Search Results for npc-1220-100-d-3-n
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| Amphenol Socapex
Découvrez notre câble HDMI 2.0 AOC : la connectivité longue distance sans compromis
2Mシリーズ 超小型・超軽量・超高密度 耐環境丸型コネクタ
d flat c dia. ± .003 0.08 b bsc a dia. e thread b flat master keyway a dia. c thread d dia..060 1.52 1.010 25.65 max.420 10.67max.150 3.81 max c thread 1.005 25.53 max.060 1.52.415 10.54max.150 3.81 max red band indicates full mate when covered red band indicates full mate when covered a dia. b flat c threads d dia. e threads in. mm. in. mm ...
螺栓端子 - 定制 - 电子 - Amphenol-gec
3芯. 180度水平安装铜排端子; 螺栓端子; 圆管端子; 400安培. 1芯. 180度水平安装铜排端子; 90度垂直安装铜排端子; 500安培. 1芯. 180度水平安装铜排端子; 螺栓端子; 圆管端子; 90度垂直安装铜排端子; 插头. 120安培. 1芯. 注塑式直头插头; 注塑式弯头插头; 2芯. 组装式直头 ...
Videos 3 December 2021. Specifying Hermetics Series Episode #7. Page 1 of 2 1 2 ...
Kaye Validator AVS
O Validador Kaye AVS (Sistema Avançado de Validação) combina medições precisas do sensor com todos os requisitos de BPF para calibração e rastreabilidade para padrões nacionais, gerando relatórios compatíveis e gerenciando os ativos validados e o equipamento de validação. O Validador AVS oferece recursos aprimorados de hardware, um conceito de manejo de dados fácil de usar e uma ...
C:UsersjbloodDesktopPBLite Rework drawingsC-P29043-A1 - Amphenol Sine
$ 7(&+1,&$/ '$7$ 6+((7 5(/($6( 0$< .00 5)& 0$7(5,$/6 /,67 6,=(352&(66 63(&,),&$7,216 0$7(5,$/ 63(&,),&$7,216 81/(66 27+(5:,6( 63(&,),(' 3/ '(& $oo glphqvlrqv duh lq ...
Kaye Validator AVS
Le système de validation AVS (Advanced Validation System) de Kaye combine des mesures de capteurs précises avec toutes les exigences GMP pour l'étalonnage et la traçabilité aux normes nationales. Il permet de générer des rapports conformes et gérer les actifs validés ainsi que les équipements de validation. Le validateur AVS offre des fonctionnalités matérielles améliorées, un ...
安费诺(常州)电子有限公司 -
3芯. 180度水平安装铜排端子; 螺栓端子; 圆管端子; 400安培. 1芯. 180度水平安装铜排端子; 90度垂直安装铜排端子; 500安培. 1芯. 180度水平安装铜排端子; 螺栓端子; 圆管端子; 90度垂直安装铜排端子; 插头. 120安培. 1芯. 注塑式直头插头; 注塑式弯头插头; 2芯. 组装式直头 ...
FAQ | Amphenol Socapex
Seite 3; Seite 4; Seite 5; Seite 6; Seite 7; Seite 8; Seite 9... Letzte Seite 26; Nächste Seite '' Kontakt +33 4 50 89 28 00. 948 Promenade de l'Arve - BP 29 74311 THYEZ Frankreich. Unterstützung in der Fußzeile. Unterstützung. FAQ; Technische Unterstützung; Formular zur Einstufung der Ausfuhrkontrolle;
3. Prices, Payment Conditions 3.1 Payment terms are net 30 days from the date of invoice. 3.2 Prices do not include the costs of crating, carriage and insurance, any import or export duties (customs) or value added tax in the statutory amount on the date the invoice is issued “ex works”, (Inco terms 1990). Any
Kaye Validatör AVS
Kaye Validator AVS (Gelişmiş Validasyon Sistemi), kalibrasyon ve izlenebilirlik için GMP gereksinimlerine uygun hassas ölçümleri sağlarken uygun raporlama ile valide edilen varlıkları ve validasyon ekipmanlarını yönetir. Validator AVS gelişmiş donanım özellikleri, kullanımı kolay veri işleme konseptiyle kullanıcı dostu bir yazılım arayüzü sunar.
DiagnosticGrade™ Machined Contacts, Sockets & Pins - Amphenol Sine
Machined Contacts, Sockets & Pins Part Number Description Size AWG Type *AT60-204-12141-10 Male Contact - Pin, Nickel-plated 12 10-12 Machined *AT62-203-12141-10 Female Contact - Socket, Nickel-plated 12 10-12 Machined AT60-220-1231 Male Contact - Pin, Gold-plated 12 12-14 Machined AT62-210-1231 Female Contact - Socket, Gold-plated 12 12-14 Machined
Technische Daten HIGHLED -
Betriebs-/Lagertemperatur - 40 °C bis +100 °C / - 40 °C bis +100 °C Lebensdauer bis zu 100.000 Stunden (je nach Temperatur, und Stromstärke) Schnittstellen - übergeordneter Datenbus: VDV300 (IBIS), Ethernet, RS232, (optional CAN) - untergeordneter Datenbus: LAWO-MONO,. RS485/422 Software TED®plus
Enviroterm Sdn. Bhd. -
Kaye products are designed to meet the most demanding requirements for process measurement, thermal validation systems, and environmental monitoring.
Contact -
A propos de Kaye. Kaye et Amphenol; Kaye History; Environnement, Santé et Sécurité; Qualité; Termes et conditions; News. Press Releases; News Posts
R-VPX Evolution 2.0 VITA 46.30 Connectors | VITA 62 VPX Solutions ...
Open.Tech offers a full line of VITA 67.1, 67.2, 67.3, NanoRF and hybrid RF/Fiber 66.5 backplane modules, plug-in modules and contacts that are designed for side-by-side implementation with VITA 46 hardware. Open.Tech VITA interconnects are the latest addition to the VPX platform and are available in high-density SMPM and SMPS series.
TITLE: DWG NO - Amphenol Sine
A Series™ - Contact Size 16 Options (Works with: AT, ATV, AHD-9, ARC, DuraMate and PanelMate Series) Amphenol Sine Systems 44724 Morley Drive, Clinton Township, MI 48036 USA 10-2023 Machined Contacts, Sockets & Pins Part Number DescriptionSize AWG Type