power supplies are developed with technical innovations in mind.
Model 111A21 General purpose ICP® pressure probe, 100 psi, 50 mV ... - PCB
General purpose ICP® pressure probe, 100 psi, 50 mV/psi, 0.218" dia. diaphragm, accel. comp. Installation and Operating Manual For assistance with the operation of this product, contact the PCB Piezotronics, Inc. Toll-free: 716-684-0001 24-hour SensorLine: 716-684-0001 Fax: 716-684-0987 E-mail:
A D D I T I O N A L C O N F I G U R A T I O N S A V A I L A B L E - P L E A S E C O N S U L T F A C T O R Y CABLE CONNECTOR GUIDE FAKRA CONNECTOR SERIES Part Number Cable Type Assembly Procedure Contact Tooling Specification Notes 3FA1ENXRJ-C01-3 RG-174 349-50785 N/A 3FA1ENXRJ-C04-3 RG-58 349-50785 N/A 3FA1ENXRJ-C65-3 RG-59 349-50785 N/A
GS-12-220 rev J - Amphenol CS
18mm 50 N (11.25 lbs) 13.5 N (3.0 lbs) 2x2 / 1x2 Module (12mm width) - (3 test board sets, 5 mated modules per board) 2x3 Module (18mm width) - (3 test board sets, 3 mated modules per board) Reference EIA 364-13. The following details shall apply: a) Cross head speed: 1 inch per minute b) Lubrication: None ...
NMNMI12P-120FFP - ClearFill®Line Factory-Fit Jumper Assembly for In ...
≤ 1.100 (26.4) @ 2300 - 2500 MHz ≤ 1.220 (20) @ 4400 - 5900 MHz PRODUCT DATASHEET NMNMI12P-120FFP ClearFill®Line Factory-Fit Jumper Assembly for In-Building Application, NM/NM, 1/2" ClearFill®Line Plenum-Rated Air Dielectric, 12 ft NMNMI12P-120FFP REV : D REV DATE : 21 Dec 2015
00113080202 - Amphenol Air LB
00113080202 Module 1130 With inserted resistances ASNE 0593 RC31 U120 UJ for contacts #20
Amphenol Network Solutions > Products > Power > DC Power Distribution ...
Overview. The panel’s configurable design is ideal for remote locations requiring comprehensive power management capabilities on one panel. Users can configure the panel with up to 100A breakers, and deploy a high-powered panel (up to 400A total) in just 3 rack units of space.